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Office of the University Registrar

Registrar Services
Registrar Services

2006-07 Undergraduate Catalog

Course Descriptions

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

AEE 3030C Effective Oral Communication
Credits: 3.
Strategies and techniques for effective presentations in the food, agricultural and natural resource professions. Emphasis on oral and visual techniques for formal and informal situations including leadership and group settings.

AEE 3033C Research and Business Writing in Agricultural and Life Sciences
Credits: 3.
The purposes of this course are to establish the importance of effective communication to success in both the educational and professional environments; emphasize writing as a primary form of communication; examine the elements of effective written communication in organizational and scholarly areas; and explore the causes of ineffective writing and ways to correct them. (WR)

AEE 3070C Digital Media Production in Agricultural and Life Sciences
Credits: 3.
An introduction to the history and incorporation of electronic media used in agricultural and natural resources sciences. Hands-on learning of electronic media technology as it relates to agriculture is emphasized.

AEE 3073 Intercultural Communication
Credits: 3.
Basic culturally coded communication behaviors, such as cultural values and beliefs, attitudes, verbal and non-verbal behavior, will be examined to identify basic differences among individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. Special emphasis on cultural communication issues in the agricultural and natural resources sciences will be addressed. (S, I)

AEE 3075 Working with People: Interpersonal Leadership Skills
Credits: 3.
Identifies and defines leadership in terms of intrapersonal and interpersonal skills.

AEE 3200 Instructional Techniques in Agricultural and Vocational Education
Credits: 3.
Introduction to general techniques of teaching, selection of procedures, instructional resource management, learning environment and activities, student-teacher rapport, media and materials, and evaluation.

AEE 3208 Instructional and Event Planning for Agriculture and Natural Resources
Credits: 3.
Instructional methodology course that focuses on the selection and use of innovative teaching, meeting planning, and evaluation strategies for teaching agricultural subjects in various educational settings.

AEE 3209 Instructional and Event Planning in Agricultural and Life Sciences
Credits: 3.
Instructional methodology course that focuses on the selection and use of innovative teaching, presentation, meeting planning and evaluation strategies for teaching agricultural subjects in various educational settings.

AEE 3313 Development and Role of Extension Education
Credits: 3.
Extension philosophy, programs, methods and leadership principles, history of federal, state and local leadership in the development of the cooperative extension service.

AEE 3323 Development and Philosophy of Agricultural Education
Credits: 3.
An analysis of evolving concepts and philosophies of agricultural education programs with emphasis upon history, legislation, and principles underlying organization and practice.

AEE 3414 Leadership Development
Credits: 3.
An understanding of the dynamic interactions of personal characteristics, technical skills, interpersonal influence, commitment, goals and power necessary for effective organizational leader and follower behaviors.

AEE 4031 The Communication Process in Agricultural and Life Sciences
Credits: 3
A survey of basic communication concepts as they apply to agriculture and natural resource industries.

AEE 4035 Advanced Agricultural Communication Writing
Credits: 3; Prereq: AEE 3070C and AEE 4031 or JOU 3101, with a C or better.
This course provides students with the opportunity to master a variety of writing styles used in corporate and mass media settings. Emphasis will be placed on mastery of writing skills. (WR)

AEE 4036 Advanced Agricultural Communication Production
Credits: 3; Prereq: AEE 3070; can be repeated with change in content up to 6 credits.
This course provides directed experience in the following areas of agricultural communication - video production, graphic design, visual composition, desktop publishing and multimedia development.

AEE 4052 Communication Campaign Strategies in Agricultural and Life Sciences
Credits: 3.
Examination of the role of communication in agriculture, focusing on strategies and methods for agricultural information transfer. (WR)

AEE 4202 Curriculum Development and Assessment Techniques in Emerging Agricultural Technologies
Credits: 3; Prereq: AEE 3200.
This course is designed to introduce students to new and emerging areas in food agriculture and the natural resource sciences. Emphasis will be placed on appropriate teaching techniques, curricula and resources.

AEE 4224 Special Methods in Teaching Agricultural Education
Credits: 3; Prereq: AEE 3200 and AEE 3323.
Emphasis on supervised agricultural experience programs, record keeping and related FFA awards. Classroom management techniques, discipline and liability issues are also discussed.

AEE 4227 Laboratory Practices in Teaching Agricultural Education
Credits: 2; Prereq: AEE 3200, AEE 3323 and AOM 3220.
Laboratory practices in teaching mechanics and other operative skills, conducting field and laboratory classes, providing space and teaching facilities.

AEE 4500 Program Development and Evaluation
Credits: 3.
An in-depth analysis of the development and evaluation of human and community resource programs based on programming theories, concepts and research. Emphasizes dimensions of responsive communities, determination of community needs and goals.

AEE 4504 Curriculum and Program Planning for Agricultural Education
Credits: 3.
Principles and practices used in designing courses of instruction for effective teaching and total program development.

AEE 4434 Communication and Leadership in Groups and Teams
Credits: 3.
This course focuses on leadership and communication in groups and teams. Topics include: what makes effective groups and teams, processes of groups and teams, relationships of members, and improving group/team performance.

AEE 4506 Nonformal Teaching Methods and Delivery Strategies
Credits: 3.
This course focuses on the creation and implementation of educational programs and teaching methods within the realm of nonformal education.

AEE 4905 Individual Study
Credits: 1 to 5; Prereq: permission of instructor.
Topics and special problems selected from such fields as 4-H and FFA work, demonstrations, farm and home management, rural development, and pre-school planning and post-school evaluation and planning.

AEE 4909 Honors Project
Credits: 1 to 6; Prereq: must be admitted to the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences' honors program; 3.5 GPA or greater.
An individual special project course restricted to students in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences' honors program. Students will complete a project on a selected topic, issue, or problem. Projects may relate to research, teaching, or extension. The project will be reviewed by at least two faculty members chosen by the honors coordinator. May be repeated for up to six credits.

AEE 4933 Agricultural Education and Communication Senior Seminar
Credits: 1.

AEE 4942 Agricultural Education Internship
Credits: 6 to 8; Prereq: senior standing.
An individualized program whereby students are apprenticed to proper officials to gain practical experience in agribusiness and natural resources education, agricultural and extension programs at the county level and/or agribusiness experience in selected agricultural organizations.

AEE 4943 Leadership Education Internship
Credits: 4; Prereq: AEE 3200.
An individualized program whereby students are apprenticed to proper officials to gain practical experience in agricultural organizations, industry and/or the county extension program.

AEE 4944 Cooperative Extension Internship
Credits: 4 to 6; Prereq: senior standing, AEE 3313; minimum 2.0 GPA.
The Cooperative Extension internship is designed to provide students with the opportunity to develop practical on-the-job supervised experience in Cooperative Extension-primarily at the county level.

AEE 4948 Agricultural Communication Internship
Credits: 3 to 6; Prereq: 15 hours of communication courses with no grade below a C. Nine hours must include AEE 3070, AEE 4035 and JOU 3101.
An individualized program whereby students gain supervised experience in agricultural communications including reporting, writing, editing, photography, graphics, broadcasting, advertising or public relations.

General Education Categories
Consult Schedule of Courses for specific information.

  • Composition (C)
  • Mathematical Sciences (M)
  • Humanities (H)
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences (S)
  • Physical (P) and Biological (B) Sciences
  • International (I) and Diversity (D) focus

Symbols Used in Course Descriptions
Consult Schedule of Courses for specific information.

  • (WR) indicates the course satisfies the writing requirement.
  • (MR) indicates the course satisfies the math requirement.
  • (S-U) indicates the course must be taken on a satisfactory-unsatisfactory basis.