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Office of the University Registrar

Registrar Services
Registrar Services

2006-07 Undergraduate Catalog


College: Liberal Arts and Sciences
Degrees: Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts
Hours for the Degree: 120
Minor: Yes
Combined-Degree Program: Yes

Students who intend to major in mathematics should consult a department adviser.

General Education

Students not majoring in mathematics should refer to the critical-tracking criteria and other requirements for their majors in order to determine appropriate course(s) to take. Precalculus, calculus, and many higher-level courses meet General Education requirements. For students whose majors require no specific math course, MGF 1106 and MGF 1107 are appropriate General Education math courses.


Students with strong math backgrounds who plan to take a calculus or higher-level course should consult an adviser about placing into the appropriate course.

Students who must take Calculus 1 and whose high-school math background is weak should begin with MAC 1147, MAC 1140, or MAC 1114. MAC 1147 is a fast-paced review of pre-calculus algebra and trigonometry. The combination of MAC 1140 (Precalculus Algebra) and MAC 1114 (Trigonometry) covers the same material as MAC 1147 but at a slower pace.

A background in trigonometry is necessary for MAC 2311 but not for MAC 2233. Therefore MAC 1140 provides sufficient background for MAC 2233, but students planning to take a UF precalculus course to prepare for MAC 2311 should take MAC 1147 or both MAC 1140 and MAC 1114.

Students who need to take a precalculus or Calculus 1 course are strongly advised (and in some cases required) to take the online Calculus Readiness Assessment; see the Academic Policies - Academic Placement section of this catalog and

More information on placement in calculus and precalculus:
Academic Advising Center, and
Mathematics Department office (Little Hall, Room 358).

Combined Degree Program in Mathematics: B.S./M.S. or B.A./M.A. (non-thesis only). For details, contact the undergraduate coordinator in the Department of Mathematics, 358 Little Hall, or refer to

Comparison of Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts Programs

The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) program is intended for students who wish to pursue graduate study in mathematics, as well as for other strong students with a deep interest in mathematics. The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) program is intended for students who may wish to pursue a career in a mathematical field or to teach mathematics at the secondary-school level, but who do not currently contemplate graduate study in mathematics.

For each degree, students are required to take eight core courses, providing a broad base in mathematics, and four electives chosen from a list of approved courses. All but two of the core courses are the same for both degrees. Students pursuing the B.A. degree have greater flexibility in their choice of electives, facilitating the possibility of a double-major with another scientific discipline.

Bachelor of Science Program

Core Courses
  • Calculus 2 (MAC 2312 or 2512 or 3473),
  • Calculus 3 (MAC 2313 or 3474),
  • Differential Equations (MAP 2302),
  • Numbers and Polynomials (MAS 3300) or Sets and Logic (MHF 3202),
  • Linear Algebra 1 (MAS 4105),
  • Abstract Algebra 1 (MAS 4301), and
  • The sequence Advanced Calculus 1 and 2 (MAA 4211 and 4212).

The requirement of MAS 3300 or MHF 3202 may be waived for students who present evidence of significant prior experience in writing proofs of theorems.


The four electives must be chosen from the list of approved electives below, and at least three must be courses offered by the mathematics department at the 4000-level or above.

Students wishing to pursue graduate study in a Ph.D. program in mathematics are strongly urged to complete MAS 4301 and MAA 4211-4212 by the end of their junior years and to include MAS 5311 (Introductory Algebra 1) and MAA 4226 (Modern Analysis 1) among their electives, and are encouraged to take more than four electives.

Students who plan to teach secondary-school mathematics are advised to include MTG 3212 (Geometry) among their electives.

Bachelor of Arts Program

Core Courses
  • Calculus 2 (MAC 2312 or 2512 or 3473),
  • Calculus 3 (MAC 2313 or 3474),
  • Differential Equations (MAP 2302),
  • Numbers and Polynomials (MAS 3300) or Sets and Logic (MHF 3202),
  • Linear Algebra 1 (MAS 4105),
  • Abstract Algebra (MAS 4301), and
  • The sequence Advanced Calculus for Engineers and Physical Scientists 1 and 2 (MAA 4102 and 4103) or the sequence Advanced Calculus 1 and 2 (MAA 4211 and 4212).

The requirement of MAS 3300 or MHF 3202 may be waived for students who present evidence of significant prior experience in writing proofs of theorems.


The four electives must be chosen from the list of approved electives below, and at least one must be a course offered by the mathematics department at the 4000-level or above.

Students who plan to teach secondary-school mathematics are advised to include MTG 3212 (Geometry) among their electives.

For Both the B.S. and B.A. Degrees

All math majors are encouraged to meet the college distribution requirement in the physical sciences with the sequence PHY 2048-2049 (Physics with Calculus) or the sequence PHY 2060-2061 (Enriched Physics with Calculus). Math majors also should take no mathematics course at the 3000 level or below that is not on the list of core courses or on the list of approved electives, except with adviser approval. Students who wish to pursue a career in applied mathematics are urged to take STA 4322 and a computer science course that covers C or C++; note that these courses may have prerequisites.

Approved Electives for all Mathematics Majors
  • MAD 3107 Discrete Mathematics
  • MTG 3212 Geometry
  • MHF 3404 History of Mathematics
  • MAA 4226 Introduction to Modern Analysis 1
  • MAA 4227 Introduction to Modern Analysis 2
  • MAA 4402 Functions of a Complex Variable
  • MAD 4203 Combinatorics 1
  • MAD 4204 Combinatorics 2
  • MAD 4401 Introduction to Numerical Analysis
  • MAS 4107 Linear Algebra 2
  • MAS 4124 Introduction to Numerical Linear Algebra
  • MAS 4302 Abstract Algebra 2
  • MAS 4156 Introduction to Vector Analysis (will not count toward math major if PHY 3323 or PHY 4324 is taken)
  • MAS 4203 Introduction to Number Theory
  • MAP 4305 Differential Equations for Engineers and Physical Scientists
  • MAP 4341 Elements of Partial Differential Equations
  • MAP 4413 Fourier Series and Transforms 1
  • MAP 4102 Probability and Stochastic Processes 2
  • MAT 4930 Special Topics in Mathematics (only if approved by the undergraduate coordinator)
  • MHF 4102 Elements of Set Theory
  • MHF 4203 Foundations of Mathematics
  • MTG 4302 Elements of Topology 1
  • MTG 4303 Elements of Topology 2
  • Any course offered by the mathematics department at the 5000-level or above (with the exception that MAS 5157 will not count toward the math major if PHY 3323 or PHY 4324 is taken), and any of the following courses offered outside the mathematics department:
  • COP 3530 Data Structures and Algorithm
  • CDA 3101 Introduction to Computer Organization
  • COP 4600 Operating Systems
  • ESI 4312 Operations Research 1
  • ESI 4313 Operations Research 2
  • PHY 3062 Honors Physics 3
  • PHY 3063 Enriched Modern Physics
  • PHY 3221 Mechanics 1
  • PHY 3323 Electromagnetism 1
  • PHY 3513 Thermal Physics 1
  • PHY 4222 Mechanics 2
  • PHY 4324 Electromagnetism 2
  • PHY 4328 Classical Electrodynamics
  • PHY 4422 Optics 1
  • PHY 4523 Statistical Physics
  • PHY 4604 Introductory Quantum Mechanics 1
  • PHY 4605 Introductory Quantum Mechanics 2
  • STA 4321 Mathematical Statistics 1
  • STA 4322 Mathematical Statistics 2
  • STA 4210 Regression Analysis
  • STA 4211 Design of Experiments
  • STA 4853 Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting

Critical-tracking requirements for the B.S. and B.A. degrees in mathematics. All students must meet these criteria to remain on track for the major.

Semester 1:

  • Achieve 2.0 UF GPA
  • Complete MAC 2311

Semester 2:

  • Complete MAC 2312
  • Maintain 2.0 UF GPA

Semester 3:

  • Complete MAC 2313
  • Maintain 2.0 UF GPA

Semester 4:

  • Complete MAP 2302 with a 2.5 GPA on all critical-tracking course work
  • Maintain 2.0 UF GPA

Semester 5:

  • Complete either MAS 3300 or MHF 3202, and MAS 4105 with a 2.5 GPA on all critical-tracking course work
  • Maintain 2.0 UF GPA

The semester-by-semester plans below are only sample programs; they may be adjusted to reflect background and goals. Critical-tracking courses do not necessarily have to be completed as early as in the sample programs; see the tracking criteria above. Consult a department adviser (358 Little Hall) early to plan your individual program.

Semesters 1-4 are the same for both the B.S. and B.A. degrees

Semester 1Credits
MAC 2311 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1 (GE-M)4
Biological Science (GE-B)3
Social and Behavioral Sciences (GE-S)3
Humanities (GE-H)3
Total 13
Semester 2Credits
MAC 2312 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 2 (GE-M)4
Biological Science (GE-B)3
Composition (GE-C, WR)3
Humanities (GE-H)3
Total 16
Semester 3Credits
MAC 2313 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 3 (GE-M)4
MAS 3300 Numbers and Polynomials3
Physical Science (GE-P)3
Science laboratory (GE-P or B)1
Social and Behavioral Sciences (GE-S)3
Humanities (GE-H)3
Total 17
Semester 4Credits
MAP 2302 Elementary Differential Equations (GE-M)3
MAS 4105 Linear Algebra 14
Physical Science (GE-P)3
Composition (GE-C, WR)3
Social and Behavioral Sciences (GE-S)3
Total 16

Semesters 5-8 for students pursuing the B.S. degree

Semester 5Credits
MAS 4301 Abstract Algebra 13
MAA 4211 Advanced Calculus 13
Foreign language4-5
Elective (3000 level or higher, not in major)3
Total 13-14
Semester 6Credits
MAA 4212 Advanced Calculus 23
Foreign language3-5
Mathematics elective3
Elective (3000 level or higher, not in major)3-4
Total 15
Semester 7Credits
MAA 4226 Introduction to Modern Analysis 1 or another math elective3
MAS 5311 or another math elective3
Two electives (3000 level or higher, not in major)6
Elective (or foreign language if 4-3-3 option)3
Total 15
Semester 8Credits
MAA 4227 Introduction to Modern Analysis 2 or another math elective3
Mathematics elective3
Two electives (3000 level or higher, not in major)6
Elective (inside or outside major)3
Total 15

Semesters 5-8 for students pursuing the B.A. degree

Semester 5Credits
MAS 4301 Abstract Algebra 13
Mathematics elective3
Foreign language4-5
Elective (3000 level or higher, not in major)3
Total 13-14
Semester 6Credits
Mathematics elective3
Foreign language3-5
Two electives (3000 level or higher, not in major)6
Elective 3-0
Total 15-14
Semester 7Credits
MAA 4102 Introduction to Advanced Calculus for Engineers and Physical Scientists 13
Mathematics elective3
Two electives (3000 level or higher, not in major)6
Elective (or foreign language if 4-3-3 option)3
Total 15
Semester 8Credits
MAA 4103 Introduction to Advanced Calculus for Engineers and Physical Scientists 23
Mathematics elective3
Two electives (3000 level or higher, not in major)6
Total 15