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Fees and Other Fiscal InformationApplication Fee Application FeeEach application for admission to the university must be accompanied by a nonrefundable application fee of $20. Enrollment and Student FeesPursuant to Section 6C-7.001 (2) Florida Administrative Code, registration shall be defined as consisting of two components: a) formal selection of one or more credit courses approved and scheduled by the university; and b) tuition payment, partial or otherwise, or other appropriate arrangements for tuition payment (installment payment, deferment or third-party billing) for the courses in which the student is enrolled as of the end of the drop/add period. Registration must be completed on or before the date specified in the university calendar. Students are not authorized to attend class unless they are on the class roll or have been approved to audit. Unauthorized class attendance will result in fee liability. Fee Liability-A student is liable for all fees associated with all courses in which he/she is registered at the end of the drop/add period or which he/she attends after that deadline. The fee payment deadline is 3:30 p.m. at the end of the second week of classes. Assessment of Fees-Pursuant to Section 6C-7.002(5), Florida Administrative Code: resident and nonresident tuition shall be assessed on the basis of course classification: tuition for courses numbered through 4999 shall be assessed at the undergraduate level, courses numbered 5000 and above shall be assessed at the graduate level. Students must assess and pay their own fees. Lack of written notification of the tuition fee debt does not negate the student's responsibility to pay by the published deadline. University personnel will not be held accountable for assessment or accuracy of calculations. Tuition fee rates are available from University Financial Services. Health, Athletic, Activity and Service and Material and Supply FeesHealth Fee-All students must pay a health fee that is assessed on a per credit hour basis and is included in the basic rate per credit hour. The health fee maintains the university's Student Health Service and is not part of any health insurance a student may purchase. Athletic Fee-All students must pay an athletic fee per credit hour each term. Half-time graduate research and teaching assistants enrolled for eight or more credit hours during the fall or spring semesters and all other students enrolled for nine or more credits can purchase athletic tickets at the student rate. Activity and Service Fee-All students must pay an activity and service fee that is assessed per credit hour and is included in the hourly tuition rate. Material and Supply Fee-Material and supply fees are assessed for certain courses to offset the cost of materials or supply items consumed in the course of instruction. Material and supply fee information is available from the academic departments or University Financial Services. Late Registration/Payment FeesLate Registration Fee (6C-7.003(4), Florida Administrative Code)-Any student who fails to initiate registration during the regular registration period will be subject to the late registration fee of $100. Late Payment Fee (6C-7.003(5), Florida Administrative Code)-Any student who fails to pay all fees or to make appropriate arrangements for fee payment (deferment or third party billing) by the deadline will pay a late payment fee of $100. Waiver of Late Fees-A student who believes that a late charge should not be assessed because of university error or extraordinary circumstances that prevented all conceivable means of compliance by the deadline may petition for a waiver.
The university may require documentation. Repeat Course FeeBeginning Fall 1997, any undergraduate course numbered 1000-4999 at the university (excluding individual study, courses numbered X900-X999, courses dropped or withdrawn without fee liability, cooperative education courses, military science courses with prefixes AFR, MIS and NSC and courses approved for multiple registrations) for which a student registers three or more times will be subject to a repeat course fee at 100% of the full cost of instruction, calculated annually. All students, regardless of classification or residency status, will be assessed the fee. Any courses taken prior to fall 1997 are excluded. Special Fees and ChargesAudit Fee-Fees for audited courses are the same as the credit hour fee charged to Florida residents for tuition purposes. Diploma Replacement Fee (6C-7.003(28)), Florida Administrative Code)-Each diploma ordered after a student's initial degree application will result in a diploma replacement charge. Transcript Fee (6C-7.003 27)), Florida Administrative Code)-Upon written request, a complete transcript for undergraduate, graduate and professional students can be purchased. The university releases only complete academic records. All charges may be subject to change without notice. Payment of Fees-Fees are payable on the dates listed in the university calendar. Payments are processed by University Financial Services. Checks, cashier's checks and money orders written in excess of the assessed fees will be processed and the difference refunded at a later date, according to university policy. Checks from foreign countries must be payable through a United States bank in U.S. dollars. The university can refuse three-party checks, altered checks and checks that will not photocopy. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) payments can be made directly from a student's checking account by enrolling for "EFT Sign Up" at www.isis.ufl.edu. Payments can be made via debit cards at kiosks around campus and at the university cashier's office. A personal identification number (PIN) is required to access the student's bank account. Cash withdrawals against debit cards will not be processed. Credit card payments by Mastercard or Visa may be made at kiosks around campus or over the internet at . Returned checks and returned EFT payments must be paid in cash, money order or cashier's check. A minimum $25 service fee will be charged; $30 will be charged if the check is $50.01-$299.99 and $40 will be charged for returned checks of $300 or more. The university also may impose additional requirements, including advance payment or security deposit. All financial obligations to the university will be applied on the basis of age of the debt. The oldest debt will be paid first. Deadlines-Deadlines are enforced. The university does not have the authority to waive late fees unless the university primarily is responsible for the delinquency or that extraordinary circumstances warrant such waiver. Cancellation and Reinstatement-The university may cancel the registration of any student who has not paid any portion of his/her fee liability by the deadline and has not attended class after the drop/add deadline. The university will suspend further academic progress by placing a financial hold on the student's record to prevent the release of grades, schedules, transcripts, registration, diplomas, loans, the use of UF facilities and/or services, and admission to UF functions and athletic events until the account has been settled in full. Reinstatement shall require the approval of the university and payment of all delinquent liabilities, including the late registration and late payment fees. Upon payment of fees, it is the student's responsibility to ensure that his or her registration is updated. Deferral of Registration and Tuition Fees-A fee deferment allows students to pay fees after the deadline without cancellation of registration or late payment fee. The university may award fee deferments in the following circumstances:
Deferment covers tuition fee payments only and must be established by the fee payment deadline. Fee deferments are granted based on information from the Office for Student Financial Affairs (financial aid deferments) or the Office of the University Registrar (veterans). Refer questions on eligibility to the appropriate office. Waiver of Fees-UF may waive fees as follows:
Refund of Fees-Tuition fees will be refunded in full in the circumstances noted below:
A refund of 25 percent of the total fees paid (less late fees) is available if notice of withdrawal from the university with written documentation is received from the student and approved prior to the end of the fourth week of classes for full semesters or a proportionately shorter period of time for the summer terms. Refunds must be requested at University Financial Services. Proper documentation must be presented when a refund is requested. A waiting period may be required. Refunds will be applied against any university debts. Tuition refunds due to cancellation, withdrawal or termination of attendance for students receiving financial aid will first be refunded to the appropriate financial aid programs. If you are a recipient of federal financial aid (Pell Grant, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG), Perkins Loan, Federal Direct Stafford Loans or PLUS loans), federal rules require that any unearned portion of your federal aid must be returned to the U.S. Department of Education. The amount you have earned is based on the number of days you attended classes as compared to the number of days in the entire term (first day of classes to the end of finals week). Any remaining refund then will be returned to the student. Other General Fiscal InformationStudents should bring sufficient funds, other than personal checks, to meet their immediate needs. Personal checks will be accepted at University Financial Services for the exact amount of fees and/or other amounts owed the university. Payments on all financial obligations to the university will be applied on the basis of age of the debt. The oldest debt will be paid first. University Financial Services does not cash checks or make cash refunds. Checks written in excess of assessed fees or other amounts paid the university will be accepted and processed, but the excess will be refunded to the student at a later date, according to university policy. Photo ID-A valid Gator One card must be presented to transact business at University Financial Services, to pick up tickets for athletic events, to use Gator dining accounts, to use the CIRCA computer labs, to use university libraries and to use all recreational facilities. The Gator One card can be obtained at the ID Card Services office. A driver's license, social security card, and $10 for new or replacement cards are required. Call 392-UFID for more information. Local Address-It is the student's responsibility to file a correct local address with Office of the University Registrar in 222 Criser Hall. Past Due Student Accounts-All students' accounts are payable at University Financial Services at the time such charges are incurred. Graduating students with outstanding financial obligations will have a hold placed on their records withholding release of a diploma, transcript and other university services until the debt is satisfied. University regulations prohibit registration, graduation, granting of credit, release of transcript or diploma for any student whose account with the university is delinquent. Delinquent accounts, including those debts for which the students' records have a financial hold, may require payment by cash, cashier's check or money order. Delinquent debts can result in placement with a collection agency without further notice, at which time additional collection costs will be assessed. |
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