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2003 - 2004
Undergraduate Catalog |
Education: School of Teaching and LearningINSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Adams, T.; Allington, R.; Bondy, E.; Dawson, K.; DeJong, E.; Fang, Z.; Ferdig, R.; Fu, D.; George, P.; Gregory, J.W.; Halsall, S.; Harper, C.; Hurt, J.A.; Jones, L.; Kantowski, E.L.; Kemple, K.M.; Lamme, L.L.; Lowery, R.; McGill-Franzen, A.; Mullally, L.J.; Naranjo, C.; Nelms, B.; Pace, B.; Pringle, R.; Ross, D.D.; Strangis, D.; Swain, C.R.; Sylva, D.; Townsend, J.; Wright, R.G.; Yeager, E.A. ARE 4940 Student Teaching in Art Education. Credits: 4 to 12††; Prereq: Minimum 2.50 GPA. Student teaching in selected classrooms of public schools. Special seminars and continuous evaluation of teaching experiences. EDG 4203 Elementary and Secondary Curriculum. Credits: 3. Purposes, organization, curriculum and issues of elementary and secondary schools and roles of educators. EDG 4930 Special Topics. Credits: 1 to 4; may be repeated to a maximum of 12 credits. Topics will vary. TSL 3526 ESOL Foundations: Language and Culture in Classrooms. Credits: 3. Examines issues of language and culture that are relevant for school-age learners of English as a Second Language (ESOL). TSL 4320 ESOL Strategies for Content Area Teachers. Credits: 3. Provide teachers with skills to effectively teach ESOL students in content area classes. Early Childhood Education EDE 4942 Integrated Teaching in Elementary Education. Credits: 3; Prereq: EEX 3070; Coreq: SSE 4312, LAE 4314. This field component is an intensive experience completed during the integrated semester in Language Arts and Social Studies in the inclusive classrooms.†† EDG 3374 Teaching Math and Science in Early Childhood. Credits: 3; Prereq: Must be a junior or senior EMR in the Unified Early Childhood Education Program. Techniques and methods for teaching preschool to third grade mathematics and science. Topics include psychological understandings, problem solving processes, integration of mathematics and science curricula, organizing for instruction, teaching methodology, alternative assessments and applying the process approach to learning activities through use of centers, cooperative learning, hands-on manipulatives and discovery type experiments. EEC 3301 Early Childhood Education. Credits: 2; Prereq: Must be a junior or senior EMR in the Unified Early Childhood Education Program. Examination and development of beliefs about teaching, learning, children, subject matter and the purposes of early childhood education in a democratic society. EEC 3706 Emergent Literacy. Credits: 3; Prereq: Must be a junior or senior EMR in the Unified Early Childhood Education Program. Study of constructivist theory of how children learn and the sociopsycholinguistic theory of language learning. Focuses on how children construct knowledge about and learn to use written language. EEC 3800 Professional Studies in Early Childhood Education. Credits: 1 to 20; maximum of 20 credits. Study of content selected from art, curriculum, language arts, mathematics, reading, science and social studies. EEC 3941 Practicum in Early Childhood Education. Credits: 1 to 4; Prereq: Enrollment in Unified Early Childhood PROTEACH. Field experience in preservice early childhood education. EEC 4215 Early Childhood Science and Social Studies. Credits: 3; Prereq: Must be a junior or senior EMR in the Unified Early Childhood Education Program. Integrated curriculum course on subject areas of science and social studies from the perspective of constructivist theory. Designed to promote understanding of similarities in ways in which children construct basic science and social studies concepts. EEC 4704 Social Competence in Early Childhood. Credits: 3; Prereq: Must be a junior or senior EMR in the Unified Early Childhood Education Program. Techniques of implementing developmentally appropriate strategies to promote children’s self-responsibility and self-discipline. Examination of practices to help young children learn conflict resolution, effective interaction skills and prosocial behavior. LIN 3710 Language Acquisition. Credits: 3; Prereq: Must be a junior or senior EMR in the Unified Early Childhood Education Program. This course focuses on child language development and use as it influences classroom practice and literacy development. Study of oral language development of children from birth through age eight. Media and Instructional Design Education EDE 4905 Individual Study. Credits: 1 to 3. Open only to selected undergraduate students who wish to study an individual problem in depth which relates to their preparation as teachers. The project must be approved and supervised by a departmental faculty member. EDM 4322 Integrated Teaching in the Middle School. Credits: 3; Prereq: EEX 3070. This field component is an intensive experience completed during each of the senior year methods semesters. EDM 4405 Middle School Education. Credits: 3. Study of organization, curriculum, programs, issues and problems in middle schools. EME 2040 Introduction to Educational Technology. Credits: 3. An introduction to computer productivity (word processing, data base, spread sheet, painting, drawing, layout presentations); multi-media (media design, digital video, presentation); communications (Internet, ERIC); educational software (computer-aided instruction, public domain software); interactive media (linked environments, one-to-many, presentations using electronic tools); reference (electronic encyclopedia, atlases, clip art, libraries, Internet); instructional applications (techniques); ethical, legal and social issues. See also EDF 1005 and EDG 2701. EME 3402 Introduction to Instructional Computing. Credits: 3. Evaluation of systems and software used in instructional computing; an overview of the uses of computers in instruction including simulation problem solving, drill and practice, classroom management and materials generation. EME 4102 Design and Development of Educational Media. Credits: 4. Study of the instructional development process for educators at all levels. Emphasizes the effective use of media and results in the design of a complete instructional unit. EME 4200 Production and Utilization of Educational Media. Credits: 4. Develop skills for producing and utilizing illustrations, lettered captions, flat mounted and laminated pictures, overhead transparencies, 2" x 2" photographic slides, and audio tape recordings. EME 4406 Integrating Technology into the Curriculum. Credits: 3; Prereq: EME 2040. Course designed to provide students with approaches to teaching that assume technology. Students gain experience with curriculum design and course development which assumes the use of technology. ESE 4905 Individual Study. Credits: 1 to 4. May be repeated with change of content up to a maximum of 10 credits. Open only to selected undergraduate students who wish to study an individual problem in depth which relates to their preparation as secondary education teachers. The project must be approved and supervised by a departmental faculty member. HSC 4870 Student Teaching in Health Science Education. Credits: 1 to 16; maximum of 16. Student teaching in selected classrooms of public schools. Special seminars in continuous evaluation of teaching experience. LAE 3005 Children’s Literature. Credits: 3. Introductory class on genres of children’s literature, critical response theory, strategies for critically evaluating books for instructional and aesthetic purposes, and strategies for generating personal, critical and aesthetic responses to literature from diverse and inclusive student populations. LAE 4314 Language Arts for Diverse Learners. Credits: 3; Prereq: 3ECD or 3EMR, EEX 3070; Coreq: SSE 4312, Integrated Teaching. This course is designed to present an analysis of content, materials, and methods for teaching language arts in an inclusive elementary school classroom. MAE 4310 Teaching Mathematics in the Inclusive Elementary School. Credits: 3; Prereq: 3ECD or 3MR. Course designed to present an analysis of content, materials, and methods of teaching mathematics in the inclusive elementary classroom. The goal of this course is to prepare the future teacher of mathematics for facilitation of instruction that meets the needs of all children, including those children with disabilities. MUE 4940 Student Teaching in Music Education. Credits: 4 to 12. Student teaching in selected classrooms of public schools. Special seminars and continuous evaluation of teaching experiences. PET 4940 Student Teaching in Physical Education. Credits: 4 to 15. Student teaching in selected classrooms of public schools. Special seminars and continuous evaluation of teaching experiences. RED 3312 Classroom Reading. Credits: 3; Prereq: EDE 3801 or 6ED, 7ED or 3FA. A study of fundamental knowledge necessary to teach the basic reading skills in the elementary school classroom. RED 4327 Literacy in the Middle School. Credits: 3. Strategies to develop types and level of literacy sufficient for learning across the curriculum, critical thinking, and personal growth. SCE 4310 Elementary Science Methods for the Inclusive Classroom. Credits: 3; Prereq: ECD or 3EMR. Course designed to present materials and methodology related to teaching the concepts and processes of science. The preservice teacher who completes this course will be prepared to teach the concepts and processes of science to all children, including those with disabilities. SCE 4342 Environmental Education Methods and Materials. Credits: 3. This course provides an introduction to the history, philosophy, and status of environmental education as well as exposure to current environmental education teaching approaches, activities, programs and curricula in both school and non-school settings. SSE 4312 Social Studies for Diverse Learners. Credits: 3; Prereq: second semester standing in the Elementary ProTeach Program; EEX 3070; Coreq: LAE 4314, Integrated Teaching. Study of goals, methods, and evaluation procedures for social studies curriculum in elementary schools. (K - 6) |
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