2006-07 Undergraduate Catalog
Course Descriptions
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
ENS 1930 Rotating Topics in English as a Second Language
Credits: 1 to 3.
Lecture and discussion sections covering the major aspects of university life and activities, introducing vocabulary, intercultural communication strategies, and campus routine to inculturate international applicants and visiting students.
ENS 2940 Introduction to Campus Culture for International Visitors
Credits: 1 to 3.
Through a (1-hour) lecture and (1-2 hour) discussion session per week, the students learn about the major aspects of U.S. university life and activities and contrast them with equivalent structures in their respective countries.
LIN 2000 Language: Humanities Perspective
Credits: 3.
A basic level introduction to word formation, sentence structure, basic sound systems, language acquisition, language varieties and the use of language in social interactions. Emphasis on individual topics will vary from instructor to instructor. (H) (WR)
LIN 2935 Special Topics in Language Study
Credits: 3.
LIN 3010 Introduction to Linguistics
Credits: 3.
An introduction to core areas of linguistics research: phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, sociolinguistics and language acquisition. Linguistics majors should register for especially designated LIN 3010 sections if available. (H)
LIN 3201 The Sounds of Human Language
Credits: 3; Prereq: LIN 3010.
In depth study of sounds employed in languages of the world. Emphasizes a comprehensive understanding of the mechanism underlying the production of speech sounds and the ability to recognize, distinguish and phonetically transcribe speech sounds from an unfamiliar language. An important element is the investigation of the patterning and functions of sounds in languages of the world, applying the methods of analyzing a language sound system.
LIN 3460 The Structure of Human Language
Credits: 3; Prereq: LIN 3010.
Investigation of word formation processes (morphology) and sentence structure (syntax) in the world's languages. Focus on vocabulary and tools used to discover and describe patterns in human language. Course work emphasizes problem solving and working with a wide range of language data. (WR)
LIN 3611 Languages and Dialects
Credits: 3; Prereq: LIN 3010.
An introduction to the defining characteristics and varieties of human natural languages and dialects. Presentations include a model of the nature of language, a survey of language families, the unity of languages and their diversity, areal linguistics, pidgins, Creoles and international languages. (S, I)
LIN 4033 Studies in Etymology: The Roots of English
Credits: 3; Prereq: LIN 3010.
Designed to equip students with principles of etymology and an ability to recognize the origin of words by their form. Focus is on word formation and change in form and meaning, the linguistic background of English; the sociocultural history of English in England; and the input from classical sources.
LIN 4127 Old English
Credits: 3.
Introduction to the language of pre-tenth century texts, analysis of sentence structure, word building processes and cultural values encoded in literary texts.
LIN 4205 Fundamentals of Phonetics
Credits: 3; Prereq: LIN 3010 and LIN 3201.
Provides a basic introduction to the study of phonetics. Topics covered include anatomy and physiology of the speech production apparatus, transcription and production of some of the world's sounds, basic acoustics, computerized methods for speech analysis, acoustic characteristics of sounds, stress and intonation, and basic issues in speech perception. Undergraduates should be aware that this course may be taught in conjunction with LIN 6208, Phonetics and Linguists, a graduate course.
LIN 4320 Introduction to Phonology
Credits: 3; Prereq: LIN 3010 and LIN 3201.
Phonemics, syllabic and prosodic phenomena, neutralization, distinctive features, morphophonemic alternation, phonological systems and processes. Terminology and notational conventions of generative phonology and Optimality Theory. Problems from a variety of languages. Undergraduates should be aware that this course may be taught in conjunction with a graduate course that bears the same title.
LIN 4400 Introduction to Morphology
Credits: 3; Prereq: LIN 3010 and LIN 3460.
Theory of word structure, derivation and inflection. The position of morphology in a grammar, the relationship between morphology and the rest of grammar, typology, cultural and conceptual categories, predictions of various theories or morphology. Examples and problems from a wide variety of the world's languages. Undergraduates should be aware that this course may be taught in conjunction with a graduate class that bears the same name.
LIN 4500 Introduction to Syntax
Credits: 3; Prereq: LIN 3010 and LIN 3460.
The generative-transformational model of syntax: phrase structure, the lexicon, case and agreement, movement, locality relations and anaphora. Emphasis on problem solving and linguistic argumentation. This course may be taught in conjunction with a graduate course that bears the same title.
LIN 4600 Survey of Sociolinguistics
Credits: 3; Prereq: LIN 3010.
Major approaches to language in context: ethnolinguistic, sociological, linguistic. Applications of socio-linguistics to applied linguistics, social sciences and education. Collection and analysis of data. (S, I)
LIN 4656 Gender and Language
Credits: 3; Prereq: LIN 3010.
Language in the construction of sex and gender roles within a culture. Grammaticalization of gender in languages of the world. Interaction of grammatical structures with gender stereotypes. Consequences of these interactions on grammatical structures. (S, I)
LIN 4701 Psycholinguistics
Credits: 3; Prereq: LIN 3010 or 2000, or SPA 4004.
Explores basic issues in psycholinguistics. This includes issues in linguistic principles and psychological mechanisms in language production, comprehension, acquisition and development.
LIN 4702C Methods in Psycholinguistics
Credits: 3; Prereq: LIN 4701; STA 2023 or the equivalent.
Provides hands-on experience designing, running and analyzing data from various types of psycholinguistic experiments.
LIN 4721 Second Language Acquisition
Credits: 3; Prereq: LIN 3010.
The neurolinguistic, psycholinguistic, and sociolinguistic bases of second language acquisition in childhood and adulthood.
LIN 4784 Writing Systems
Credits: 3; Prereq: LIN 3010.
Introduction to origin and typology of writing systems. Evaluates cognitive claims regarding second language reading acquisition and script type. Considers basic problems in the interface of phonology, script and natural language processing.
LIN 4790 Brain and Language
Credits: 3; Prereq: LIN 3010 or SPA 4004.
Introduction to critical issues and terminology in brain and language research. Topics include brain imaging techniques, categorization, auditory perception, modularity, connectionism, semantic representation, laterality, innateness and plasticity.
LIN 4803 Introduction to Semantics
Credits: 3; Prereq: LIN 3010.
The goal is to study truth conditional semantics as opposed to pragmatics. Basic notions in classical logic will be taught since logic is assumed in truth conditional semantics.
LIN 4905 Individual Study in Linguistics
Credits: 1 to 3.
Individual study for linguistics majors.
LIN 4930 Special Topics in Linguistics
Credits: 3 to 9; Prereq: LIN 3010.
A rotating topics course, offered by faculty members in areas of their specialties. Some offerings may involve extensive writing, while others will deal with quantitative analysis or field methodology. (H, I)
LIN 4970 Senior Thesis
Credits: 4; can be repeated for up to 12 credits.
TSL 3370 Introduction to Teaching English as a Second Language
Credits: 3.
Provides historical overview of trends in language teaching technology leading to communicative approaches to techniques for teaching listening, speaking, reading and writing. Trains students to instruct small groups and individuals in English language skills.
General Education Categories
Consult Schedule of Courses for specific information.
- Composition (C)
- Mathematical Sciences (M)
- Humanities (H)
- Social and Behavioral Sciences (S)
- Physical (P) and Biological (B) Sciences
- International (I) and Diversity (D) focus
Symbols Used in Course Descriptions
Consult Schedule of Courses for specific information.
- (WR) indicates the course satisfies the writing requirement.
- (MR) indicates the course satisfies the math requirement.
- (S-U) indicates the course must be taken on a satisfactory-unsatisfactory basis.