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Office of the University Registrar

Registrar Services
Registrar Services

2006-07 Undergraduate Catalog

Course Descriptions

Warrington College of Business Administration

Students should carefully note course prerequisites as they are strictly enforced. A current/revised listing of course prerequisites is available from the Undergraduate Programs Office, Stuzin Hall, Room 267.

GEB 2951 Special Projects
Credits: 1 to 3; can be repeated with a change in content up to 6 credits.
Projects related to business as approved by the college. (S-U)

GEB 3035 Effective Career Management in Business
Credits: 4.
Systematically designed course based on the cognitive information processing theory for career problem solving and decision-making. The course is delivered via modularized multi-media instructional materials. The course is designed to inform students about career planning and management interventions and to accommodate students at different levels of decidedness about their career aspirations.

GEB 3213 Professional Writing in Business
Credits: 3.
Designed to teach business students fundamental written communication skills focusing on those areas central to professional writing in business. (C) (WR)

GEB 4905 Individual Work
Credits: 1 to 4; can be repeated with a change in content up to 6 credits.
Reading and/or research in business administration.

GEB 4906 Independent Study
Credits: 1 to 4; can be repeated with a change in content up to 4 credits.
Reading and research in business administration. (S-U)

GEB 4930 Special Topics
Credits: 1 to 4; can be repeated with a change in content up to 4 credits. Prereq: permission of department
Variable content course providing an opportunity for in-depth study of topics not offered in other courses and topics of special current significance.

GEB 4932 Professional Development Module
Credits: 2; can be repeated with a change in content up to 6 credits.
This course presents techniques for outstanding presentation and public speaking skills. The course includes a significant service learning component whereby students apply presentation techniques developed in the classroom via business-oriented instruction in the K-12 school system.

GEB 4941 Internship in Business Administration
Credits: 1 to 4; can be repeated with change in content up to 6 credits. Prereq: consent of the director for undergraduate programs.
Applied work in business administration. Requires several papers and reports. (S-U)

GEB 4956 International Studies in Business
Credits: 1 to 6; can be repeated with a change in content up to 12 credits; Prereq: admission to an approved study abroad program and permission of the director for undergraduate programs.
This course provides a way to record course work on the transcript, when that work is taken at a foreign university as part of an approved study abroad program. Such work counts toward UF graduation.

GEB 4970 Honors Thesis
Credits: 1; Prereq: senior standing; 3.6 UF GPA.
A thesis is required for the awarding of the magna cum laude or summa cum laude designation. To qualify for the thesis option, students will normally have completed 90 semester hours of course work (exceptions may be made by the honors coordinator of the student's major department) and must have at least the grade point average (3.6) required for magna cum laude designation at the time they enroll. The thesis will be reviewed by at least one faculty member chosen by the honors coordinator from the student's major department. (S-U)

General Education Categories
Consult Schedule of Courses for specific information.

  • Composition (C)
  • Mathematical Sciences (M)
  • Humanities (H)
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences (S)
  • Physical (P) and Biological (B) Sciences
  • International (I) and Diversity (D) focus

Symbols Used in Course Descriptions
Consult Schedule of Courses for specific information.

  • (WR) indicates the course satisfies the writing requirement.
  • (MR) indicates the course satisfies the math requirement.
  • (S-U) indicates the course must be taken on a satisfactory-unsatisfactory basis.