2007-08 Undergraduate Catalog
Course Descriptions
BSC 2007 Biological Sciences: Cells, Organisms and Genetics
Credits: 3.
The relationships between structure and function and their controlling genetic mechanisms are explored at the cellular and organismal level. Modern concepts of physiology and genetics are stressed. Recommended for students not majoring in the natural sciences. BSC 1005 or 2005 is equivalent to this course and students may not receive credit for both courses. (B)
BSC 2008 Biological Sciences: Evolution, Ecology and Behavior
Credits: 3.
The study of evolution, the development of interrelationships between organisms and their environment and the biological basis of behavior are explored. Recommended for students not majoring in the natural sciences. BSC 1006 or 2006 is equivalent to this course, and students may not receive credit for both courses. (B)
BSC 2009L Laboratory in Biological Sciences
Credits: 1.
A laboratory for students who need experience in a nonprofessionally oriented laboratory or for those who need laboratory experience to satisfy requirements for graduation. (B)
General Biology Core: A two-semester sequence that prepares students for advanced biological sciences courses and allied fields.
BSC 2010 Integrated Principles of Biology 1
Credits: 3.
A study of the origin of life systems; of biological molecules, and organization of living things at the subcellular, cellular and organismic levels; and of the activities of living forms in obtaining and utilizing energy and materials in growth, maintenance and reproduction. (B)
BSC 2010L Integrated Principles of Biology Laboratory 1
Credits: 1; Coreq: BSC 2010 or the equivalent.
Laboratory experiments designed to accompany BSC 2010. Students should register for BSC 2010 and 2010L concurrently. (B)
BSC 2011 Integrated Principles of Biology 2
Credits: 3; Prereq: BSC 2010C.
Examination in living things of the principles of information storage, transmission and utilization at the cell, organism and population levels; of the mechanisms of evolutionary change in the diversification of living things and their life styles; of population growth and regulation; and of energy flow and biogeochemical cycling in the biosphere. (B)
BSC 2011L Integrated Principles of Biology Laboratory 2
Credits: 1; Coreq: BSC 2011 or the equivalent.
Laboratory experiments designed to accompany BSC 2011. Students should register for BSC 2011 and 2011L concurrently. (B)
BSC 2930 Special Topics
Credits: 1 to 4.
Special topics in general biology.
BSC 3096 Human Physiology
Credits: 3.
BSC 4956 Overseas Studies
Credits: 1 to 15; can be repeated with change in topic up to 15 credits. Prereq: Permission of undergraduate adviser.
This revolving topics course provides a mechanism by which course work taken abroad as part of an approved student program can be recorded on the transcript and counted toward UF graduation.
General Education Categories
Consult Schedule of Courses for specific information.
- Biological Sciences (B)
- Composition (C)
- Diversity (D)*
- Humanities (H)
- International (N)*
- Mathematics (M)
- Physical Sciences (P)
- Social and Behavioral Sciences (S)
* Students who entered UF prior to Summer B 2007 and/or whose catalog year is not 2007-08: Current students who have not already completed six hours of "I" - international/diversity credits can do so now by taking "D" and "N" courses.
Symbols Used in Course Descriptions
- (WR) indicates the course satisfies the writing requirement.
- (MR) indicates the course satisfies the math requirement.
- (S-U) indicates the course may be taken on a satisfactory-unsatisfactory basis.
- Refer to the Schedule of Courses for specific information.