Index to Course Prefixes If you are unsure of the department(s) offering the course, use the index below to identify the department(s). |
[A] [B] [C]
[D] [E] [F]
[G] [H] [I]
[J] [K] [L] [M]
[N] [O] [P]
[Q] [R] [S]
[T] [U] [V]
[W] [X] [Y]
ABE | Agricultural Engineering | Agricultural and Biological Engineering
ABE | Agricultural Engineering | Chemical Engineering
ABT | Arabic in Translation | African/Asian Languages and Literatures - Arabic
ACG | Accounting: General | Accounting
ADV | Advertising | Advertising
ADV | Advertising | Mass Communication
AEB | Agricultural Economics and Business | Food and Resource Economics
AEE | Agricultural and Extention Education | Agricultural Education and Communication
AEE | Agricultural and Extention Education | Food and Resource Economics
AFA | African-American Studies | African-American Studies
AFH | African History | African Studies
AFH | African History | History
AFR | Aerospace Studies | Military Science - Air Force
AFS | African Studies | African Studies
AFS | African Studies | Anthropology
AGG | Agriculture - General | Agriculture
AGR | Agronomy | Agronomy
AKA | Akan Language | African/Asian Languages and Literatures - Akan
ALS | Agricultural and Life Sciences | Agricultural Education and Communication
ALS | Agricultural and Life Sciences | Agricultural Operations Management
ALS | Agricultural and Life Sciences | Agriculture
ALS | Agricultural and Life Sciences | Agronomy
ALS | Agricultural and Life Sciences | Animal Sciences
ALS | Agricultural and Life Sciences | Entomology and Nematology
ALS | Agricultural and Life Sciences | Food and Resource Economics
ALS | Agricultural and Life Sciences | Horticultural Sciences
ALS | Agricultural and Life Sciences | Plant Pathology
ALS | Agricultural and Life Sciences | Soil and Water Science
AMH | American History | American Studies
AMH | American History | History
AML | American Literature | English
AMS | American Studies | American Studies
AMS | American Studies | History
ANG | Anthropology - Graduate | Anthropology
ANS | Animal Sciences | Animal Sciences
ANT | Anthropology | Anthropology
ANT | Anthropology | Religion
AOM | Agricultural Operations Management | Agricultural and Biological Engineering
AOM | Agricultural Operations Management | Agricultural Operations Management
ARA | Arabic Language | African/Asian Languages and Literatures - Arabic
ARC | Architecture | Architecture
ARC | Architecture | Building Construction
ARE | Art Education | Art and Art History
ARE | Art Education | Education - Teaching and Learning
ARH | Art History | Art and Art History
ART | Art | Art and Art History
ASH | Asian History | History
ASN | Asian Studies | African/Asian Languages and Literatures
ASN | Asian Studies | Asian Studies
AST | Astronomy | Astronomy
AST | Astronomy | Physics
AST | Astronomy | Zoology
AYM | Aymara Language | Linguistics
BCC | Medicine | Medicine - All Departments
BCH | Biochemistry (Biophysics) | Agricultural and Life Sciences
BCH | Biochemistry (Biophysics) | Botany
BCH | Biochemistry (Biophysics) | Food Science and Human Nutrition
BCH | Biochemistry (Biophysics) | Medicine - Biochemistry
BCN | Building Construction | Building Construction
BME | Biomedical Engineering | Biomedical Engineering (Engineering All Departments)
BMS | Basic Medical Sciences | Medicine - All Departments
BOT | Botany | Botany
BOT | Botany | Geology
BSC | Biological Sciences | Biological Sciences
BSC | Biological Sciences | Health Professions
BSC | Biological Sciences | Medicine-Physiology and Functional Genomics
BUL | Business Law | Management
CAP | Computer Applications | Computer and Information Science and Engineering
CAS | Clinical Audiology/Speech | Communicative Disorders
CAS | Clinical Audiology/Speech | Rehabilitation Science
CAT | Catalan | Romance Languages and Literature
CBH | Comparative Psychology and Animal Behavior | Psychology
CCE | Civil Construction Engineering | Civil and Coastal Engineering
CCJ | Criminology and Criminal Justice | Criminology and Law
CDA | Computer Design/Architecture | Computer and Information Science and Engineering
CDA | Computer Design/Architecture | Electrical and Computer Engineering
CEG | Civil Geotechnical Engineering | Civil and Coastal Engineering
CEN | Computer Engineering | Computer and Information Science and Engineering
CES | Civil Engineering Structures | Civil and Coastal Engineering
CGN | Civil Engineering | Civil and Coastal Engineering
CGS | Computer General Studies | Computer and Information Science and Engineering
CGS | Computer General Studies | Decision and Information Sciences
CGS | Computer General Studies | Industrial and Systems Engineering
CHI | Chinese | African/Asian Languages and Literatures
CHI | Chinese | African/Asian Languages and Literatures - Chinese
CHM | Chemistry | Chemical Engineering
CHM | Chemistry | Chemistry
CHS | Chemistry - Specialized | Chemistry
CHT | Chinese Literature in Translation | African/Asian Languages and Literatures - Chinese
CHW | Chinese Literature | African/Asian Languages and Literatures - Chinese
CIS | Computer and Information Systems | Computer and Information Science and Engineering
CJC | Corrections | Criminology and Law
CJE | Law Enforcement | Criminology and Law
CJJ | Juvenile Justice | Criminology and Law
CJL | Law and Process | Criminology and Law
CLA | Classical and Ancient Studies | Classics
CLP | Clinical Psychology | Clinical and Health Psychology
CLP | Clinical Psychology | Psychology
CLT | Classical Literature in Translation | Classics
CLT | Classical Literature in Translation | Religion
COM | Communication | Center for Written and Oral Communication
COM | Communication | Communication Sciences and Disorders
COM | Communication | Mass Communication
COP | Computer Programming | Computer and Information Science and Engineering
COT | Computing Theory | Chemical Engineering
COT | Computing Theory | Computer and Information Science and Engineering
CPO | Comparative Politics | Political Science
CRW | Creative Writing | English
CWR | Civil Water Resources | Agricultural and Biological Engineering
CWR | Civil Water Resources | Civil and Coastal Engineering
CWR | Civil Water Resources | Environmental Engineering Sciences
CWR | Civil Water Resources | Soil and Water Sciences
CZE | Czech Language | German and Slavic Studies
DAA | Dance Activities | Sport and Fitness
DAA | Dance Activities | Theatre and Dance
DAE | Dance Education | Theatre and Dance
DAN | Dance | Theatre and Dance
DCP | Design, Construction and Planning | Building Construction
DEN | Dentistry | Dentistry - All Departments
DEP | Development Psychology | Clinical and Health Psychology
DEP | Development Psychology | Psychology
DIE | Dietetics | Food Science and Human Nutrition
DIG | Digital Arts | Fine Arts
DIG | Digital Arts | Art and Art History
DUT | Dutch | Germanic and Slavic Studies - Dutch
EAB | Experimental Analysis of Behavior | Psychology
EAP | Linguistics | Linguistics
EAS | Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering | Mechanical/Aerospace Engineering
ECH | Engineering: Chemical | Chemical Engineering
ECO | Economics | Economics
ECO | Economics | Education - Teaching and Learning
ECP | Economics Problems and Policy | Economics
ECS | Economic Systems and Development | Economics
ECS | Economic Systems and Development | History
EDA | Education: Administration | Education - Educational Leadership/Policy/Foundations
EDE | Education: Elementary | Education - Teaching and Learning
EDF | Education: Foundations and Policy Studies | Education - Educational Psychology
EDF | Education: Foundations and Policy Studies | Education - Teaching and Learning
EDG | Education: General | Education - Educational Leadership/Policy/Foundations
EDG | Education: General | Education - Educational Psychology
EDG | Education: General | Education - Teaching and Learning
EDH | Education: Higher | Education - Educational Leadership/Policy/Foundations
EDM | Education: Middle School | Education - Teaching and Learning
EDS | Education: Supervision | Education - Educational Leadership/Policy/Foundations
EEC | Education: Early Childhood | Education - Teaching and Learning
EED | Education: Emotional Disorders | Education - Special Education
EEL | Engineering: Electrical | Electrical and Computer Engineering
EES | Environmental Engineering Science | Environmental Engineering Sciences
EES | Environmental Engineering Science | Microbiology and Cell Science
EEX | Education: Exceptional Child Core | Comparative - Education - Special Education
EGI | Education: Gifted | Education - Special Education
EGM | Engineering: Mechanical | Civil and Coastal Engineering
EGM | Engineering: Mechanical | Mechanical/Aerospace Engineering
EGN | Engineering: General | Engineering - All Departments
EIN | Engineering: Industrial | Industrial and Systems Engineering
ELD | Ed: Specific Learning Disabilities | Education - Special Education
EMA | Materials Engineering | Materials Science and Engineering
EME | Education: Technology | Education - Teaching and Learning and Media
EML | Engineering: Mechanical | Mechanical/Aerospace Engineering
EML | Engineering: Mechanical | Nuclear and Radiological Engineering
EMR | Education: Mental Retardation | Education - Special Education
ENC | English Composition | English
ENC | English Composition | Linguistics
ENC | English Composition | Writing Program
ENC | English Composition | Center for Written and Oral Communications
ENG | English - General | English
ENL | English Literature | English
ENS | English for Non-native Speakers | Linguistics
ENU | Engineering: Nuclear | Microbiology and Cell Science
ENU | Engineering: Nuclear | Nuclear and Radiological Engineering
ENV | Engineering: Environmental | Civil and Coastal Engineering
ENV | Engineering: Environmental | Environmental Engineering Sciences
ENV | Engineering: Environmental | Nuclear and Radiological Engineering
ENY | Entomology | Entomology and Nematology
EOC | Engineering and Oceanography | Civil and Coastal Engineering
EPH | Ed: Physical and Multiple Handicaps | Education - Special Education
ESC | Geological Sciences | Geological Sciences
ESE | Education: Secondary | Education - Teaching and Learning
ESI | Industrial Engineering | (Systems) - Industrial and Systems Engineering
EUH | European History | History
EUS | European Studies | Center for European Studies
EVR | Environmental Studies | Natural Recources and Environment
EVS | Environmental Science | Natural Resources and Environment
EXP | Experimental Psychology | Psychology
FAS | Fisheries and Aquaculture | Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
FES | Fire Emergency Services | Building Construction
FIL | Film | Mass Communication
FIN | Finance | Finance, Insurance and Real Estate
FLE | Foreign Language Educational | Education - Teaching and Learning
FNR | Forestry and Natural Resources | Forest Resources and Conservation
FNR | Forestry and Natural Resources | Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
FOL | Foreign and Biblical Languages | African/Asian Languages and Literatures - All Departments
FOL | Foreign and Biblical Languages | Germanic and Slavic Studies -All Departments
FOL | Foreign and Biblical Languages | Romance Languages and Literatures - All Departments
FOR | Forestry | Forest Resources and Conservation
FOS | Food Science | Food Science and Human Nutrition
FOT | Foreign Language in Translation | Latin American Studies and Literatures - All Departments
FOW | Foreign and Biblical Languages | Germanic and Slavic Studies - German
FOW | Foreign and Biblical Languages | Romance Languages and Literatures - All Departments
FRC | Fruit Crops | Horticultural Sciences
FRE | French Language | Romance Languages and Literatures - French
FRT | French Literature in Translation | Romance Languages and Literatures - French
FRW | French Literature | Romance Languages and Literatures - French
FYC | Family, Youth and Community Sciences | Family, Youth and Community Sciences
GEA | Geography - Regional (Area) | Geography
GEB | General Business | Business Administration - General
GEB | General Business | Finance, Insurance and Real Estate
GEO | Geography - Systematic | Geography
GER | German | Germanic and Slavic Studies - Dutch
GER | German | Germanic and Slavic Studies - German
GET | German Literature in Translation | Germanic and Slavic Studies - German
GEW | German Literature | Germanic and Slavic Studies - German
GEY | Gerontology | Gerontology
GLY | Geology | Geological Sciences
GMS | Graduate Med Sciences | Medicine - All Departments
GRA | Graphic Design | Art and Art History
GRE | Classical Greek Language Study | Classics - Greek
GRK | Modern Greek Language | Classics - Greek
GRW | Greek Literature | Classics - Greek
HAI | Haitian Creole | Romance Languages and Literatures - Haitian/Creole
HAT | Haitian Creole Translation | Romance Languages - Haitian/Creole
HBR | Modern Hebrew Language | African/Asian Languages and Literatures - Hebrew
HBT | Modern Hebrew in Translation | African/Asian Languages and Literatures - Hebrew
HIS | History - General | Civil and Coastal Engineering
HIS | History - General | History
HLP | Health, Leisure and Ph. Educational | Applied Physiology and Kenesiology
HLP | Health, Leisure and Ph. Educational | Health Science Education
HLP | Health, Leisure and Ph. Educational | Recreation, Parks and Tourism
HMW | Modern Hebrew Literature | African/Asian Languages and Literatures - Hebrew
HNG | Hungarian | Center for European Studies
HOS | Horticulture Sciences | Horticulture Sciences
HSA | Health Services Administration | Economics
HSA | Health Services Administration | Applied Physiology and Kenesiology
HSC | Health Science | Education - Teaching and Learning
HSC | Health Science | Health Professions
HSC | Health Science | Health Education and Behavior
HSC | Health Science | Medicine - Physician Assistant
HSC | Health Science | Physical Therapy
HUM | Humanities | African/Asian Languages and Literatures
HUM | Humanities | Art and Art History
HUM | Humanities | Asian Studies
HUM | Humanities | Fine Arts
HUM | Humanities | Liberal Arts and Sciences - General or Interdisciplinary Studies
HUN | Human Nutrition | Food Science and Human Nutrition
ICM | International Construction Management | Building Construction
IDH | Interdisciplinary Honors | Communication Sciences and Disorders
IDH | Interdisciplinary Honors | Criminology and Law
IDH | Interdisciplinary Honors | History
IDH | Interdisciplinary Honors | Honors Program
IDS | Interdisciplinary Honors | Career Development Program
IDS | Interdisciplinary Honors | Liberal Arts and Sciences - General or Interdisciplinary Studies
IND | Interior Design | Interior Design
INR | International Relations | Political Science
ISM | Information Systems Management | Decision and Information Sciences
ISS | Interdisciplinary Social Sciences | Liberal Arts and Sciences - General or Interdisciplinary Studies
ITA | Italian Language | Romance Languages and Literatures - Italian
ITT | Italian Literature in Translation | Romance Languages and Literatures - Italian
ITW | Italian Literature | Romance Languages and Literatures - Italian
JOU | Journalism | Journalism
JOU | Journalism | Mass Communication
JPN | Japanese Language | African/Asian Languages and Literatures - Japanese
JPT | Japanese Literature | African/Asian Languages and Literatures - Japanese in Translation
JPW | Japanese Literature | African/Asian Languages and Literatures - Japanese
JST | Judaic Studies | Jewish Studies
LAA | Landscape Architecture | Landscape Architecture
LAE | language Arts and English Educational | Education - Teaching and Learning
LAE | language Arts and English Educational | English
LAH | Latin American History | History
LAS | Latin American Studies | Latin American Studies
LAT | Latin (Language Study) | Classics - Latin
LAW | Law | Law
LEI | Leisure | Recreation, Parks and Tourism
LIN | Linguistics | Communication Sciences and Disorders
LIN | Linguistics | Education - Teaching and Learning
LIN | Linguistics | English
LIN | Linguistics | Linguistics
LIT | Literature | English
LIT | Literature | Jewish Studies
LIT | Literature | Liberal Arts and Sciences - General or Interdisciplinary Studies
LIT | Literature | Religion
LNW | Latin Literature | Classics - Latin
MAA | Mathematics - Analysis | Mathematics
MAC | Mathematics - Calculus and Precalculus | Mathematics
MAD | Mathematics - Discrete | Industrial and Systems Engineering
MAD | Mathematics - Discrete | Mathematics
MAE | Mathematics Education | Education - Teaching and Learning
MAE | Mathematics Education | Mathematics
MAN | Management | Decision and Information Sciences
MAN | Management | Management
MAP | Mathematics - Applied | Mathematics
MAR | Marketing | Marketing
MAS | Mathematics - Algebraic | Mathematics Structure
MAT | Mathematics | Mathematics
MCB | Microbiology | Microbiology and Cell Science
MED | Medicine | Medicine - All Departments
MEL | Medicine | Medicine - All Departments
MET | Meteorology | Atmospheric Sciences
MGF | Math: General and Finite | Mathematics
MHF | Math: History and Foundations | Mathematics
MHS | Education | Guidance and Counseling Education - Counselor Education
MHS | Education | Guidance and Counseling Rehabilitation Counseling
MMC | Mass Media Commun. | Journalism
MMC | Mass Media Commun. | Mass Communication
MSL | Military Science | Military Science - Army
MTG | Mathematics - Topology and Geometry | Mathematics
MUC | Music: Composition | Music
MUE | Music: Education | Education - Teaching and Learning
MUE | Music: Education | Music
MUG | Music: Conducting | Music
MUH | Music: History/Musicology | Music
MUL | Music: Music Language | Music
MUN | Music: Music Ensembles | Music
MUO | Music: Opera/Musical Theatre | Music
MUR | Music: Church Music | Music
MUS | Music | Music
MUT | Music: Theory | Music
MVB | Music: Applied - Brasses | Music
MVK | Music: Applied - Keyboard | Music
MVO | Music: Applied - Instruments Other | Music
MVP | Music: Applied - Percussion | Music
MVS | Music: Applied - Strings | Music
MVV | Music: Applied - Voice | Music
MVV | Music: Applied - Voice | Theatre and Dance
MVW | Music: Applied - Woodwinds | Music
NEM | Nematology | Entomology and Nematology
NGR | Nursing - Graduate | Nursing - All Departments
NSC | Naval Science | Military Science - Navy
NUR | Nursing - Undergraduate | Nursing - All Departments
OCE | Oceanography: General | Civil and Coastal Engineering
OCE | Oceanography: General | Geology
OCP | Oceanography: Physical | Civil and Coastal Engineering
ORH | Ornamental Horticulture | Horticultural Sciences
ORI | Oral Interpretation | Theatre and Dance
OTH | Occupational Therapy | Health Professions
OTH | Occupational Therapy | Occupational Therapy
PAD | Public Administration | Political Science
PAS | Physician Assistant | Medicine - Physician Assistant
PCB | Process Biology | Botany
PCB | Process Biology | Forest Resources and Conservation
PCB | Process Biology | Horticultural Sciences
PCB | Process Biology | Microbiology and Cell Science
PCB | Process Biology | Zoology
PCO | Psychology for Counseling | Education - Counselor Education
PCO | Psychology for Counseling | Psychology
PEL | Physical Education Activities - Object Centered, Land | Sport and Fitness
PEM | Physical Education Activities - Performance Centered | Sport and Fitness
PEN | Physical Education Acts (General) - Water | Sport and Fitness
PEO | Physical Education Acts (Professional) - Object Centered | Sport and Fitness
PEP | Physical Education Acts (Professional) - Performance Centered | Sport and Fitness
PEQ | Physical Education Acts (Professional) - Water | Sport and Fitness
PET | Physical Education Theory | Sport and Fitness
PET | Physical Education Theory | Applied Physiology and Kenesiology
PGY | Photography | Art and Art History
PGY | Photography | Journalism
PGY | Photography | Zoology
PHA | Pharmacy | Medicine - Pharmacology
PHA | Pharmacy | Pharmacy - All Departments
PHC | Public Health Care | Health Services Administration
PHH | Philosophy, History of | Philosophy
PHI | Philosophy | Philosophy
PHI | Philosophy | Religion
PHM | Philosophy of Man and Society | Philosophy
PHP | Philosophers and Schools | Philosophy
PHT | Physical Therapy | Physical Therapy
PHY | Physics | Physics
PHZ | Physics | Physics
PKG | Packaging | Agricultural and Biological Engineering
PKG | Packaging | Agricultural Operations
PKG | Packaging | Entomology and Nematology
PLP | Plant Pathology | Botany
PLP | Plant Pathology | Plant Pathology
PLS | Plant Science | Agronomy
PLS | Plant Science | Horticultural Sciences
PLT | Polish Literature (Translation) | Germanic and Slavic Studies - Polish
PLW | Polish Literature | Germanic and Slavic Studies - Polish
PMA | Pest Management | Entomology and Nematology
POL | Polish Language | Germanic and Slavic Studies - Polish
POR | Portuguese Language | Romance Languages and Literatures - Portuguese
POS | Political Science | Political Science
POT | Political Theory | Political Science
POW | Portuguese Literature | Romance Languages and Literatures - Portuguese
PPE | Psychology in Personality | Clinical Psychology
PPE | Psychology in Personality | Psychology
PRT | Portuguese in Translation | Romance Languages and Literatures - Portuguese
PSB | Psychobiology | Psychology
PSC | Physics | Physics
PSY | Psychology | Psychology
PUP | Public Policy | Political Science
PUR | Public Relations | Mass Communication
PUR | Public Relations | Public Relations
QMB | Quantitative Methods in Business | Decision and Information Sciences
QMB | Quantitative Methods in Business | Marketing
RCS | Education Guidance and Counseling | Rehabilitation Counseling
RED | Reading Education | Education - Teaching and Learning
RED | Reading Education | English
REE | Real Estate | Finance, Insurance and Real Estate
REL | Religion | Jewish Studies
REL | Religion | Philosophy
REL | Religion | Religion
RMI | Risk Management and Insurance | Finance, Insurance and Real Estate
RSD | Rehabilitation Science | Doctoral Health Professions
RTV | Radio - Television | Mass Communications
RTV | Radio - Television | Telecommunication
RUS | Russian Language | Germanic and Slavic Studies - Russian
RUT | Russian Literature in Translation | Germanic and Slavic Studies - Russian
RUW | Russian Literature | Germanic and Slavic Studies - Russian
SAL | Sanskrit | Religion
SCA | Scandinavian Languages | Germanic and Slavic Studies - Swedish
SCE | Science Education | Education - Teaching and Learning
SCT | Scandinavian Literature in Translation | Germanic and Slavic Studies - Swedish
SDS | Education Guidance and Counseling | Education - Counselor Education
SDS | Education Guidance and Counseling | Rehabilitation Counseling
SLS | Student Life Skills | First Year Florida
SLS | Student Life Skills | Liberal Arts and Sciences - General or Interdisciplinary Studies
SOP | Social Psychology | Psychology
SOS | Soil Science | Soil and Water Sciences
SPA | Speech Pathology and Audiology | Communication Sciences and Disorders
SPC | Speech Communication | Communication Sciences and Disorders
SPC | Speech Communication | English
SPC | Speech Communication | Written and Oral Communication
SPN | Spanish Language | Romance Languages and Literatures - Spanish
SPS | School Psychology | Education - Counselor Education
SPS | School Psychology | Education - Educational Psychology
SPS | School Psychology | Education - Special Education
SPT | Spanish Literature in Translation | Romance Languages and Literatures - Spanish
SPW | Spanish Literature | Romance Languages and Literatures - Spanish
SSA | Sub-Saharan African Languages | African /Asian Languages and Literatures
SSA | Sub-Saharan African Languages | African/Asian Languages and Literatures - Yoruba
SSA | Sub-Saharan African Languages | African Studies
SSE | Social Studies Education | Education - Teaching and Learning
SST | Sub-Saharan African Literature in Translation | African /Asian Languages and Literatures
STA | Statistics | Civil and Coastal Engineering
STA | Statistics | Statistics
SUR | Surveying and Related Areas | Forest Resources and Conservation
SWA | Swahili Language | African/Asian Languages and Literatures - Swahili
SYA | Sociological Analysis | Agricultural and Life Sciences
SYA | Sociological Analysis | Sociology
SYD | Sociology of Demographyand Area Studies | Sociology
SYG | General Sociology | Agricultural and Life Sciences
SYG | General Sociology | Sociology
SYO | Social Organization | Religion
SYO | Social Organization | Sociology
SYP | Social Processes | Sociology
TAX | Taxation | Accounting
THE | Theatre | Theatre and Dance
TPA | Theatre Production and Administration | Theatre and Dance
TPP | Theatre Performance and Performance Training | Theatre and Dance
TSL | Teaching English as a Second Language | Linguistics
TTE | Transportation and Traffic Engineering | Civil and Coastal Engineering
URP | Urban and Regional Planning | Urban and Regional Planning
VEC | Vegetable Crops | Horticultural Sciences
VEM | Veterinary Medicine | Veterinary Medicine - All Departments
VME | Veterinary Medicine | Veternary Medical Sciences
VME | Veterinary Medicine | Veterinary Medicine - All Departments
WIS | Wildlife Science | Forest Resources and Conservation
WIS | Wildlife Ecology and Conservation | Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
WOH | World History | History
WST | Women’s Studies | Women’s Studies
YOR | Yoruba Language | African/Asian Languages and Literatures - Yoruba
ZOO | Zoology Forest | Resources and Conservation
ZOO | Zoology | Microbiology and Cell Science
ZOO | Zoology | Zoology |
Last updated: Wednesday, 05-Aug-2020 12:41:12 EDT