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Office of the University Registrar

Registrar Services
Registrar Services

2006-07 Undergraduate Catalog


Nuclear and Radiological Sciences
College: Engineering
Degree: Bachelor of Science
Hours for the Degree: 123
Minor: No
Combined-Degree Program: Yes

This degree emphasizes the nuclear sciences rather than nuclear engineering. Typical emphasis or option areas are radiation protection (health physics) and engineering physics (plasmas, fusion, lasers). A student pursuing this degree must have a selected program, including option area electives approved in advance by an adviser.

Note: A new curriculum is pending for this major. Updates will be made as soon as the new program is approved.

Critical-Tracking Requirements

Semester 1:

  • 2.0 UF GPA required semesters 1-5
  • 2.5 GPA on all critical-tracking course work for semesters 1-5
  • Complete 1 of 8 critical-tracking courses with a minimum grade of C within two attempts (CHM 2045, CHM 2046 or approved biological science course, MAC 2311, MAC 2312, MAC 2313, MAP 2302, PHY 2048, PHY 2049)

Semester 2:

  • Complete 1 additional course with a minimum grade of C within two attempts

Semester 3:

  • Complete 2 additional courses with a minimum grade of C within two attempts

Semester 4:

  • Complete 2 additional courses with a minimum grade of C within two attempts

Semester 5:

  • Complete all 8 critical-tracking courses with a minimum grade of C in each course within two attempts

To remain on track, students must complete the appropriate critical-tracking courses, which appear in bold.

Suggested semester-by-semester plan

Semester 1Credits
MAC 2311 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1 (GE-M)4
CHM 2045 General Chemistry 1 (GE-P)3
CHM 2045L General Chemistry 1 Laboratory (GE-P)1
Composition (GE-C, WR)3
Humanities (GE-H)3
ENU 4934 Fundamentals of NRE Seminar1
Total 15
Semester 2Credits
MAC 2312 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 2 (GE-M)4
Biological Science (GE-B)3
ENC 2210 Technical Writing (GE-C) or
ENC 3254 Professional Writing in the Discipline (GE-C)
Social and Behavioral Sciences (GE-S)3
Total 13
Semester 3Credits
MAC 2313 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 3 (GE-M)4
PHY 2048 Physics with Calculus 1 (GE-P)3
PHY 2048L Laboratory for PHY 2048 (GE-P)1
Social and Behavioral Sciences (GE-S)3
Humanities (GE-H)3
Total 14
Semester 4Credits
MAP 2302 Elementary Differential Equations3
PHY 2049 Physics with Calculus 23
PHY 2049L Laboratory for PHY 20491
Humanities (GE-H)3
CGS 2425 Computer Programming for Engineers and Laboratory2
Total 12
Semester 5Credits
ENU 4001 Nuclear Engineering Analysis 1 * 4
EML 3100 Thermodynamics3
ENU 4605 Radiation Interactions and Sources 1 *3
EGN 4034 Professional Ethics1
Technical elective3
Total 14
Semester 6Credits
EEL 3003 Elements of Electrical Engineering or
EEL 3111C Circuits 1
ENU 4606 Radiation Interactions and Sources 2 *3
ENU 4103 Reactor Analysis and Computation 1 - Statics *3
EML 4140 Heat Transfer3
EEL 3303L Elements of Electrical Engineering Laboratory1
Total 13
Semester 7Credits
STA 3032 Engineering Statistics 3
EMA 3010 Materials3
Technical elective2
Total 8
Semester 8Credits
ENU 4612L Radiation Detection and Instrumentation Systems Laboratory *1
ENU 4630 Fundamental Aspects of Radiation Shielding *3
ENU 4104 Reactor Analysis and Computation 2 - Dynamics3
ENU 4134 Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer in Nuclear Systems4
ENU 4612 Radiation Detection and Instrumentation Systems3
Total 14
Semester 9 Credits
ENU 4145 Risk Assessment for Radiation Systems3
ENU 4641C Applied Radiation Protection2
ENU 4192 Nuclear and Radiological Engineering Design 14
ENU 4505L Nuclear and Radiological Engineering Laboratory 13
ENU 4144 Nuclear Power Plant Reactor Systems 13
Total 15
Semester 10 Credits
Option area electives7
Total 7

* All nuclear engineering and nuclear engineering sciences majors must pass all required undergraduate department courses with an overall C average.