2006-07 Undergraduate Catalog

Communication Studies
The minor in communication studies provides an interdisciplinary forum for the study of communication and the opportunity for students to add a necessary tool to their educational program.
The minor in communication studies requires the following:
- A grade point average of 2.5 or higher for admission
- A total of 18 credit hours
- Two of the three core courses (COM 1000, SPC 2300, SPC 2600)
- A minimum of nine credit hours at the 3000 level or higher with the prefixes SPC or COM (no more than three credits of SPC 4905, Independent Study). The remaining three credits may come from any SPC or COM course within the center.
- SPC 2594, Intercollegiate Forensics (prerequisite required) or RTV 3405, Television and American Society, may substitute for a 3000-level course.
All course work must be passed with grades of C or better; the S-U option is not permitted.
For complete information, please consult Communication Sciences and Disorders or contact the undergraduate coordinator, Rolfs Hall, Room 402, 352-392-5421.