2007-08 Undergraduate Catalog
Course Descriptions
GEA 1000 Geography for a Changing World
Credits: 3.
The spatial organization of society. Emphasis is placed upon the political regions of the world. (S, N)
GEA 2210 Geography of the United States and Canada
Credits: 3.
A comprehensive systematic survey of the physical, economic and social character of the geographic regions of the United States and Canada and their significance in the economic and political affairs of the world.
GEA 2270 Geography of Florida
Credits: 3.
The geographic conditions and human adjustments in the major regions in Florida. The natural environment, population, routes of communication, industries, resources and strategic location in their geographical and historical aspects. (WR)
GEA 3223 Historical Geography of the United States
Credits: 3.
A survey of the cultural geography of the American past. Characteristics of colonizations, settlement patterns, resource development and culture groups in the evolving regional pattern. (H)
GEA 3271 The Face of Florida
Credits: 3.
GEA 3405 Geography of Latin America
Credits: 3.
Examines the interconnecting land, life and welfare throughout Latin America. (WR)
GEA 3410 Geography of South America
Credits: 3.
A comprehensive and systematic survey of the population, natural resources, geographic regions and potentialities of South America; the significance of this region in the economic and political affairs of the world.
GEA 3500 Geography of Europe
Credits: 3.
A comprehensive and systematic survey of the population, natural resources, geographic regions and potentialities of Europe; the significance of this region in the economic and political affairs of the world. (S, N)
GEA 3600 Geography of Africa
Credits: 3.
A comprehensive and systematic survey of the population, natural resources, geographic regions and potentialities of Africa; the significance of this region in the economic and political affairs of the world. (S, N) (WR)
GEA 4465 Amazonia
Credits: 3.
The biophysical basis of natural resource management, cultural diversity and economic development in Amazonia are explored. Appreciating the complexity and variability of soils, vegetation, aquatic ecosystems and climate in the region offers clues for understanding human settlement and development as well as the potential and limitations of the rich natural resource base. (S, N)
GEO 2200 Physical Geography
Credits: 3.
A study of the development and distribution of landforms, climates, minerals, soils and water resources. Interrelationships among the physical environment and regional patterns formed by these elements are analyzed against the man's utilization of them. (P)
GEO 2200L Physical Geography Laboratory
Credits: 1; Prereq or Coreq: GEO 2201 or GEO 2200.
Laboratory in physical geography. Available for laboratory science credit. (P)
GEO 2201 Physical Landscapes
Credits: 3.
A study of physical landscapes with emphasis on the United States. Considers the materials and processes creating and fashioning landscapes, and the resources and influences of physical landscapes on society. (P)
GEO 2242 Extreme Weather
Credits: 3.
An introduction to the science of weather (what we get short term) and climate (what we expect long term) and current scientific developments in such areas as extreme weather prediction, global climate change, and improved forecasting of events. (P)
GEO 2410 Social Geography
Credits: 3.
Introduction to geography as a social science. Various social concepts presented from a spatial perspective. (S, D)
GEO 2420 Introduction to Human Geography
Credits: 3.
An introduction to cultural geography with an emphasis upon the development and spatial arrangement of the major societies of the modern world. (S, N)
GEO 2426 Pop Music and Culture: A Geographic Perspective
Credits: 3.
An examination of the geographic origins, development, and diffusion of contemporary pop music and the regional dynamics of pop music culture from the 1950s to present. (S)
GEO 2474 The Geography of Now
Credits: 3.
This course will cover the geography of international relations, with a focus on major long-term conflicts and on the geographic background of events in the news at the time the course is offered.
GEO 2500 Global and Regional Economies
Credits: 3.
This course highlights contemporary perspectives, themes and research in economic geography, focusing on issues and problems associated with regional and global economic and demographic change. Regional variations and disparities in growth and development are analyzed and policy implications discussed. (S) (WR)
GEO 3162C Introduction to Quantitative Analysis for Geographers
Credits: 4; Prereq: STA 2023 or instructor permission.
Introduces the student to elementary geographical data analysis including spatial measurement, spatial statistics and spatial forecasting. Students apply statistical concepts and the use of spreadsheet computer software. (P)
GEO 3250 Climatology
Credits: 3; Prereq: introductory atmospheric science or physical geography, or instructor permission.
Genesis of regional climates and their global distribution. Emphasis on world regional climatology; secondary topics: applied climatology and climate change. (P)
GEO 3280 Principles of Geographic Hydrology
Credits: 4; Prereq: GEO 2200, or instructor permission; Coreq: GEO 3162C.
Examines the effects of physical geography on the land-based portion of the hydrologic cycle at the regional and basin scales. Includes discussion of precipitation, infiltration and runoff. (P)
GEO 3315 Geography of Crop Plants
Credits: 3.
Study of the biological structure, means of survival, propagation and distribution of plants, with emphasis on their relationship to the culture and diffusion of man throughout the world and his part in their development and improvement. (B)
GEO 3352 The Human Footprint on the Landscape
Credits: 3.
Study of human-environment relationships from a primarily geographic perspective, focusing on the human forces that shape landscapes.
GEO 3372 Conservation of Resources
Credits: 3; Prereq: sophomore standing, or instructor permission.
A survey of natural resources and a study of wise and wasteful practices of these resources. Course satisfies resource certification for social studies teachers.
GEO 3424 Geography of Jewish Population
Credits: 3.
The magnitude, spatial distribution and composition of the Jewish population in the U.S. and the world. Change over time will also be addressed with a focus on regional variation. (S)
GEO 3427 Plants, Health and Spirituality
Credits: 3.
Review of issues and controversies surrounding organic food, genetically-modified crops, medicinal plants, plants used to achieve altered states of consciousness, and the importance of ornamental plants as inspiration for artists and in worship.
GEO 3430 Population Geography
Credits: 3.
Geographical analysis of populations; population description, distribution, change and characteristics; demographic processes; consequences of development, conflict, population control disease. (S)
GEO 3502 Economic Geography
Credits: 3.
A comprehensive geographical survey of major economic activities such as agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining, manufacturing and commerce. Emphasis will be upon the study of the characteristics of distribution and the regional patterns of these activities. (S) (WR)
GEO 3602 Urban and Business Geography
Credits: 3; Prereq: junior standing, or instructor permission.
An empirical and theoretical spatial analysis of the various economic, population and social facets within and between urban settlements. (S) (WR)
GEO 3611 Housing, People and Places in a Spatially Diverse America
Credits: 3.
Examination of the housing, people and places that comprise the diverse contemporary human settlement patterns in the U.S. Topics focus on the quality of life found in the housing and neighborhoods of these urban and rural landscapes. (S, D)
GEO 3803 Geography of Alcohol
Credits: 3.
The origins and fission of alcoholic beverages and associated crops on a global scale.
GEO 3930 Special Topics
Credits: 3.
GEO 4167C Intermediate Quantitative Analysis for Geographers
Credits: 3; Prereq: GEO 3162C or the equivalent.
This course surveys various multivariate techniques commonly used to analyze geographic data. Emphasis on hypothesis testing, inference, multiple regression, analysis if variance, cluster analysis, and introduction to time-series regression, and grouped estimation procedures, factor analysis, probit/logit modeling and trend-surface interpolation. (WR)
GEO 4221 Coastal Morphology and Processes
Credits: 3; Prereq: GEO 2200 or GLY 2010C, or instructor permission.
Examines the nature and variety of coastal processes and the origin and modification of coastal landforms; includes discussion of environmental changes along coasts and human activities in the coastal zone. This is the same course as GLY 4734. (P)
GEO 4281 Fluvial Morphology and Processes
Credits: 3; Prereq: GEO 2200 or GLY 2010C, or instructor permission.
Examines the nature and variety of fluvial processes and the origin and modification of fluvial landforms; includes discussion of environmental changes in rivers and human activities in drainage basins. This is the same course as GLY 4571. (P)
GEO 4285 Models in Geographic Hydrology
Credits: 3; Prereq: GEO 3162C and GEO 3280 or STA 3032; Coreq: GEO 4167C.
An investigation of the numerical and computational techniques available for the extraction of geographic information from hydrometeorologic data. (WR)
GEO 4554 Regional Development
Credits: 3; Prereq: junior or senior standing.
The problems of regional development and regional growth within the context of economic, political and spatial relationships. (S) (WR)
GEO 4612 Shelter and Care Options for U.S. Elderly
Credits: 3; Prereq: refer to the department.
The course examines the strengths, weaknesses, and demand for housing and care alternatives addressing the needs of both active and frail American elderly persons.
GEO 4620 Business Geography Integrating Theory
Credits: 3; Prereq: introduction to human or social geography, microeconomics or city planning.
Develops and then applies to public policy analysis the production and consumption theories of land rent. Topics covered include zoning, tax burden, public goods and comparative city systems. (S)
GEO 4905 Individual Work
Credits: 1 to 5; can be repeated with change in content up to 15 credits. Prereq: undergraduates only; 9 semester hours of geography and instructor permission.
Qualified students and the instructor concerned may choose a particular topic or problem for study.
GEO 4930 Senior Seminar
Credits: 1; Prereq: senior standing, majors only.
Integration of geographic concepts for graduating seniors; provides introduction to professional geography for students entering the job market.
GEO 4938 Selected Topics in Geography
Credits: 1 to 4; can be repeated with change in content up to 8 credits.
GEO 4944 Internship
Credits: 1 to 10; Prereq: senior standing.
Experimental learning in position with city, county, regional and state government agencies.
GEO 4956 Overseas Study 1
Credits: 1 to 15; can be repeated with change in topic up to 15 credits. Prereq: Permission of undergraduate adviser.
This revolving topics course provides a mechanism by which course work taken abroad as part of an approved student program can be recorded on the transcript and counted toward UF graduation.
GEO 4970 Honors Thesis
Credits: 3; Prereq: senior standing and participation in department honors programs.
Completion of an honors thesis, meeting department specifications, during the semester in which the student is enrolled.
GIS 3043 Foundations of Geographic Information Systems
Credits: 4; Prereq: 2000-level human geography course, GEO 2200 and GEO 3162C.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is the technology for the creation, modification, display and analysis of spatial information. Knowledge of GIS, competence in geographic databases and familiarity with computer software and hardware.
GIS 4001C Maps and Graphs
Credits: 4.
Analyses of cartographic problems with exercises in techniques of presentation. Map projections and symbols. Problems in statistical representation by graphic methods.
GIS 4021C Air Photo Interpretation
Credits: 3; Prereq: GEO 2200, or permission of instructor.
Principles of aerial photography; identification and interpretation of physical and cultural features; sketching and simple map-making and uses of aerial photography.
GIS 4037 Digital Image Processing
Credits: 4; Prereq: permission of instructor.
Introduction to the theory and application of digital imagery data in geographical research with a hands-on, lab-based approach.
General Education Categories
Consult Schedule of Courses for specific information.
- Biological Sciences (B)
- Composition (C)
- Diversity (D)*
- Humanities (H)
- International (N)*
- Mathematics (M)
- Physical Sciences (P)
- Social and Behavioral Sciences (S)
* Students who entered UF prior to Summer B 2007 and/or whose catalog year is not 2007-08: Current students who have not already completed six hours of "I" - international/diversity credits can do so now by taking "D" and "N" courses.
Symbols Used in Course Descriptions
- (WR) indicates the course satisfies the writing requirement.
- (MR) indicates the course satisfies the math requirement.
- (S-U) indicates the course may be taken on a satisfactory-unsatisfactory basis.
- Refer to the Schedule of Courses for specific information.