2006-07 Undergraduate Catalog
Course Descriptions
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
WST 3000 Women and Diversity in U.S. History
Credits: 3.
This course explores the history of women in the United States from 1500 to the present by focusing on such social differences as ethnicity, class, race, age and sexual orientation. (H) (WR)
WST 3015 Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Women
Credits: 3.
The life experiences of women through the study of materials in the humanities, social and natural sciences and in the health professions. This is a required course for the Women's Studies major and minor and it fulfills the general education requirement in international studies and diversity. It can also be taken as an elective. (H, S, I)
WST 3349 Ecofeminism
Credits: 3.
This course provides a holistic framework for understanding the connections between environmental, feminist, and social justice issues. This course will critically analyze positions within ecofeminist theory. (WR)
WST 3415 Transnational Feminism
Credits: 1 to 4.
This course explores women and feminism in a transnational perspective, focusing on various theories and movements engendered by women in contemporary national contexts. Development, reproductive politics and women's health will be examined.
WST 3610 Gender, Race and Science
Credits: 3.
This course examines feminist theories of nature, science and technology. It explores how gender and race are critical to the origins of science, the making of scientists and the politics of contemporary practice.
WST 3930 Special Interdisciplinary Topics in Women's Studies
Credits: 1 to 4.
This course explores specific topics in gender/ women's studies based on a feminist approach. A variety of topics from different fields of study will be offered on a rotating basis. Examples of such topics include: gender issues in education, women's autobiography and women's health issues.
WST 3602 History of Sexualities
Credits: 3.
Explores the social history of sexuality, tracing history of ideas about and attitudes toward sensuality in law, politics, medicine and science from ancient Greeks to the present, with an emphasis on the North American experience.
WST 4641 Lesbian and Gay Studies
Credits: 3; Prereq: permission of instructor.
Overview of lesbian and gay studies, a portrait of the field, challenges, core debates, and possible future directions of such research.
WST 4905 Independent Study in Women's Studies
Credits: 1 to 3; can be repeated for up to 6 credits.
For advanced undergraduate students who desire to supplement the regular courses by independent reading or research.
WST 4930 Special Topics
Credits: 1 to 6; can be repeated up to 9 credits. Prereq: permission of instructor with varying courses.
Lectures and seminars covering selected topics of current interest in Women's Studies and/or Gender Studies.
WST 4931 Women's/Gender Studies Thesis Seminar
Credits: 3. Open only to WST majors.
Introduction to research methodology in Women's Studies. Includes reading, analysis, research and the production of a research project. Core requirement for WST majors.
WST 4935 Seminar in Feminist Studies
Credits: 3; Prereq: WST 3015.
The objective of this course is to better understand what feminist research is and how to do it. Emphasis is on exploring the past, present and future relationships among feminist theorizing, research and social change. Focus is on the interdisciplinary nature of women's studies.
WST 4940 Internship
Credits: 1 to 3; can be repeated up to 6 credits. Prereq: permission of instructor and program chair.
This course is designed for students desiring practical experience in the community. Students intern with a local agency, group or business involved in women's issues. (WR) (S-U)
General Education Categories
Consult Schedule of Courses for specific information.
- Composition (C)
- Mathematical Sciences (M)
- Humanities (H)
- Social and Behavioral Sciences (S)
- Physical (P) and Biological (B) Sciences
- International (I) and Diversity (D) focus
Symbols Used in Course Descriptions
Consult Schedule of Courses for specific information.
- (WR) indicates the course satisfies the writing requirement.
- (MR) indicates the course satisfies the math requirement.
- (S-U) indicates the course must be taken on a satisfactory-unsatisfactory basis.