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Office of the University Registrar

Registrar Services
Registrar Services

2006-07 Undergraduate Catalog

Course Descriptions

College of Pharmacy

PHA 3931 Honors Seminar in Pharmaceutical Research - In Search of Magic Bullets
Credits: 3; Prereq: honors program student.
This course provides an overview about the issues associated with pharmaceutical research: drug discovery process, clinical research, drug tragedies, governmental laws and regulations, pharmaceutical care, drug efficacy versus risk. In addition, specific drug research by pharmacy faculty is presented and discussed. (WR)

PHA 4620 Community Pharmacy Externship
Credits: 2.

PHA 4621 Institutional Pharmacy Externship
Credits: 2.

PHA 4901 Problems in Pharmacy Health Care Administration
Credits: 1 to 2; Prereq: permission of instructor.
Specific research projects in pharmacy are completed during a semester under the supervision of a pharmacy faculty member. (S-U)

PHA 4902 Problems in Pharmacodynamics
Credits: 1 to 2; Prereq: permission of instructor.
Specific research projects in pharmacy are completed during a semester under the supervision of a pharmacy faculty member. (S-U)

PHA 4905 Problems in Pharmaceutics
Credits: 1 to 2; Prereq: permission of instructor.
Specific research projects in pharmacy are completed during a semester under the supervision of a pharmacy faculty member. (S-U)

PHA 4906 Problems in Medicinal Chemistry
Credits: 1 to 2; Prereq: permission of instructor.
Specific research projects in pharmacy are completed during a semester under the supervision of a pharmacy faculty member. (S-U)

PHA 4907 Problems in Pharmacy Practice
Credits: 1 to 3; Prereq: permission of instructor.
Specific research projects in pharmacy are completed during a semester under the supervision of a pharmacy faculty member. (S-U)

PHA 4931 Pharmacy Seminar 1
Credits: 1.

PHA 4933 Selected Topics in Pharmacy
Credits: 1 to 3; maximum of 9 credits; Prereq: PD/PD classification.
Undergraduates may work on a project or complete a term paper under the supervision of a pharmacy faculty member.

General Education Categories
Consult Schedule of Courses for specific information.

  • Composition (C)
  • Mathematical Sciences (M)
  • Humanities (H)
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences (S)
  • Physical (P) and Biological (B) Sciences
  • International (I) and Diversity (D) focus

Symbols Used in Course Descriptions
Consult Schedule of Courses for specific information.

  • (WR) indicates the course satisfies the writing requirement.
  • (MR) indicates the course satisfies the math requirement.
  • (S-U) indicates the course must be taken on a satisfactory-unsatisfactory basis.