2007-08 Undergraduate Catalog
Admission Requirements
Students classified as first semester freshmen at the university will be admitted to the college when they declare a major within the college. At that time, their college classification will become HH.
Students maintain the HH classification as long as they meet the standards set by the college and UF for admission and universal tracking. Students who are not making satisfactory academic progress may be required to seek admission to another college or to make alternative academic plans.
Students who fall below minimum performance standards will have a registration hold placed on their record. They must meet with an adviser to determine a plan of action before the hold will be removed.
Students Other Than Freshmen
All UF students other than first semester freshmen will be considered for admission to the college if they meet or exceed the universal-tracking criteria for the major. Requirements for admission vary depending on the major. Therefore, it is important to complete all requirements.
Junior and Senior Status
After reaching 60 hours, students who meet or exceed the 60-hour performance standards specified by the college and major/department will retain their classification within the college. Juniors and seniors (3HH and 4HH) will be monitored for progress toward the degree. All students must adhere to the policies of the college and the department to retain the HH classification.
Transfer Students
For application information, all transfer students should refer to the admission as a transfer section. Within space and fiscal limitations, applicants from other institutions who have satisfied minimum requirements will be considered for admission at the junior level.
Florida community college applicants to the College of Health and Human Performance must complete an Associate of Arts degree and meet all university and college-specific requirements. Admission evaluation factors include academic record, cumulative grade point average, performance in critical-tracking courses, extent to which the applicant exceeds minimum requirements, and achievements and career goals as stated in the letter of intent. Students who complete preprofessional courses outside the state system (students who attend out-of-state, private and/or international institutions) must submit course descriptions to the department adviser.
Teacher Education Programs
- Students must take and pass all sections of CLAST or the General Knowledge Test before achieving 60 hours and before admission to any teacher education program.
- Additionally, students must demonstrate competency in Florida’s 12 Accomplished Practices for Pre-Professional Teachers before being approved for graduation.
- Finally, students must take and pass the General Knowledge Test, Professional Education Test and their specific subject area before graduation from a degree program in this college.
Postbaccalaureate Students
Students seeking postbaccalaureate status must meet the admission requirements for the intended program. Students may enroll as 6HH to satisfy requirements for teacher certification in physical education.
Student Responsibility
Each student is responsible for registering for and completing the proper courses and for fulfilling all requirements for a degree. The student’s adviser will help and counsel, but the student must take the initiative and assume responsibility for meeting all requirements.
Course requirements for each major have been determined and approved by the department faculty. The student’s program of study to meet these requirements is subject to the approval of an adviser in the student’s major. Students with skill or content deficiencies may be required to take courses to remediate deficiencies.
Courses may be dropped or changed without penalty only with an adviser’s approval.
Seniors must file an application for degree in the Office of the University Registrar no later than the deadline published for that semester in the academic calendar.
Transfer or Correspondence Credit
Transfer and/or correspondence course credit may be allowed even if taken after the student has been admitted to the major. Students are discouraged from taking such courses after 60 hours. As per UF policy, no more than six credit hours of correspondence credit can apply toward a UF degree.
In general, these courses are recorded on the transcript and can be used to meet curriculum requirements if approved by the department. At least 60 credit hours at the 3000 level or higher are required in all majors. Correspondence and extension course credit is excluded from honors GPA calculation for the College of Health and Human Performance.
Prerequisite Course Work
The state of Florida has determined that the prerequisite course work required for a major in the state university system (SUS) will be the same for all SUS schools offering the major. In most cases, meeting the prerequisites for admission will be sufficient to meet any course prerequisites. This may not always be the case; however, students who follow the sequence of courses identified in the universal-tracking plan for their major will satisfy all course prerequisites within the major, provided they achieve the minimum grades required.
College Probation
Students in HHP will be placed on college probation for two reasons:
- The grade point average at the university or in the major falls below a 2.0, or
- The student fails to follow the prescribed program for the major.
A hold will be placed on the record and continued registration will be denied. Students must meet with their academic adviser to determine a plan of action to ensure successful completion of a degree before the hold will be removed.
Drop Policy
During drop/add, courses can be dropped without penalty. After drop/add, courses may be dropped only through the college’s petition process in accordance with university deadlines.
Before completing 60 hours of course work, students are allowed two unrestricted drops after the close of drop/add. After 60 hours, the student also is allowed two unrestricted drops after the close of drop/add. Students seeking to drop all classes do not have to petition the college; dropping all classes is a withdrawal and is processed through the Dean of Students Office in Peabody Hall, Room 202.
Withdrawal Policy
If a student in the college withdraws from the university a second time, that student will be placed on college probation. Probation terms will be determined by the adviser working with the student.
Internship/Student Teaching
Prior to graduation, all students - except athletic training students - are required to complete a full semester of internship or student teaching. This requirement is completed during the semester of expected graduation, after completion of all other required coursework. Credit hours for this requirement are included in the 120-122 credit hour total required for graduation. Students will not be granted permission to participate in the graduation ceremony prior to completing the internship/student teaching experience.
Students are eligible to complete the internship semester if...
- They have successfully completed ALL other required courses and are therefore eligible to graduate upon completion of the internship semester.
- They have secured liability insurance, or if permitted by the department, received an exemption from liability insurance.
- They have current certification of American Red Cross First Aid and CPR (or equivalent). NOTE: Students pursuing the athletic training specialization must be current in CPR certification before registering for AT course work.
- They have a cumulative, upper-division and core GPA of at least a 2.0, with no "I" or "N" grades or flags.
- They have no deficit points.
- They have submitted all internship materials by the deadlines set by the departments.
Upon submission of the required application for internship (as determined by the department), an academic adviser will determine whether or not the student is academically eligible to complete the internship during the desired semester. For in-depth information regarding internships, please contact a department internship coordinator.
Liability and Health Insurance
If permitted by the department, all students must secure insurance or exemption from liability insurance before they begin their internship or student teaching experience. Health insurance is also required for Applied Physiology and Kinesiology and Health Education and Behavior students.
First Aid and CPR
All students are required to have current American Red Cross First Aid and CPR (or equivalent) certification at the time of registering for a student teaching/internship. Students pursuing the athletic training specialization must be current in CPR certification before registering for AT course work.
Please refer to fees and fiscal information. In addition, some courses require experience away from campus. For such courses, the student will need to make provisions for transportation and appropriate clothing.
Grievance Procedures
Any student in the college who feels his or her performance in a course has not been evaluated accurately should first discuss any concerns with the instructor. If the disagreement is not resolved at that level, the student should consult the departmental chair, and if still unresolved, contact the academic dean in the college’s Office for Student Affairs.
The college is a strong supporter of the university’s equal opportunity program. Any student who believes he or she has been discriminated against on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, disability, age or national origin should contact the college’s Office for Student Affairs.