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Office of the University Registrar

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2006-07 Undergraduate Catalog


Agricultural Operations Management
College: Agricultural and Life Sciences
Degree: Bachelor of Science
Hours for Degree: 120
Specializations: Production Systems Management, Construction and Process Management, Technical Sales Management, Environmental Systems Management
Minor: Yes - Agricultural Information Technology, Precision Agriculture
Combined-Degree Program: Yes

Agricultural operations management combines emerging technologies with business principles to improve the environment, agricultural production, technical sales and the safety and efficiency of facilities and operations.

Students gain technical experience in systems management, environmental quality, construction management, machinery, GIS/GPS remote sensing, safety, irrigation, power systems, water control, food processing, electric circuits and controls.

The curriculum supports students who want to seek career opportunities in commercial business operations and management. In addition to hands-on applied skills, students also will take courses in economics, accounting, business, finance, sales, and business management. Graduates become an integral part of the profitable operations of many types of businesses, such as grove management, commercial nurseries, building materials, regulatory agencies and citrus processing.

The program offers state-of-the-art laboratories and classrooms, multimedia computer facilities and a complete machine shop.

The department also offers minors in precision agriculture and agricultural information technology, and a combined-degree program.

Construction and Process Management
Production Systems Management
Environmental Systems Management
Technical Sales Management

Specializations: Production Systems Management and Technical Sales Management

Critical-Tracking Requirements

Semester 1:

  • 2.0 UF GPA required for semesters 1-5
  • Complete 1 of 6 critical-tracking courses - excluding labs - CHM 2045, CHM 2045L, MAC 1147 or MAC 2233, BSC 2007, BSC 2009L, STA 2023, PHY 2004 or PHY 2020 and any physical science course

Semester 2:

  • Complete 1 additional critical-tracking course, excluding labs

Semester 3:

  • Complete 2 additional critical-tracking courses, excluding labs

Semester 4:

  • Complete 2 additional critical-tracking courses, excluding labs

Semester 5:

  • Complete all critical-tracking courses, including labs

To remain on track, students must complete the appropriate critical-tracking courses, which appear in bold.

Suggested semester-by-semester plan

Semester 1Credits
CHM 2045 General Chemistry 1 (GE P)3
CHM 2045L General Chemistry Laboratory 1 (GE-P)1
BSC 2007 Biological Sciences: Cells, Organisms and Genetics (GE-B)3
BSC 2009L Laboratory in Biological Sciences (GE-B)1
Composition (GE-C, WR)3
Humanities (GE-H)3
Total 14
Semester 2Credits
MAC 1147 Precalculus: Algebra and Trigonometry4
ACG 2021C Introduction to Financial Accounting4
Humanities (GE-H)3
BSC 2008 Biological Sciences: Evolution, Ecology and Behavior3
Technical elective3
Total 17
Semester 3Credits
PHY 2004 Applied Physics 1 (GE-P) or
PHY 2020 Introduction to Principles of Physics
STA 2023 Introduction to Statistics 1 (GE-M)3
PSY 2012 General Psychology (GE-S)3
ECO 2013 Principles of Macroeconomics (GE-S) or
AEB 3103 Principles of Food and Resource Economics
Business law, ethics or human resources course (see adviser)2-4
Total 14-16
Semester 4Credits
Physical science course (GE-P)3
ECO 2023 Principles of Microeconomics (GE-S) or
AEB 3103 Principles of Food and Resource Economics
AEE 3033C Research and Business Writing in Agricultural and Life Sciences or
ENC 2210 Technical Writing
AEE 3030C Effective Oral Communication or
SPC 2600 Introduction to Public Speaking
Technical elective3
Total 15

Note: Use summer terms to make up General Education requirements or first- and second-year prerequisites for the major.

Production Systems Management

This specialization prepares students for managerial positions in agricultural and commercial businesses such as plant nurseries, construction materials, precision agriculture, vegetables, citrus, aquaculture, or livestock production.

Semester 5Credits
AOM 3220 Agricultural Construction and Maintenance3
AOM 3734 Irrigation Principles and Practices in Florida3
PMA 3010 Fundamentals of Pest Management or
ENY 3005 and 3005L Principles of Entomology (2) and Laboratory (1)
AOM 3333 Pesticide Application Techniques3
Agriculture science elective (adviser approved)3
Total 15
Semester 6Credits
AOM 3414C Power and Machinery Management3
AOM 4434 Precision Agriculture3
AEB 3133 Principles of Agribusiness Management (3) or
MAN 3025 Principles of Management (4)
SOS 3022 Introduction to Soils in the Environment3
ALS 3133 Agricultural and Environmental Quality3
Total 15-16
Semester 7Credits
AOM 4444C Electrical Power and Instrumentation for Agricultural Operations Management3
AOM 4642 Environmental Systems for Agricultural Structures3
AOM 4933 Professional Practices in Agricultural Operations Management1
ALS 4085 Agricultural Risk Management and the Law (2) or
AEB 4123 Agricultural and Natural Resource Law (3)
AEB 3300 Agricultural and Food Marketing (3) or
MAR 3023 Principles of Marketing (4)
Technical elective3
Total 15-16
Semester 8Credits
AOM 3073 Safety in Agriculture3
AOM 4455 Agricultural Operations and Systems3
AOM 4643 Environmental Hydrology: Principles and Issues or
AOM 3732 Agricultural Water Management
Agriculture science elective (adviser approved)3
Technical elective (adviser approved)3
Total 15

Technical Sales Management

This specialization provides training for careers in technical sales, sales management, service, product planning, general management and parts and inventory control.

Semester 5Credits
ADV 3000 Elements of Advertising3
AOM 3333 Pesticide Application Techniques3
AOM 3734 Irrigation Principles and Practices in Florida or
AOM 4643 Environmental Hydrology: Principles and Issues or
AOM 3732 Agricultural Water Management
AOM 4314C Power and Machinery Management3
Technical elective3
AEB 3133 Principles of Agribusiness Management (3) or
MAN 3025 Principles of Management (4)
Total 15-17
Semester 6Credits
AOM 3414C Power and Machinery Management3
AOM 4434 Precision Agriculture3
AEB 4123 Agricultural and Natural Resource Law (3) or
FOS 4731 Government Regulations and the Food Industry (2) or
ALS 4085 Agricultural Risk Management and the Law (2)
ALS 3133 Agricultural and Environmental Quality3
AOM 4455 Agricultural Operations and Systems3
AOM 4933 Professional Practices in Agricultural Operations Management1
Total 15-16
Semester 7Credits
AOM 4444C Electrical Power and Instrumentation for Agricultural Operations Management3
AEB 3341 Selling Strategically3
AOM 4642 Environmental Systems for Agricultural Structures3
Agriculture science elective3
Technical elective3
Total 15
Semester 8Credits
AEB 3300 Agricultural and Food Marketing (3) or
MAR 3023 Principles of Marketing (4)
PKG 3001 Principles of Packaging or
AOM 4062 Principles of Food Engineering
AOM 3073 Safety in Agriculture3
Agriculture science elective (adviser approved)3
Technical elective (adviser approved)2
Total 14-15

Specialization: Construction and Process Management

This specialization focuses on management skills and decision making related to constructed environments. Students will learn how to maximize the efficiency of a variety of buildings and systems while minimizing the use of our natural resources.

Critical-Tracking Requirements

Semester 1:

  • 2.0 UF GPA required for semesters 1-5
  • Complete 1of 6 critical-tracking courses - excluding labs - CHM 2045, CHM 2045L, BSC 2007, BSC 2009L, MAC 2233, STA 2023, PHY 2004, PHY 2004L, PHY 2005

Semester 2:

  • Complete 2 additional critical-tracking courses, excluding labs

Semester 3:

  • Complete 2 additional critical-tracking courses, excluding labs

Semester 4:

  • Complete 1 additional critical-tracking course, excluding labs

Semester 5:

  • Complete all critical-tracking courses, including labs

To remain on track, students must complete the appropriate critical-tracking courses, which appear in bold.

Suggested semester-by-semester plan

Semester 1Credits
CHM 2045 and 2045L General Chemistry 1 (3) and Laboratory (1)4
BSC 2007 Biological Sciences: Cells, Organisms and Genetics3
BSC 2009L Laboratory in Biological Sciences1
Composition (GE-C, WR)3
Humanities (GE-H)3
Total 14
Semester 2Credits
MAC 2233 Survey of Calculus 1 (GE-M)3
ACG 2021C Introduction to Financial Accounting4
Business law, ethics or human resources course (see adviser)3
Humanities (GE-H)3
Technical elective2
Total 15
Semester 3Credits
PHY 2004 Applied Physics 13
PHY 2004L Laboratory for PHY 20041
STA 2023 Introduction to Statistics 13
PSY 2012 General Psychology3
ECO 2013 Principles of Macroeconomics (3) or
AEB 3103 Principles of Food and Resource Economics (4)
BSC 2008 Biological Sciences: Evolution, Ecology and Behavior3
Total 16-17
Semester 4Credits
PHY 2005 Applied Physics 23
ECO 2023 Principles of Microeconomics (3) or
AEB 3103 Principles of Food and Resource Economics (4)
AEE 3033C Research and Business Writing in Agricultural and Life Sciences or
ENC 2210 Technical Writing
AEE 3030C Effective Oral Communication or
SPC 2600 Introduction to Public Speaking
Technical elective3
Total 15
Semester 5Credits
AOM 3220 Agricultural Construction and Maintenance3
PKG 3001 Principles of Packaging3
SOS 4231C Soil, Water and Land Use or
SOS 3022 Introduction to Soils in the Environment
BCN 1582 International Sustainable Development3
Agriculture science elective3
Total 15
Semester 6Credits
AEB 3133 Principles of Agribusiness Management (3) or
MAN 3025 Principles of Management (4)
AOM 3073 Safety in Agriculture3
AOM 4933 Professional Practices in Agricultural Operations Management1
Technical electives8
Total 15-16
Semester 7Credits
ALS 4085 Agricultural Risk Management and the Law2
AOM 4062 Principles of Food Engineering4
AOM 4444C Electrical Power and Instrumentation for Agricultural Operations Management3
AOM 4642 Environmental Systems for Agricultural Structures3
PKG 3103 Food Packaging3
Total 15
Semester 8Credits
AEB 3300 Agricultural and Food Marketing (3) or
MAR 3023 Principles of Marketing (4)
AOM 4314C Power and Machinery Management3
AOM 4455 Agricultural Operations and Systems3
Agriculture science elective (adviser approved)3
Technical elective (adviser approved)3
Total 15-16

Specialization: Environmental Systems Management

This specialization prepares graduates for a career in environmental management for industry, regulatory agencies or consulting firms. This includes water and environmental quality, organic waste management, GIS and remote sensing, pesticide application and biological controls.

Critical-Tracking Requirements

Semester 1:

  • 2.0 UF GPA required for semesters 1-5
  • Complete 1 of 7 critical-tracking courses - excluding labs - CHM 2045, CHM 2045L, MAC 2233, BSC 2010, BSC 2010L, BSC 2011, BSC 2011L, STA 2023, PHY 2004/2004L or PHY 2048/2048L, PHY 2005/2005L or PHY 2049/2049L

Semester 2:

  • Complete 2 additional critical-tracking courses, excluding labs

Semester 3:

  • Complete 2 additional critical-tracking courses, excluding labs

Semester 4:

  • Complete 2 additional critical-tracking courses, excluding labs

Semester 5:

  • Complete all critical-tracking courses, including labs

To remain on track, students must complete the appropriate critical-tracking courses, which appear in bold.

Suggested semester-by-semester plan

Semester 1Credits
CHM 2045 and 2045L General Chemistry 1 (3) and Laboratory (1) (GE-P)4
MAC 2233 Survey of Calculus 1 (GE-M)3
Composition (GE-C, WR)3
Humanities (GE-H)3
Elective (needed if taking minimum course credit options for required courses)2-0
Total 15-13
Semester 2Credits
STA 2023 Introduction to Statistics 1 (GE-M)3
SPC 2600 Introduction to Public Speaking or
AEE 3030C Effective Oral Communication
Humanities (GE-H)3
CHM 2046 and 2046L General Chemistry 2 (3) and Laboratory (1) (GE-P)4
Environmental science, business law or ethics course (see adviser)3
Total 16
Semester 3Credits
PHY 2004 and 2004L Applied Physics 1 (3) and Laboratory (1) (GE-P)4
BSC 2010 and 2010L Integrated Principles of Biology 1 (3) and Laboratory (1) (GE-B)4
ECO 2013 Principles of Macroeconomics (3) (GE-S) or
AEB 3103 Principles of Food and Resource Economics (4)
PSY 2012 General Psychology (GE-S)3
Total 14-15
Semester 4Credits
PHY 2005 and 2005L Applied Physics 2 (3) and Laboratory (1)4
BSC 2011 and 2011L Integrated Principles of Biology 2 (3) and Laboratory (1)4
AEE 3033C Research and Business Writing in Agricultural and Life Sciences or
ENC 2210 Technical Writing
ECO 2023 Principles of Microeconomics (3) (GE-S) or
AEB 3103 Principles of Food and Resource Economics (4)
Technical elective2
Total 16-17
Semester 5Credits
ALS 3153 Agricultural Ecology (3) or
PCB 3034C Introduction to Ecology (4) or
EES 4103 Applied Ecology (2)
SOS 3022 Introduction to Soils in the Environment3
AOM 3734 Irrigation Principles and Practices in Florida or
AOM 3732 Agricultural Water Management
AOM 4643 Environmental Hydrology: Principles and Issues or
SOS 4231C Soil, Water and Land Use
MCB 2000 Microbiology3
MCB 2000L Microbiology Laboratory1
Total 15-17
Semester 6Credits
AOM 3073 Safety in Agriculture or
AOM 4455 Agricultural Operations and Systems
ALS 3133 Agricultural and Environmental Quality3
AOM 4434 Precision Agriculture3
AEB 4123 Agricultural and Natural Resource Law or
ALS 4085 Agricultural Risk Management and the Law
PMA 3010 Fundamentals of Pest Management or
ENY 3005 and 3005L Principles of Entomology (2) and Laboratory (1)
Total 14-15
Semester 7Credits
SOS 4244 Wetlands3
AOM 3333 Pesticide Application Techniques3
GLY 2030C Environmental and Engineering Geology (3) or
AOM 4062 Principles of Food Engineering (4)
Agriculture science elective (adviser approved)3
Technical electives4
Total 16-17
Semester 8Credits
AOM 4933 Professional Practices in Agricultural Operations Management1
AEB 3133 Principles of Agribusiness Management (3) or
MAN 3025 Principles of Management (4)
Agriculture science elective (adviser approved)3
Technical electives (adviser approved)7
Total 14-15