2006-07 Undergraduate Catalog
Course Requirements
Students must complete all General Education, Gordon Rule writing and math, CLAST, universal tracking, core, major, area of specialization and restricted elective requirements. Courses used to meet these requirements may not be taken S-U.
- Free Electives: Business majors are strongly encouraged to consider using their free electives to obtain a minor outside the college or develop proficiency in a foreign language.
- Transfer Course Work: Students who have taken equivalent business core or major courses at another Florida public university will be required to retake the course at UF or, subject to the approval of the college's Undergraduate Petitions Committee, take a higher-level course in the same subject area. Additional semester hours are not earned when repeating equivalent courses.
- Correspondence Study: Business majors must have prior approval by the college to take correspondence study courses. Only six hours of correspondence course work can be completed via correspondence study and correspondence courses can be used to fulfill General Education, the (Gordon Rule) writing requirement and free elective credits only. Students who are on college probation cannot take correspondence courses.
Credit Requirements
Business majors must earn a minimum of 120 semester hours as calculated by the college. Waiving a required course does not reduce the total hours required for graduation.
GPA Requirements
An overall UF GPA of 2.0 or higher is required in course work attempted at the university. Business majors must earn a 3.0 universal tracking GPA; a 2.0 core GPA or a grade of C or higher in all seven business core courses; and a 2.0 major or area of specialization GPA, or a grade of C or higher in all major or area of specialization courses.
Residency Requirements
All business core, major, area of specialization and restricted elective courses must be taken in residence at the University of Florida or as part of an approved study abroad program. The last 30 hours of the degree program must be completed in residence in the college; however, this requirement will be waived for pre-approved study abroad course work. Otherwise, the residency requirement will be waived only in special cases and must be approved in advance by the college's Undergraduate Petitions Committee. Additionally, students are not allowed to simultaneously enroll at UF and another institution.
Honors designations for graduation are based on three grade point averages: business core GPA, major or area of specialization GPA and UF GPA. All three GPAs must meet the following minimum standards at the time of graduation for the honors designation to be awarded: cum laude (3.5 GPA), magna cum laude (3.7 GPA) and summa cum laude (3.9 GPA). In addition to GPA requirements, a thesis is required for magna and summa cum laude designations. Each business major has its own specific thesis guidelines.