2006-07 Undergraduate Catalog

The economics minor consists of 18 hours (five courses) to include ECO 2013, ECO 2023 and at least 12 hours (three courses) with the prefix ECO, ECP or ECS at the 3000 level or higher. FIN 3403 may be substituted for one of these courses.
All upper-division work must be taken at UF. Students must earn a B or higher in ECO 2013 and ECO 2023 and a C or higher in the remaining courses. No independent studies courses, courses taken S-U or internship credits count toward the minor. Students considering this minor should note that space in upper-division economics courses is limited, and majors have priority. Admission to the minor does not guarantee a seat in an upper-division course before graduation.
Note: The economics minor is not available for majors in the Warrington College of Business Administration or the Fisher School of Accounting.