2006-07 Undergraduate Catalog
A Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree requires a minimum of
120 credits. In addition,
students must have university and junior-/senior-level
GPAs of 2.0 or higher.
Students must complete the General Education and major requirements in effect at the time of their initial enrollment at UF.
Seniors must file an application for degree in the Office of the University Registrar early in the semester in which they expect to graduate.
The College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, the School of Natural Resources and Environment and the School of Forest Resources and Conservation require completion of 60 semester hours or more of 3000-level or above course work at the university for award of a baccalaureate degree. Some course work can be taken at other accredited four-year institutions with approval of the associate dean.
The last 30 semester hours applied toward a degree must be completed in residence in the college. In special cases, the associate dean can waive this requirement.
Students can complete six of the required 30 credits of residence work by correspondence, but each course must be approved in advance by the undergraduate coordinator for the major and the associate dean. The college will not accept correspondence credit unless a student has a minimum junior-/senior-level GPA of 2.0 in all work attempted in residence.