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Office of the University Registrar

Registrar Services
Registrar Services

2006-07 Undergraduate Catalog


Jewish Studies
College: Liberal Arts and Sciences
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Hours for the Degree: 120
Minor: Yes
Combined-Degree Program: No

The Center for Jewish Studies offers a Bachelor of Arts in Jewish studies, as well as a minor certificate. A strong interdisciplinary curriculum provides a basis for understanding the broad spectrum of Jewish culture and history.

The Center for Jewish Studies fosters the academic study of Jewish culture, society and religion for all students at the University of Florida. Students are expected to develop as critical thinkers, aware of the diversity and complexity of the field. The center promotes a broad and comprehensive approach including the arts, politics and religion. The curriculum emphasizes historical transformations and comparative frameworks among various Jewish communities and with other groups and religions. Courses draw upon a variety of theoretical approaches to the study of class, ethnicity, gender, race and sexuality with methodologies that are both textual and performance oriented.

The program may serve as preparation for graduate work in Jewish studies, as background for a career in Jewish education or community service, or as an area of special interest, that will enrich the undergraduate experience. Students often combine the JST major or minor with other majors and go on to professional careers in law, medicine, journalism, business or other professions.


The major requires a minimum of 27 hours in Jewish studies and related courses with grades of C or better. In addition, one year of Hebrew or the equivalent is required. Students should consult the undergraduate coordinator in Walker Hall, Room 105.

The 27 hours must include REL 2604, Introduction to Judaism, or an introduction to Jewish culture. No more than two courses may be at the 2000 level (REL 2604, REL 2210 or an introduction to Jewish culture), all others must be at the 3000 level or above. Of the seven courses for the major, five must be from one of the three tracks listed below. However, students may create an independent track in consultation with a faculty member. Independent tracks should be submitted to the director for approval by the Jewish studies curriculum committee. Majors must take a senior seminar generally offered each spring.

Jewish Studies Tracks:
  • Literature, Film and Cultural Studies
  • Thought and Tradition
  • History, Politics and Society

Special topics courses in other departments may be counted toward the major and minor provided they include substantial coverage of material relevant to Jewish studies.

No more than six hours of independent study (JST 4905) will be counted in the minimum. Normally, no more than 12 hours of the minimum may be transfer credit. However, all transfer credits in JST-related courses from UF-approved programs abroad will apply to the major.

Most JST courses are listed in the Schedule of Courses under Jewish Studies. Related courses offered by other departments are listed in the African and Asian Languages and Literatures, Anthropology, English, Religion, History and Political Science departments. A list of courses is available in the Center each semester before advance registration and on the JST website.

Overseas Study: The Center for Jewish Studies provides counsel regarding study abroad at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv University, Haifa University and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. The overseas programs at these Israeli universities offer summer, one semester and full-year courses of study. Information is available in Walker Hall, Room 105, and at the UF International Center, Grinter Hall, Room 123. Scholarships are available. Travel restriction updates available on the department website.

Critical-Tracking Requirements

Semester 1:

  • 2.0 UF GPA required for semesters 1-5

Semester 2:

  • Maintain 2.0 UF GPA

Semester 3:

  • Complete HBR 1120

Semester 4:

  • Complete HBR 1121 and one Jewish studies course with a 2.5 GPA on all critical-tracking course work

Semester 5:

  • Complete HBR 2200 with a 2.5 GPA on all critical-tracking course work

To remain on track, students must complete the appropriate critical-tracking courses, which appear in bold.

Suggested semester-by-semester plan

Semester 1Credits
HBR 1120 Beginning Modern Hebrew 15
REL 2600 Introduction to Judaism (GE-H, I)3
Composition (GE-C, WR)3
Mathematics (GE-M)3
Total 14
Semester 2Credits
HBR 1121 Beginning Modern Hebrew 25
Physical Science (GE-P)3
Humanities (GE-H)3
Social and Behavioral Sciences (GE-S)3
Jewish studies elective3
Total 17
Semester 3Credits
HBR 2200 Second-year Modern Hebrew 14
Social and Behavioral Sciences (GE-S)3
Mathematics (GE-M)3
Jewish studies elective3
Jewish studies elective3
Total 16
Semester 4Credits
HBR 2201 Second-year Modern Hebrew 24
Biological Science (GE-B)3
Social and Behavioral Sciences (GE-S)3
Science laboratory (GE-P or B)1
Total 14
Semester 5Credits
Physical Science (GE-P)3
Jewish studies elective3
Jewish studies elective3
Total 15
Semester 6Credits
Biological Science (GE-B)3
Jewish studies elective3
Jewish studies elective3
Electives (3000 level or above, not in major)6
Total 15
Semester 7Credits
Jewish studies elective3
Electives (3000 level or above, not in major)6
Total 15
Semester 8Credits
Jewish studies elective3
JST 4970 Senior Honors Thesis (optional) or elective3
Electives (3000 level or above, not in major)6
Total 14