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Office of the University Registrar

Registrar Services
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2006-07 Undergraduate Catalog

Academic Learning Compact

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Interior Design
Description of the Major
The four-year bachelor of design degree in Interior Design requires you to demonstrate and understand the creative design process and associated skills as they relate to problem solving and spatial organization. You will develop skills in interior design, computer rendering and modeling, graphic communication, theory, materials and the history of interior design. In the studio, you explore advanced problem solving, communication skills and issues related to environmental technology, lighting, professional practice and interior construction.

Additional information is available from your major's website.
Before Graduating You Must
  • Complete FIDER academic requirements.
  • Receive acceptable review and assessment of studio work from faculty, industry professionals and peers.
  • Complete internship assessments.
  • Submit senior project.
  • Satisfy the Florida statutory requirements for CLAST.
  • Complete requirements for the baccalaureate degree, as determined by faculty.
Skills You Will Acquire in the Major (SLOs)
  1. Demonstrate a discipline-based interior design vocabulary.
  2. Demonstrate skills in drawing, electronic imaging, finish materials, codes, interior lighting, interior environment and interior design practice.
  3. Think analytically, critically and logically about spatial design.
  4. Think critically about the discipline for a variety of audiences using a variety of formats and approaches.
  5. Think critically about drawing, electronic imaging, materials and environmental issues.
  6. Communicate about the discipline to a variety of audiences using a variety of formats and approaches.
  7. Communicate skills in drawing, electronic imaging, materials and environmental issues.

Courses Content Critical Thinking Communication
IND 3215 X X X X X X X
IND 3216 X X X X X X X
IND 3424 X X X X X X X
IND 3431 X X X X X X X
IND 3468 X X X X X X X
IND 3505 X X X X X X X
IND 4225 X X X X X X X
IND 4226 X X X X X X X
IND 4440 X X X X X X X
IND 4450C X X X X X X X

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