College of Fine Arts

Degree Requirements

Residence Requirement
Graduating with Honors
Student Work

To be eligible for graduation, the student must earn a minimum grade point average of 2.0 (C) for all work attempted in the appropriate curriculum while classified in the college (2.5 for drama and music education, 3.0 for art and art education). Courses taken while enrolled in another college are not part of this average. Specific grade requirements for various curricula may be obtained from the department or dean's office.

In addition to professional programs in the arts, the college confers the Bachelor of Arts (BA) with major study in the following areas: music (performance, theory/music history, or ethnomusicology), digital arts and sciences, general visual arts studies, general theatre studies, drama education, art history, and art education.


Residence Requirement

The last 30 semester hours applied toward a degree must be completed in residence in the college. This requirement may be waived only in special cases and must be approved in advance.

To petition, a student must have completed most of the junior/senior level course work. No courses in the major can be taken by correspondence, home study or extension. UF/college-approved study abroad may be exempted, if approved in advance.


Graduating with Honors

The faculty will consider recommending students for graduation with honors, high honors or highest honors on the following criteria: grade point average, distribution and quality of subject matter studied, faculty evaluation and other pertinent qualities. Postbaccalaureate students are not eligible to receive honors recognition.

The student will be considered for honors with a 3.4 minimum academic average; or a 3.75 academic average for high or highest honors. The average will be calculated on all work attempted while the student is classified 3FA and 4FA. Postbaccalaureate students are not eligible for any honors. Transfer credits will be excluded from the average.

Superior students should consult their academic adviser about the requirements for high or highest honors. In addition to the required GPA, they also must complete 48 semester hours (honors, high, highest) at UF and complete a written thesis or creative project. On the basis of this work, the department will recommend high or highest honors.

Art: Students eligible for high or highest honors will be notified in writing. High or highest honor candidates in studio, graphic design and art education will be required to submit a portfolio of 10-15, 35mm slides representing their work in the major. Art history candidates must submit a research paper prepared with the guidance of the area faculty. Art education candidates will submit their teaching portfolio created under the direction of their faculty supervisor. Candidates for the B.A. in general art studies will submit a portfolio or paper in their area of concentration.

Music: Students majoring in music performance may be required to complete the performer's certificate. The student in music education, music history/literature, performance, theory/composition, church music, music in combination with outside field, or a candidate for the BA in music will submit an independent creative or research project under the guidance of area faculty.

Theatre/Dance: Theatre/dance majors who qualify for high or highest honors will be notified in writing by the undergraduate adviser. To be eligible to receive high or highest honors, BFA candidates will complete a significant performance/production project as determined by area faculty. Students should consult their adviser for details.

Candidates for the BA in General Theatre and Drama Education will be required to submit an independent creative or research project under the guidance of faculty in his or her respective area. Please see adviser for specific information.


Student Work

The college reserves the right to retain student work for the purpose of record, exhibition or instruction.


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