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Office of the University Registrar

Registrar Services
Registrar Services

2006-07 Undergraduate Catalog


The following minors are available in engineering: biomechanics, computer and information science and engineering, electrical engineering, information technologies, materials science and engineering, and sales engineering.

Computer-Related Degrees

The College of Engineering has responsibility for teaching all computer courses included in computer-related degree programs at the University of Florida. These degrees are offered in the colleges of Business Administration, Engineering and Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Computer Engineering Programs

Computer engineering is a joint program of the Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) and the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) departments. The Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (BSCEN) is offered by both departments and requires 126 hours for graduation.

This degree program produces a computer engineer who has the knowledge of hardware and software to build working computer systems from electronic components and to program them for a wide variety of tasks.

Students with interests in software systems and algorithms should pursue a major through the CISE department; students with interests in computer hardware or electrical engineering should pursue a major through the ECE department.

Refer to the CISE and ECE department sections for the BSCEN degree curriculum. For additional information on computer engineering degree options, please contact an adviser in either department or the dean’s office.

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Life Sciences, Biomedical and Pre-Medical Programs

There is a growing need in our society for individuals prepared in both engineering and life sciences. Qualified individuals will find a diversity of career paths. This preparation particularly suits a candidate for admission to medical school, but it equally qualifies him or her to pursue an engineering career in the specialized fields of bioengineering and environmental engineering or to continue with graduate study in biomedical engineering or life sciences.

Currently, biomedical engineering is a graduate program. Students can obtain an undergraduate degree that prepares them for this degree in several departments that have related specializations: M.A.E. (biomechanics), A.B.E. (biological engineering), M.S.E. (biomaterials) and N.R.E. (medical physics) are some of the options. Students can also choose combined B.S./M.S. programs with an M.S. from the graduate B.M.E. program and the B.S. from the undergraduate program in that department. For example, M.S.E. and M.A.E. both offer such combined degrees.

Biomedical Engineering: Qualified students can begin their M.S. course work in the senior year and double count up to 12 graduate-course credits for both the B.S. and M.S. degrees. Double- counted credits will be determined by the graduate and undergraduate coordinators. Students can complete the master’s degree within two or three semesters after completion of the bachelor’s.

Several engineering departments in collaboration with the College of Medicine have established programs in the field of medicine. In general, these programs are the same length as the conventional curriculum. Students replace electives with eight credits in organic chemistry, eight in biology and four in biochemistry. Interested students should consult their departmental adviser at the earliest practical date. Departments expect the student to begin work in these specialized areas early in the undergraduate career.

Other Combined Degree (3/2) Programs in Engineering

Qualified students can pursue a bachelor’s and a master’s degree concurrently. These combined-degree programs are offered in the departments of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Civil and Coastal Engineering, Computer and Information Science and Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Industrial and Systems Engineering (BSISE/ENM), Materials Science and Engineering, and Nuclear and Radiological Engineering.

Please refer to Combined-degree Programs for detailed information.

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