2006-07 Undergraduate Catalog

Agricultural Information Technology
Students learn basic skills to develop software applications in agriculture and natural resources using visual programming tools. These tools include expert systems, database systems, multimedia, and statistical and optimization techniques to analyze and solve problems in agriculture and natural resources. Students explore the use of sensors in physical and biological systems and in networked computer control and data acquisition systems.
Students work in multidisciplinary teams that focus on the use and development of IT products for industry, research, teaching and extension.
This minor requires 15 credit hours from the following:
Required Courses (9 hours)
AOM 3432 Computers in Agriculture and Natural Resources | 3 |
AOM 4443 Agricultural Software Application Development | 3 |
AEE 3070C Electronic Media Production | 3 |
Electives (complete 6 hours)
AOM 4433 Networking, Instrumentation and Control in Agriculture and Natural Resources | 3 |
AOM 4434 Precision Agriculture | 3 |
AOM 4510 Agricultural and Natural Resources Decision Support System Development | 3 |
AOM 5431 GIS and Remote Sensing | 3 |
FOR 3434C Forest Resources Information Systems | 3 |