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2003 - 2004
Undergraduate Catalog |
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African & Asian Languages & Literatures Majors A major consists of a concentration of course work in a specific department or program. The number of credit hours required for a major will vary from department to department, but in no case may the number of hours be fewer than 24 hours nor more than 40 hours. A student must have a C or better in all courses required for the major. Major requirements may not be taken S-U unless authorized by the major. Work in the major taken in the freshman or sophomore years or transferred to the university from another institution is included when evaluating the student’s record. However, all transfer credit in the major must be approved by the department. Interdisciplinary Studies Majors Honors students who declare IDS as a major in Terms 1-3 should contact the Honors Program Office, 140 Tigert, 392-1519. An interdisciplinary major may be designed and initiated by a student whose academic or professional goals are not met by a department major. The IDS major is a restricted admissions program and requires a 3.0 GPA. At least two faculty members from different departments must help plan the program, and they also must agree to supervise the program to completion. At least one of these faculty members must be in this college. Each interdisciplinary program must be approved by the college Committee on Interdisciplinary Studies and include at least 20 credit hours of 3000-4000 level course work taken in two or more departments. All other college degree requirements (e.g., foreign language, basic distribution, electives, etc.) must be met. The student must also take at least seven credit hours of IDS 4906 (or equivalent courses) under the direction of one or both of the supervisory faculty members and produce a senior thesis. Baccalaureate honors (cum laude), high honors (magna cum laude) or highest honors (summa cum laude) also are available to interdisciplinary majors. Requirements are the same as for department majors, with the additional provision that magna cum laude or summa cum laude recognition must be recommended by two members of the student’s supervisory committee (including the principal supervisor), who will affirm that the student conducted an individual project in IDS 4906 (or equivalent). Students should begin planning an interdisciplinary program early. They should stay in their current major and apply to IDS as early as semester 4 or at the latest by semester 5. Transfer students must apply as soon as they are admitted to UF in semester 6. Late application may result in denial of admission to the program. Students interested in pursuing an interdisciplinary major should contact the college office in 2014 Turlington, 392-6800, or view the IDS information at www.clas.ufl.edu/ids.Students may design their own major, or follow one of the tracks below or in the majors chart at the beginning of the college section. More information about biochemistry, film studies and women’s studies appears later in the course descriptions section. Students in the science tracks enrolled in IDS 4905 work 3-4 hours per week in the laboratory for each credit hour earned. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Applicants with a good background in basic chemistry and biology can pursue advanced-level work, including required courses in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, research in biochemistry and molecular biology and other electives in biochemistry and molecular biology, botany, chemistry, microbiology, neuroscience, pharmacology and zoology. Graduates will have excellent backgrounds for research in a variety of the basic medical sciences and will be qualified for graduate and professional school programs. For further information about the biochemistry program, refer to the department course listings (refer to Index). Questions about the program may be directed to Dr. Robert Cohen, ARB, R2-252B, UF Health Science Center, 392-4050. Please note: a non-IDS biochemistry major track is offered by the Department of Chemistry. Biological Illustration: This program provides a broad program in biological illustration to students preparing to work with museums) university botany, zoology, entomology, anthropology or medical departments and botanical gardens or research organizations. Enrollment is restricted because of the tutorial nature of much of the instruction. The program admits only a few well-qualified students each year. Contact Dr. Ronald Wolff, 411 Carr, 392-1298. Cell and Developmental Biology: Students interested in cell and developmental biology can conduct creative and independent research in intracellular transport and localization, cell interactions in development, inter-cellular adhesion, extracellular matrix, secretion, cytoskeleton, postranslational modifications of proteins, cell surface recognition, endocytosis, regulation of water transport and reproductive biology. For information and required courses, contact Dr. Tom Hollinger, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, UF Health Science Center, 392-3569. Neurobiological Sciences: This major studies the characteristics and functions of the nervous system. Core courses ensure that students acquire a background in basic sciences, biology and brain science. Both elective courses and completion of an independent research project, supervised by one of the 45 faculty within the Center for Neurobiological Sciences, allow students to specialize in area(s) of particular interest to them. These areas can include neurochemistry, neurophysiology, neuroembryology, neuroplasticity and brain/ behavior relations. Concentrations are available in behavioral neurobiology, cellular and molecular neurobiology and cognitive neuroscience. Many graduates continue their study in neural sciences, including graduate school, professional school in health sciences and the pharmaceutical industry. Contact Dr. Neil Rowland, 359 Psychology, 392-6639. Film and Media Studies: The interdisciplinary B.A. in film and media studies is intended for students seeking a liberal arts approach to audio-visual studies, including work in criticism, theory and history of film and video media, along with basic production experience. The program is adaptable to a broad range of media applications, including experimental, documentary or scientific concentrations and mainstream popular culture. Contact Dr. Robert Ray, 4008 Turlington, 392-0777. International Studies: Undergraduate students design a concentration that focuses on international issues or an area of the world, ranging from Europe to Africa and Latin America. Students draw on disciplines such as history, geography, modern languages, economics and political science to design the core of a major, which culminates in a thesis. Through such experience, students acquire a thorough knowledge of cultural, economic, political and social interrelationships. In planning the major, students should take advantage of UF’s study abroad programs. Contact Dean Yumiko Hulvey, 2014 Turlington Hall, 392-6800. Medieval and Early Modern Studies: This major focuses on medieval and early modern European culture and its influences on the modern world. Students examine the distinctive forms of cultural organization in these periods, obtain knowledge about medieval and early modern communities (monastic, chivalric, peasant, early urban) and familiarize themselves with some of the world’s greatest literature. Students are encouraged to seek historical perspectives that can contribute to current discussions about ethnicity and nationality, colonialism, technologies and their effects, gender and sexuality and the characteristics of historical and fictional narratives. This IDS major involves critical thinking, textual analysis and creativity, and is excellent pre-professional preparation for careers in law, journalism, government services, medicine, library science, international work and teaching. For a description of the minor in MEMS, please see the Germanic and Slavic Studies section of the catalog. Contact Dr. Will Hasty, 254 Dauer, 392-2101. Near Eastern Languages and Cultures: Students design a concentration that focuses on an Arabic or Hebrew language and culture. Students acquire knowledge of relationships among language, literature, politics, religion, arts and economics. The program culminates in a senior thesis. Contact Dr. Aida Bamia, Department of African and Asian Languages and Literatures, 392-2422. Women’s Studies: The women’s studies program is an interdisciplinary forum for the study of gender, its function in cultures and societies, and its intersection with race and class. The program employs feminist and other theoretical approaches and methodologies. A major in women’s studies requires 28 credit hours, as follows: 18 credits of approved courses, the core course WST 3010 (3 credits), three credits of WST 4905 and four credits of thesis (IDS 4906). The thesis project should be designed with a member of the women’s studies faculty and the program director. Contact the Director of Women’s Studies, Dr. Angel Kwolek-Folland, 3355 Turlington, 392-3365.
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