2007-08 Undergraduate Catalog
Course Descriptions
Students should carefully note course prerequisites as they are strictly enforced. A current/revised listing of course prerequisites is available from Undergraduate Programs in Business, Stuzin Hall, Room 267.
BUL 4310 The Legal Environment of Business
Credits: 4; Prereq: junior or sophomore standing with ECO 2023.
Introduction to the legal environment of business and organizations. Emphasis on public and regulatory law and on the social, political and ethical aspects of legal issues in business. Subjects include the nature of law and legal process; administrative law of contracts and torts; business and the constitution; statutory and common law; contracts and torts; business organizations and securities, antitrust, consumer protection and employment law.
BUL 4443 Ethics in Global Business
Credits: 2.
Explores issues involving the role of individuals, citizens, business, and government in promoting profitable but responsible commerce and socially beneficial business activity.
BUL 4905 Individual Study
Credits: 1 to 5; can be repeated with change in content up to 6 credits. Prereq: BUL 4310, senior standing or instructor permission. A written report is required.
BUL 4930 Special Topics
Credits: 1 to 4; can be repeated with a change in content up to 8 credits. Prereq: department permission.
Variable content course providing an opportunity for study in depth of topics not offered in other courses and of topics of special current significance.
BUL 4956 International Studies in Business Law
Credits: 1 to 4; maximum 4 credits; can be repeated with a change in content up to 12 credits. Prereq: requires admission to an approved study abroad program and department permission.
This course is designed to provide a mechanism by which formal course work taken at a foreign university as part of an approved study abroad program can be recorded on the transcript and counted toward graduation at the University of Florida.
MAN 3025 Principles of Management
Credits: 4. Prereq: junior or sophomore standing with ECO 2023.
Fundamentals of management underlying the solution of problems of organization and operation of business enterprises. (S)
MAN 3240 Organizations: Structure and Behavior
Credits: 4; Prereq: MAN 3025, with C or better grade. Open only to business administration and accounting students.
Individual group and organizational issues that affect and shape businesses. Topics include individual differences, motivation, communication, decision making, leadership, power, organizational structure and design, and change.
MAN 3600 Multinational Business Operations
Credits: 3.
This course introduces students to the field of global business by examining the influence of culture on conduction of international business, theories supporting international trade and investment and the effect of international trade on national economies, as well as environmental considerations of global business and the application of business functions on an international scale.
MAN 4301 Human Resource Management
Credits: 4; Prereq: MAN 3025, with C or better grade.
Major human resource management functional areas. Topics include organizational employment planning, employment regulation, job analysis, performance assessment, recruitment and selection, training and development, employee/labor relations and compensation.
MAN 4720 Business Policy and Strategy
Credits: 2; Prereq: completed junior and senior business core and senior standing. For B.A.B.A. students only.
This course is designed to integrate prior business courses through study and discussion of real organizational situations, including ethical and global issues, the influence of the external environment and the effect of demographic diversity on organizations.
MAN 4723 Strategic Management
Credits: 4; Prereq: MAN 3025, with C or better grade.
Evaluation of the key functions of organizations and integration of these functions to achieve competitive advantages. Topics include strategic formulation, implementation and evaluation.
MAN 4905 Individual Work in Management
Credits: 1 to 5; can be repeated with change in content up to 6 credits. Prereq: senior standing and department permission. A written report is required.
MAN 4930 Special Topics
Credits: 1 to 4; can be repeated with a change in content up to 8 credits. Prereq: department permission.
Variable content course providing an opportunity for study in depth of topics not offered in other courses and of topics of special current significance.
MAN 4941 Internship in Management
Credits: 1 to 3; can be repeated with a change in content up to 6 credits. Prereq: department permission.
Applied work in management. Requires several papers and reports. Will be counted as free-elective credit only. (S-U)
MAN 4956 International Studies in Management
Credits: 1 to 4; maximum of 4 credits; can be repeated with a change in content up to 12 credits. Prereq: admission to an approved study abroad program and department permission.
This course is designed to provide a mechanism by which formal course work taken at a foreign university as part of an approved study abroad program can be recorded on the transcript and counted toward graduation at the University of Florida.
MAN 4970 Honors Thesis
Credits: 1; Prereq: 90 hours earned and 3.6 UF GPA.
A thesis is required for magna cum laude or summa cum laude designations. To qualify, students will normally have completed 90 semester hours of course work (exceptions may be made) and have at least a 3.6 GPA at the time they enroll. The thesis will be reviewed by at least one faculty member chosen by the honors coordinator from the student's department. (S-U)
General Education Categories
Consult Schedule of Courses for specific information.
- Biological Sciences (B)
- Composition (C)
- Diversity (D)*
- Humanities (H)
- International (N)*
- Mathematics (M)
- Physical Sciences (P)
- Social and Behavioral Sciences (S)
* Students who entered UF prior to Summer B 2007 and/or whose catalog year is not 2007-08: Current students who have not already completed six hours of "I" - international/diversity credits can do so now by taking "D" and "N" courses.
Symbols Used in Course Descriptions
- (WR) indicates the course satisfies the writing requirement.
- (MR) indicates the course satisfies the math requirement.
- (S-U) indicates the course may be taken on a satisfactory-unsatisfactory basis.
- Refer to the Schedule of Courses for specific information.