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2003 - 2004
Undergraduate Catalog |
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Admission This section summarizes requirements for admission to the undergraduate health science and rehabilitative services programs as well as the pre-OT track within health science in the College of Health Professions. Because specific requirements vary for the variety of preprofessional career interests represented by students within the health science program, applicants should contact a college adviser as soon as they identify a health professions major to ensure appropriate academic planning. Premedical, predental, and preveterinary students are also encouraged to contact the pre-health adviser located in the Academic Advising Center. Pre-physician assistant students are encouraged to contact the PA adviser. All students also should review the relevant UF college Web sites for up-to-date information regarding program admission requirements for their specific discipline of interest at the graduate/ professional level. UF Freshmen and Sophomores Students can declare a major in one of the college’s undergraduate programs upon admission to the university. Progression standards include courses completed and cumulative and prerequisite GPA. Meeting minimum standards as freshmen and sophomores does not guarantee admission to the junior year within the college because health professions programs are limited in size. In order to be considered in the applicant pool for admission at the junior level, students must meet the requirements listed in the sections below. In addition, students must submit an application for admission to the junior level, which can be found on the college Web site (www.hp.ufl.edu). UF Juniors and Seniors Students are eligible to be considered for admission once they meet the following criteria:
Transfer Students Florida community college students:
Students attending four-year colleges:
Transfer Credit All junior-/senior-level core course work must be taken at UF. Transfer credit is not allowed. Undergraduate transfer credit taken at four-year institutions is allowed for electives with the approval of the undergraduate coordinator. Special Admission Requirements In addition to specific GPA and course work requirements, health science and rehabilitative services require evidence of commitment to the field. Students are encouraged to volunteer in a human services field to demonstrate this commitment. An interview may be required for admission to a major in the College of Health Professions. Application Materials Students can find application materials for the undergraduate programs on the college Web site at www.hp.ufl.edu (click on "Students." Students must apply separately to the university and to the college to be considered for admission to the junior year. If students have questions, they are welcome to contact the dean’s office and speak with an adviser (352 273-6379). Application Deadlines Health Science admits twice per year. The Health Science preferred application deadline is April 1 for fall admission and March 1 for summer admission. Rehabilitative Services admits three times per year. The Rehabilitative Services preferred deadline is March 1 for the summer A term, May 15 for the fall term, and October 1 for the spring term. After the deadlines, student applications are considered on a space available basis. Student Selection While the dean and faculty of the college are aware of the need to prepare well-qualified graduates in the various degree programs, limitations in available staff, faculty and facilities oblige the college to limit enrollment in the junior and senior years. Therefore, admission to this college at the junior level is selective; satisfaction of minimum GPA and course requirements, which are listed in this catalog, does not guarantee admission to the junior level. A student’s total record, including educational objectives, courses completed, quality of academic record, and application essay will be considered in evaluating an applicant for admission. Double Majors/Dual Degrees The college offers a Bachelor of Health Science degree with a double major in health science and rehabilitative services. Students interested in this option should check both majors on their application for admission to the junior year. Students who are accepted into one major and subsequently decide they are interested in both majors will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Students must meet the prerequisite requirements of both majors and have fewer than 96 credit hours to be eligible for the double major. Students in the College of Health Professions can pursue an additional degree outside of the college, and students from other colleges can consider a dual degree with the College of Health Professions with permission of both colleges. Students are eligible to apply for the dual degree after they have completed 45 credit hours but before completion of 96 credit hours. Students must meet the necessary curricular requirements for both degrees. Minors The College of Health Professions offers minors in health science and in rehabilitative services. These minors are open to students in any college at the University of Florida as long as the student has completed the prerequisites with the appropriate GPA for the minor of interest. Minors are typically 15 credit hours, of which 12 credit hours must be from course work 3000 level or higher and all graded C or better. Up to three credits of approved transfer course work with a grade of C or better will be accepted. Students interested in a minor can obtain an application form and a list of appropriate course work beginning in the junior year from the dean‘s office (HPNP 4104A). In order to assist students in navigating the university system, the college provides information about college majors and program requirements at its Web site – www.hp.ufl.edu. The college also offers academic advising that is accessible to all students interested in or already admitted to the College of Health Professions. Academic advising is important for selecting an appropriate major and preprofessional and major course work, understanding university and college policies, and career development. All students considering a major in the college should review the college Web site and make an academic advising appointment with a dean’s office adviser (352-273-6400). Freshmen and sophomores are responsible for ensuring they complete all prerequisites with appropriate grades to apply to the junior level. The course work and grade requirements that are met and not met are included on an audit available to each student during the fall and spring. Students are strongly encouraged to review this audit with a college academic adviser to ensure they fully understand the requirements. Once admitted to the junior level, students work with a faculty adviser to develop a plan of study. This required plan lays out the course work the student anticipates taking each term until graduation. Creating a plan of study helps each student stay on track and achieve all college graduation requirements. Faculty advisers are available throughout the student’s academic program to assist the student with questions and career planning. The S-U option is not permitted for required prerequisite or major courses. However, the S-U option can be used for general electives. The Dean’s List recognizes outstanding academic achievement at the completion of each semester. Inclusion on the list means that the student has achieved a GPA of 3.65 or higher on a full-time curriculum of graded course work. Students receiving a final grade of U or a failing grade may not be considered for the Dean’s List, regardless of overall grade point average. Students not making sufficient progress toward program completion are considered to be off track. Off track status means the student has not met all tracking criteria for the designated term. Students who are off track can be placed on probation. The purpose of probation is to develop a plan to help the student return to good academic standing. Students off track for two or more semesters can be dismissed from the College of Health Professions based on the college’s policy below. Freshmen and Sophomores Freshman and sophomores can be off track for one of two reasons: low GPA or missing or incomplete grades in prerequisite or major courses. 1. All students who are off track at the end of any semester are required to meet with an academic adviser in the college to determine the steps needed to get back on track. This meeting must occur before the next semester begins, and it is the student’s responsibility to schedule this meeting. If the student fails to meet with an adviser before the next semester begins, the student can be dismissed from the college. 2. The academic performance of all students who are off track after two semesters will be reviewed by an HP academic adviser. If, in the opinion of the adviser, the student could return to on-track status within one additional semester, the student will be considered for probation. The academic performance of students who are off track after two semesters will be reviewed by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, who will determine whether to place the student on probation or to dismiss the student from the program. If the student has to withdraw (i.e., is dismissed) from the program, assistance will be offered to select another major either within the college or the university. All students placed on academic probation must meet with a college adviser before registering for the next semester to ensure they understand the steps needed to get back on track. 3. If a student fails to meet probationary requirements and/or is off track after three semesters, the student must withdraw from the major. The student has the right to appeal the decision for dismissal to the dean within one week of notification. Students who must withdraw from the college will be offered assistance in choosing a different major at the university. 4. Students dismissed from the college who believe they have remediated all college pre-application requirements by the deadline for the major have the right to apply for admission. However, dismissal from the college can be considered when making admissions decisions. 5. Regardless of the number of semesters the student is off track, if a student meets university guidelines for dismissal, that student will be dismissed consistent with university policy. Juniors and Seniors Students must receive at least a C grade in all courses required for the major. Unsatisfactory grades, defined as grades lower than a C or grades of unsatisfactory in classes graded S-U, are grounds for probation and/or dismissal from the college. 1. If a student in the college receives one grade of D+ or lower in a required course, the student is placed on academic probation. Faculty will provide an opportunity for the student to make up material through independent study or to repeat the course. If the student receives at least a C in the course for which probation was implemented, the student will return to good standing. If the student receives a D+ or lower while on probation, the student must withdraw from the program. (Please Note: If a student receives their 1st and 2nd D+ or lower in the same term, the College has the right to dismiss the student without first offering probation.) 2. If a student receives a D+ or lower in a second required course, regardless of whether this occurs in the same term or different term as the first D+ or lower, the student must withdraw from the program. However, the student has the right to petition this decision. In order to petition the faculty committee, the student must provide the program coordinator with a letter stating the reasons that the student should be allowed to remediate his/her academic performance. Upon successful petition and on a space-available basis, the student will be placed on academic probation and allowed to make up material through independent study or to repeat the course in which the second unsatisfactory grade was received. Following completion of this course with a grade of C or higher, the student can continue in the program. However, if the student again receives a D+ or lower, the student must withdraw from the program. The college will help the student, if desired, choose another major at UF if he or she withdraws from a health professions major. 3. In cases 1-2 above, the individual instructor is responsible for assigning student grades. The program coordinator, in consultation with the instructor and program faculty, is responsible for determining whether a student who appeals a dismissal will be placed on academic probation or dismissed from the program. The student will be notified in writing of the coordinator’s decision concerning academic probation or dismissal. If the student is placed on academic probation, the coordinator, instructor and student develop a contract to be signed by all three parties. The contract specifies the activities that the student must successfully complete to remedy the academic deficiencies and the timeframe in which these activities must be completed. Failure to adhere to or meet the terms of the contract constitutes grounds for dismissal from the program. The student will be offered assistance, if desired, to select a different major. 4. If the student disagrees with the coordinator’s decision regarding dismissal or the terms of the probation contract, the student may appeal in writing within one week to the associate dean for academic affairs. The associate dean will review both the coordinator’s decision and the student’s concerns and make a determination about academic probation/dismissal. Both the student and coordinator have the right to further appeal to the dean, who will review the case in its entirety and make the final decision. Freshmen and sophomores wishing to change majors should contact a college adviser. Juniors and seniors wishing to change majors in the college must contact the undergraduate coordinator or associate dean for academic affairs. If a student withdraws from the major, specific permission from the program and the college must be given at the time of withdrawal for the student to be eligible to re-enter the college. The college requires evidence of ability to meet the physical and academic requirements of the program. Personnel in the Department of Student Health will test each health professions student for sensitivity to tuberculosis. The Department of Student Health will verify immunization against diphtheria, rubella (German measles) and tetanus. Students who elect practica in hospital or other patient care settings must also be immunized against Hepatitis B. All students must be immunized against varicella (chicken pox) or provide the Student Health Center with medical documentation that they have had chicken pox. All students must participate in bloodborne pathogen training and repeat their TB test annually. Students registered in clinical courses must have hospitalization insurance. Full-time students are eligible for the health insurance plans sponsored by Student Government. Twelve-month coverage may be purchased at the time of registration. Required immunizations and other expenses are the student’s responsibility. Field experience is required in rehabilitative services, and students are responsible for financing this portion of their preparation. Cost varies depending upon location of the field assignment, which can be out of state. Students are responsible for computer-related costs required for course work completion. All students must have access to a computer with the following capabilities: * Accessibility to the World Wide Web * Windows operating environment * Minimum system resources to run all required applications * Basic word processing software * Microsoft Power Point and Word software
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