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2003 - 2004
Undergraduate Catalog |
SociologyLiberal Arts Home | History & Overview | Policies/Procedures | Degree Requirements | Programs | Organizations
The Major: The Department of Sociology offers a variety of courses dealing with themes of social life, social change and the social causes and consequences of human behavior. Sociology examines the structure of groups, organizations and societies, and how people interact within these contexts.Sociology provides many unique perspectives on the social world while generating new ideas and assessing the old. It promotes the use of diverse research methods to study virtually any social issue. A liberal arts degree in sociology provides students with opportunities to develop skills deemed essential for many different types of careers. These skills include learning how to identify and solve problems, conduct research, relate to others and write effectively. Graduates frequently are employed in business (e.g., advertising staff member, human resource manager), community and social services (e.g., environmental organizer, family planning worker), education (e.g., teacher, public health educator), government (e.g., human rights officer, urban planner), and research (e.g., social research assistant and market researcher). Sociology also is an excellent major for pre-law, pre-health, M.A. and Ph.D. studies. The department sponsors a career workshop every year that includes presentations from the department, the Career Resource Center and guest speakers who talk about the value of a sociology degree and employment possibilities. A sociology major requires 31 semester hours of course work in sociology, including required courses: SYG 2000, SYA 4300 and SYA 4110. Sociology majors are encouraged to take SYG 2000 as their first class. Majors can count only two other 2000-level courses besides SYG 2000 towards the major, for a maximum of 9 credits at the 2000-level. Majors must enroll in SYA 4300 (Methods of Social Research) before they have earned 90 hours. SYA 4110 (Development of Social Thought) must be taken after 90 credits. The 31 hours of course work must be completed with grades of C or better, and at least 18 credit hours must be completed at UF. Additional sociology courses to complete the 31-hour minimum may be selected by students to match their interests in different substantive areas. At least 22 semester hours of sociology credit must be in courses numbered 3000 or higher. In addition to the 31 credit hours of sociology course work, STA 2023 is required (STA 2122 may substitute). STA 2023 must be taken between 30-90 credit hours, and before taking SYA 4300. All majors should go to our Web site (web.soc.ufl.edu) for information about our major, our plan of study worksheet, and other valuable information about a major in Sociology. Majors also can pick up an informational handout outside of 3111 Turlington. Combined B.A./M.A. Program: This combined program allows qualified students to earn both degrees in a shorter time than typically would be possible. Students may count up to 12 hours of graduate courses toward both the B.A. and M.A. degrees, thereby earning both degrees with a minimum of 144 hours, 12 fewer than if the two degrees were pursued separately. Students can use the combined program to obtain research and analytic skills to enter an M.A.-level career or to pursue a Ph.D. Information is available on the department’s Web site at web.soc.ufl.edu or by email at grad.coord@soc.ufl.edu (graduate coordinator). Honors: To graduate cum laude (with honors), a sociology major must have a 3.5 upper-division grade point average. To graduate magna cum laude (with high honors) or summa cum laude (with highest honors), contact the sociology undergraduate coordinator or adviser at least one semester before graduation. Summer graduates must notify the coordinator or adviser the preceding fall semester. To graduate magna cum laude or summa cum laude, a student must complete a senior honors thesis (while registered for SYA 4931) under the supervision of a sociology faculty member. The faculty supervisor and undergraduate coordinator will evaluate the student’s work and thesis and recommend magna or summa cum laude recognition. The Minor: Students must complete 15 hours of course work in sociology with grades of C or better. A minimum of nine hours must be taken at the university. The only required course is SYG 2000 Principles of Sociology. At least nine hours must be at the 3000 level or above and students may take SYG 2430 or SYG 2010, but not both. Courses with a number of 4905 do not apply to the minor. General Education: Sociology general education requirements are meant to provide a broad understanding of social structure, social processes and social problems. Those courses marked S satisfy requirements in social science. Those courses marked I satisfy requirements in international studies and diversity. Courses: There are no prerequisites for 2000-level courses. Descriptions of current and prospective courses are available in this catalog and in 3111 Turlington. Sociology To remain ‘on track’ for this major, a student must meet the following critical tracking criteria: Semester 1:
Semester 2:
Semester 3:
Semester 4:
Semester 5:
* In addition to SYG 2000 (GE-S), the remaining 6 credits of GE-S can be satisfied by sociology or non-sociology GE-S courses. |
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