2006-07 Undergraduate Catalog

Landscape Architecture
The objective of a minor in landscape architecture is to provide a general overview of the profession. The minor provides introduction to environmental and cultural issues and to design, planning, and management theory and applications. A minor does not qualify a student for practice or for professional licensure.
Students must be accepted into an upper-division college before application. Application for the minor should be made as soon as possible after acceptance to aid in charting course work. To be considered, students must have a minimum 2.5 GPA.
Students must maintain a C or higher in all course work for the minor. All graduating students who meet the requirements and have been approved for the minor will have the minor listed officially on their transcripts.
A minimum of 15 hours is required, with six hours of required course work. The remaining hours should be determined based on the student’s interests and background. Students with design, construction, engineering or other technical backgrounds may participate in design and/or construction studios in addition to lecture courses. Acceptance into studio courses is granted with the permission of the instructor and as space is available.
Upon application, students will be advised as to what courses are appropriate.
Required of all students:
LAA 2330 Site Analysis | 3 |
One of the following is required:
LAA 2710 History of Landscape Architecture | 3 |
LAA 1920 Intro to Landscape Architecture | 3 |
General courses open to all students:
LAA 3510 Planting Design for Residence | 3 |
LAA 3530 Landscape Management | 3 |
LAA 4830 Recreation and Park Planning | 3 |
LAA 4905 Special Studies in Landscape Architecture | 1-6 |
LAA 4935 Gardens of the World | 3 |
LAA 6342 Landscape Architecture Criticism | 3 |
LAA 6382 Ecological and Environmental Policy | 3 |
General courses open to students with previous computer experience:
LAA 2370 CAD Landform Modeling | 3 |
LAA 3372 Computer Applications in Landscape Architecture | 3 |
Additional courses in the professional design and construction sequences and in graduate seminars may be possible for students with specialized backgrounds such as other design fields, building construction or engineering. The instructor’s permission is required to take courses other than those listed above.