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Office of the University Registrar

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2006-07 Undergraduate Catalog

Course Descriptions

College of Engineering

CCE 4204 Construction Equipment, Methods and Management
Credits: 4; Prereq: junior or senior standing, or permission of instructor; Coreq: CGN 4101.
Theory and practice of construction operations, equipment utilization and construction methods. Analysis of costs. Optimizing crew and equipment. Heavy equipment costs. New emphasis on planning and executing a construction project.

CCE 4810 Construction Engineering Design
Credits: 3; Prereq: CCE 4204, CGN 4102, CES 4034.
Simulation of comprehensive construction project involving all phases of planning, scheduling and control from start to finish which involves making major decisions. Oral presentation at end of course.

CEG 4011 Soil Mechanics
Credits: 4; Prereq: EGM 3520.
Physical properties of soils, compaction, flow of water through soil, distribution of stress within soil and consolidation. Laboratory.

CEG 4012 Geotechnical Engineering
Credits: 3; Prereq: CEG 4011.
Subsurface exploration settlements analysis, slope stability, earth pressure and an introduction to foundation design.

CEG 4104 Retaining Wall and Embankment Design
Credits: 3; Prereq: CEG 4012.
The application of soil mechanics to the design and analysis of various types of retaining structures and earthen embankments.

CEG 4111 Foundation Engineering Design
Credits: 3; Prereq: CEG 4012.
Comprehensive design of geotechnical system, focusing on design of complete project and utilizing CAD programs. Designs, drawings and oral presentations through group effort.

CEG 4112 Geotech Aspects of Landfill Design
Credits: 3; Prereq: CEG 4012, or permission of instructor.
Geoenvironmental topics, settlement analysis, slope stability, liner design and LCRS design.

CES 3102 Mechanics of Engineering Structures
Credits: 4; Coreq: EGM 3520.
Introduction to structural load, equilibrium, sheer and bending moment diagrams, structural analysis software, classical methods for displacement determination, method of consistent deformations, slope deflection method, moment distribution method.

CES 3741 Introduction to Structural Design
Credits: 4; Prereq: CGN 3501.
Introduction to the behavior and design of steel and concrete structural elements, introduction to loads and load-paths, fundamentals of the structural design process, load and resistance factor design of tension members, beams, columns and connections, serviceability considerations.

CES 4034 Civil Engineering Estimating
Credits: 3; Prereq: CCE 4204, CGN 4101 and senior standing; EG classification or permission of instructor.
Design of systems for estimating and cost control of man-machine productivity for civil engineering projects. Analysis of cost factors required for optimization of engineering-investment efficiency.

CES 4141 Stress Analysis
Credits: 3; Prereq: CES 3102 and CGN 3421; EG classification or permission of instructor.
Determining structural loads, solving matrix equations, direct stiffness method, formulation of element matrices, transformations, modeling realistic frame and truss systems, introduction to the finite element method, determining convergence, interpretation of results, model validation.

CES 4605 Analysis and Design in Steel
Credits: 3; Prereq: CES 3102 and CGN 3501; EG classification only.
Elastic and plastic theories of design, design of members subjected to tension, compression, flexure and torsion. Design of connections and rigid frames.

CES 4608 Advanced Steel Design
Credits: 3; Prereq: CES 3102 and CES 3510.
Advanced topics in the design of steel structural building systems, advanced column and beam design, base plate design, moment amplification, second-order analysis, bracing considerations, beam-columns, interaction equations, connection design, composite design, plate girders.

CES 4702 Analysis and Design in Reinforced Concrete
Credits: 4; Prereq: CES 3102 and CGN 3501; EG classification only.
Ultimate strength analysis and design of reinforced beams and columns, working stress design for flexure, design of footings and retaining walls.

CES 4704 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design
Credits: 3; Prereq: CES 3102 and CES 3510; EG classification only.
Advanced topics in the design of concrete building systems. Long columns and frames, floor and roof systems, including two-way slabs, continuous beams, spandrel beams, torsion, foundations, introduction to pre-stressed concrete.

CGN 2002 Introduction to Civil Engineering
Credits: 1.
Introduces beginning students to the broad field of civil engineering.

CGN 2328 Technical Drawing and Visualization
Credits: 3; Prereq: must be at least 2 EG classification.
Two- and three-dimensional graphical methods of visualizing and communicating features of projects for construction involving parcel boundaries, topography, drainage, site modeling, site development, structures, buildings and objects using both traditional and computer-aided drafting and design techniques.

CGN 3421 Computer Methods in Civil Engineering
Credits: 4; Prereq: STA 3032, must be at least 2 EG classification.
Computer programming, use of computers, numerical methods as applied to civil engineering problems, and civil engineering software.

CGN 3501C Civil Engineering Materials
Credits: 4; Prereq: CES 3102, EGM 3520, SUR 2322C, or permission of instructor.
A study of the principal materials used for engineering purposes with special attention to mechanical properties and their importance to the engineer. Hands-on experience in testing of civil engineering materials.

CGN 3710 Experimentation and Instrumentation in Civil Engineering
Credits: 3; Prereq: PHY 2049.
Fundamentals and applications of measuring systems commonly used in civil engineering. Topics include recording techniques, strain, force, displacement, flow, temperature, humidity and PH measurements.

CGN 4101 Civil Engineering Cost Analysis
Credits: 3; Prereq: junior or senior standing, or permission of instructor.
Analysis of civil engineering proposals, utilizing time-value and related factors. Feasibility and optimum life comparisons. Utility rate derivation, utility/cost method.

CGN 4600 Public Works Engineering and Management Practices
Credits: 3.
Public works profession, organization, administration and management of operating divisions with emphasis on role of engineer.

CGN 4905 Special Problems in Civil Engineering
Credits: 1 to 4; maximum of 9 credits. Prereq: recommendation of undergraduate coordinator.
Selected problems or projects in the student's major field of engineering study.

CGN 4910 Structures-Geotechnical-Construction Comprehensive System Design
Credits: 3; Prereq: permission of instructor
Simulation of a design office experience through the completion and presentation of a comprehensive building design. Students will work in multi-disciplinary groups to complete a total system building design that includes structural, geotechnical and construction management considerations.

CGN 4949 Co-op Work Experience
Credits: 1; Prereq: EG classification. (S-U)

CWR 3201 Hydrodynamics
Credits: 4; Prereq: EGM 2511, EGM 3400, MAP 2302.
Classification and properties of fluids, hydrostatics, and conservation of mass, momentum and energy in fluid flow. Potential flow, similitude and physical modeling. Laminar and turbulent pipe flow. Introduction to turbomachines.

CWR 4111 Engineering Hydrology
Credits: 3; Prereq: CWR 4202; EG classification only.
Review of fundamentals of hydrology. Application of hydrology to hydraulic and transportation design including evaluation of runoff; design of control structures, detention and retention basis; flood plain mapping.

CWR 4114 Surface Hydrology
Credits: 3; Prereq: CWR 4111 or ENV 4501.
Occurrence and distribution of water by natural processes, including atmospheric thermodynamics, precipitation, runoff, infiltration, water losses, flood routing and catchment characteristics, analysis and methods of runoff prediction.

CWR 4120 Groundwater
Credits: 3; Prereq: ENV 4506.
Introduction to groundwater hydraulics, including hydrologic cycle, Darcy's equation, Dupuit assumption, well hydraulics, regional flow, freshwater-saltwater interface, flow in the unsaturated zone, fate and transport of contaminants and contaminant plume model.

CWR 4202 Hydraulics
Credits: 3; Prereq: CWR 3201, or permission of instructor.
Fundamental equations for pipe and open conduit flow. Development of design oriented formulas for pipes and open channels. Introduction to hydrology.

CWR 4306 Urban Stormwater Systems Design
Credits: 3; Prereq: CWR 4202.
Surface-water system design including: time of concentration, peak runoff rate, open-channel flow, gravity storm sewer, culvert, stormwater pumping, filtration systems, hydrograph generation, flood routing, site layout, site grading and permitting.

CWR 4812 Water Resources Engineering
Credits: 3; Prereq: CWR 4202; Coreq: CWR 4111.
Study of water resources engineering applications including hydrology and statistics, groundwater, hydraulic machinery, dams and reservoirs, water quality, water quality modeling, water and waste-water treatment and water law and institutions.

EGN 1002 Introduction to Engineering
Credits: 1.
Introduces the student to the eleven departments that offer undergraduate degrees at UF. The class breaks students into groups of 20 and rotates the groups weekly through each department. During a department visit the students participate in hands on experiments. The goal of the class is to help students make an informed choice about career alternatives.

EGN 1817 Engineering Innovations for the 21st Century
Credits: 2.
Students examine recent patents in engineering in order to learn the latest developments that will be used for components in the future. Students learn to analyze the presentation of a patent to determine usefulness of the patent, to understand the applicability of the courses taken in engineering to the development of the patent and to gain skills in distinguishing well-written patents from poorly written patents.

EGN 4032 Professional Issues in Engineering
Credits: 3; Prereq: senior standing, or permission of instructor.
Engineering legal aspects, insurance, specifications, contract documentation and labor relations. A discussion of professionalism and ethics in the practice of engineering. Engineering safety including regulations, standards, job site safety planning, and laboratory and testing safety.

EGN 4034 Professional Ethics
Credits: 1; Prereq: junior standing.
Provides students with an interactive study of ethical, theory and the development of professionalism. Students review case studies of ethical conflicts in engineering practice. Course covers engineering codes of ethics and requires students to resolve theoretical situations through application of ethical codes.

HIS 3470 History of Technology 1
Credits: 3.
The development of technology and engineering from antiquity to approximately 1750 with emphasis on the relationship of this development to the growth of western civilization. (H, I) (WR)

HIS 3471 History of Technology 2
Credits: 3.
The development of technology and engineering from approximately 1750 to WWI with emphasis on the relationship of this development to the changing patterns of life in western civilization. (H) (WR)

OCE 3016 Introduction to Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering
Credits: 3.
Introduction to important coastal and oceanographic processes. Geophysical fluid motions; waves and tides; air-sea interaction; pollutant transport; coastal hydraulic and sedimentary processes. Not intended for engineering majors.

TTE 4004 Transportation Engineering
Credits: 3; Prereq: EGM 3400 and SUR 2101C.
Survey of transportation modes; planning, design and operation of transportation systems; costs and benefits of transportation systems.

TTE 4106 Urban Transportation Planning
Credits: 3; Prereq: TTE 4004.
Overview of the four-step urban transportation planning process; includes analytical techniques for estimating future travel demand and state-of-the-art approaches.

TTE 4201 Traffic Engineering
Credits: 3; Prereq: TTE 4004.
General review of the fundamentals of traffic engineering with emphasis on field studies and data analysis.

TTE 4300 Transportation Systems Analysis
Credits: 3; Prereq: TTE 4004.
Systems analysis in transportation planning and engineering, describing supply, demand, equilibrium, evaluation and decision analysis.

TTE 4811 Physical Design of Transportation Elements
Credits: 3; Prereq: CGN 3501 and SUR 2101C; EG classification only.
Function and material requirements of different elements of flexible and rigid pavement systems; characterization of soils, materials, traffic loads, and environment for design; flexible and rigid pavement design; new developments.

TTE 4824 Transportation Facility Design
Credits: 3; Prereq: SUR 4201 and TTE 4004.
Simulates a comprehensive design of a transportation facility, specifically an arterial-freeway interchange. Will utilize state and national level design manuals in preparation of standard plans. Will apply the theoretical background gained in supporting classes, in areas such as traffic analysis, roadway design, roadway drainage and pavement design. Some review of this material will be provided, as well as introduction of several new concepts. Teamwork skills and technical communication skills will be emphasized.

General Education Categories
Consult Schedule of Courses for specific information.

  • Composition (C)
  • Mathematical Sciences (M)
  • Humanities (H)
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences (S)
  • Physical (P) and Biological (B) Sciences
  • International (I) and Diversity (D) focus

Symbols Used in Course Descriptions
Consult Schedule of Courses for specific information.

  • (WR) indicates the course satisfies the writing requirement.
  • (MR) indicates the course satisfies the math requirement.
  • (S-U) indicates the course must be taken on a satisfactory-unsatisfactory basis.