2006-07 Undergraduate Catalog

Rehabilitative Services
The rehabilitative services minor is designed to provide students with an introduction to rehabilitation, potential barriers to adjustment, and services available to individuals with rehabilitation or other human services needs.
Prerequisites for the minor include a 2.75 overall GPA and a 2.75 prerequisite GPA based on general college biology, general psychology, abnormal or developmental psychology, and statistics (STA 2023). The minor is open to all students if they meet the prerequisite requirements.
The rehabilitative services minor requires 15 credit hours. Twelve credit hours must be from course work at the 3000 level or higher, and all 15 require grades of C or better. Up to three credits of approved transfer course work with an average grade of C or better will be accepted. The application and a list of current course work that begins in the junior year is available from the dean's office, HPNP, Room 4104A.
Required Courses (9 hours)
RCS 3030 Introduction to Rehabilitation and Human Services | 3 |
RCS 4061 Psychosocial Aspects of Rehabilitation | 3 |
RCS 4240 Vocational Services in Health, Rehabilitation and Human Services | 3 |
Students must complete the required core courses, Introduction to Rehabilitative Services and Human Services and Psychosocial Aspects of Rehabilitation, before taking electives in the spring.
Electives (choose two)
CLP 4943 Introduction to Health Psychology | 3 |
CLP 4944 Introduction to Neuropsychology | 3 |
OTH 3200 Applied Human Development 1 | 3 |
OTH 3201 Applied Human Development 2 * | 2 |
OTH 4314 Psychiatric Disorders | 3 |
RCS 4451 Rehabilitative Aspects of Substance Abuse | 3 |
RCS 4930 Case Management | 3 |
* Students selecting OTH 3201 can complete the remaining credit via an independent study or a clinical observation course in the college of PHHP. Please discuss with a faculty adviser.