2007-08 Undergraduate Catalog
Course Descriptions
AFS 2002 The African Experience: An Introduction to African Studies
Credits: 3.
An introductory interdisciplinary study of African society and culture that examines the richness, diversity and time-depth of African civilizations. (S, N)
AFS 4905 Individual Work
Credits: 1 to 9. Can be repeated with a change in content up to 9 credits.
AFS 4935 African Studies Interdisciplinary Seminar
Credits: 3; can be repeated with a change in content up to 9 credits. Prereq: junior or senior standing, or instructor permission.
A seminar on a selected interdisciplinary theme.
AFS 4956 Overseas Studies
Credits: 1 to 15; can be repeated with change in topic up to 15 credits. Prereq: Permission of undergraduate adviser.
This revolving topics course provides a mechanism by which course work taken abroad as part of an approved student program can be recorded on the transcript and counted toward UF graduation.
The Center for African Studies provides a list of courses each semester. African language courses are listed separately by the Department of African and Asian Languages and Literatures.
African and Asian Languages and Literatures
HUM 2420 African Humanities
HUM 2424 African Cultures and Literatures
SSA 3730 Language in African Societies
SSA 4905 Independent Work in African Studies
SSA 4930 Special Topics in African Studies
SST 4110 African Folktales
SST 4502 African Oral Literature
Art History
Political Science
Romance Languages and Literatures
The Center for African Studies provides a list of courses each semester. African language courses are listed separately by the Department of African and Asian Languages and Literatures.
African and Asian Languages and Literatures
HUM 2420 African Humanities
HUM 2424 African Cultures and Literatures
SSA 3730 Language in African Societies
SSA 4905 Independent Work in African Studies
SSA 4930 Special Topics in African Studies
SST 4110 African Folktales
SST 4502 African Oral Literature
ANT 4352 Peoples of Africa
ANT 4354 Anthropology of Modern Africa
ANT 4354 Anthropology of Modern Africa
Art History
ARH 3525 Arts of West Africa
ARH 3526 Arts of Central Africa
ARH 3526 Arts of Central Africa
LIT 4194 African Literature in English
GEA 3600 Geography of Africa
AFH 2003 Africa in World History
AFH 3100 Africa to 1800
AFH 3200 Africa since 1800
AFH 3342 History of West Africa
AFH 3405 History of East Africa since 1800
AFH 4250 Modern Africa
AFH 4253 African Women in the 20th Century
AFH 4293 Politics and Violence in Africa since 1800
AFH 4450 Southern Africa
AFH 4930 Research Seminar in African History
AFH 3100 Africa to 1800
AFH 3200 Africa since 1800
AFH 3342 History of West Africa
AFH 3405 History of East Africa since 1800
AFH 4250 Modern Africa
AFH 4253 African Women in the 20th Century
AFH 4293 Politics and Violence in Africa since 1800
AFH 4450 Southern Africa
AFH 4930 Research Seminar in African History
MUH 2530 Popular and Traditional Musics of Africa
Political Science
CPO 3204 African Politics
REL 3370 Religions of Africa
Romance Languages and Literatures
FRW 4770 African Literature in French
General Education Categories
Consult Schedule of Courses for specific information.
- Biological Sciences (B)
- Composition (C)
- Diversity (D)*
- Humanities (H)
- International (N)*
- Mathematics (M)
- Physical Sciences (P)
- Social and Behavioral Sciences (S)
* Students who entered UF prior to Summer B 2007 and/or whose catalog year is not 2007-08: Current students who have not already completed six hours of "I" - international/diversity credits can do so now by taking "D" and "N" courses.
Symbols Used in Course Descriptions
- (WR) indicates the course satisfies the writing requirement.
- (MR) indicates the course satisfies the math requirement.
- (S-U) indicates the course may be taken on a satisfactory-unsatisfactory basis.
- Refer to the Schedule of Courses for specific information.