2006-07 Undergraduate Catalog

Pathways to Teaching
The Pathways to Teaching minor is available to Liberal Arts and Sciences students with majors in mathematics, science (chemistry, physics or geology) and foreign language (French, German, Latin or Spanish). This 18-24 credit minor is appropriate for students who wish to pursue teaching careers in these critical shortage areas in Florida. The program does not include a recommendation for teacher certification from the University of Florida.
The minor requires completion of course work in the professional preparation areas of psychological and social foundations, secondary curriculum and instruction, and special methods. Students in Pathways to Teaching will have the opportunity to integrate their teacher education course work with actual classroom experience.
Admission to this minor requires a cumulative 2.5 GPA. Students should make written application for admission in Norman Hall, Room G416, after 60 and before 100 hours earned.
For additional information, students may speak with an adviser in the College of Education (Student Services, Norman Hall, Room G416) or refer to the College of Education website.