2007-08 Undergraduate Catalog
Course Descriptions
Military Science: Navy
NSC 1101 Naval Science Laboratory
Credits: 0.
NSC 1110 Introduction to Naval Science
Credits: 2.
A general introduction to the naval profession and to concepts of seapower. Instruction emphasizes the mission, organization, and warfare components of the Navy and Marine Corps. Included is an overview of officer and enlisted ranks and rates, training and education, and career patterns. The course also covers naval courtesy and customs, military justice, leadership and nomenclature. This course exposes the student to the professional competencies required to become a naval officer.
NSC 1140 Seapower and Maritime Affairs Seminar
Credits: 3.
NSC 2121 Naval Ships Systems 1 - Engineering
Credits: 3.
NSC 2122 Naval Ships Systems 2 - Weapons
Credits: 3.
NSC 3103L Naval Science Laboratory
Credits: 0.
NSC 3214C Navigation and Naval Operations 1
Credits: 3.
NSC 3215C Navigation and Naval Operations 2
Credits: 3.
NSC 3221 Evolution of Warfare
Credits: 3; (GE-S).
NSC 4104L Naval Science Laboratory
Credits: 0.
NSC 4224 Amphibious Warfare
Credits: 3.
NSC 4230 Leadership and Management
Credits: 2.
NSC 4233 The Junior Naval Officer
Credits: 3.
NSC 4905C Independent Study
Credits: 1 to 3; maximum 6 credits. Prereq: requires department approval.
Readings, assignments, student presentations and discussions on various topics of naval science.
General Education Categories
Consult Schedule of Courses for specific information.
- Biological Sciences (B)
- Composition (C)
- Diversity (D)*
- Humanities (H)
- International (N)*
- Mathematics (M)
- Physical Sciences (P)
- Social and Behavioral Sciences (S)
* Students who entered UF prior to Summer B 2007 and/or whose catalog year is not 2007-08: Current students who have not already completed six hours of "I" - international/diversity credits can do so now by taking "D" and "N" courses.
Symbols Used in Course Descriptions
- (WR) indicates the course satisfies the writing requirement.
- (MR) indicates the course satisfies the math requirement.
- (S-U) indicates the course may be taken on a satisfactory-unsatisfactory basis.
- Refer to the Schedule of Courses for specific information.