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2003 - 2004
Undergraduate Catalog |
Nuclear and Radiological EngineeringINSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Haghighat, A., Chair; Anghaie, S.; Bolch, W.E.; Dugan, E.T., Adviser; Gilland, D.R.; Hintenlang, D.E.; Jacobs, A.M.; Tulenko, J.S., Vernetson, W.G. ENU 4001 Nuclear Engineering Analysis 1. Credits: 3; 3-1 hour lectures. Prereq: MAP 2302 or EGM 3311. Continuous and discrete variable solution methods for the statistical, algebraic, differential and integral equations important in nuclear engineering. Problems involving neutron, photon, fluid and temperature distributions in configuration, time and velocity are mathematically modeled, solved and interpreted. ENU 4054 Radiation Transport and Engineering Applications 1 Credits: 2; 2-1 hour lectures; Prereq: MAP 2302; Coreq: ENU 4605. Elementary development of descriptions of radiation transport by discrete particles and continuous waves. Mass, momentum and energy flows and the manipulation and detection thereof. Engineering applications of radiation transport. ENU 4055 Radiation Transport and Engineering Applications 2. Credits: 3; 3-1 hour lectures; Prereq: ENU 4054 and STA 3032 or STA 2023. Detailed development of neutral and charged particle transport relations. Problem resolution using numerical and analytical techniques. Engineering design and analyses of radiation producing and using equipment and systems. ENU 4103 Nuclear Engineering 1. Credits: 3; 3-1 hour lectures; Coreq: ENU 4605 and ENU 4001. Study of neutron reactions, neutron diffusion, and multiplication factors for nuclear reactors. Static analysis of nuclear systems and elementary study of time dependent behavior. ENU 4104 Nuclear Engineering 2. Credits: 3; 3-1 hour lectures; Prereq: ENU 4103. Continuation of ENU 4103. Static analysis of nuclear reactors including heterogeneous effects, multigroup calculations and generation of group constants. Dynamic analysis of reactors including feedback. Application of computer codes to reactor analysis. ENU 4134 Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer in Nuclear Systems. Credits: 4; Prereq: EML 3100, EML 4140 and ENU 4103. Thermodynamic aspect of nuclear power, reactor heat generation and removal, heat transfer and fluid flow in nuclear systems with emphasis on light water reactors. ENU 4144 Nuclear Power Plant Reactor Systems 1. Credits: 3; 3-1 hour lectures; Prereq: EML 3100 and ENU 4103. Basis for light water reactor (LWR) design; the NRC design criteria for LWRs. Study of the major systems, components and performance characteristics of LWRs including fuels, primary and secondary coolant systems, emergency and auxiliary systems. ENU 4145 Risk Assessment for Radiation Systems. Credits: 3; 3-1 hour lectures; Prereq: STA 3032 and ENU 4103. Study of radiation management systems including reliability and probabilistic risk assessment. ENU 4185 Nuclear Reactor Fuel Management. Credits: 2; 2-1 hour lectures; Prereq: ENU 4103. Nuclear fuel management from enrichment through waste management and economics. ENU 4192 Nuclear and Radiological Engineering Design 1. Credits: 4; 4-1 hour lectures; Prereq: ENU 4104, ENU 4641, ENU 4134 and ENU 4612. Introduction to design methodology with application to the solution of a unified set of design problems for radiation management. ENU 4194 Control of Nuclear Reactors and Power Plants. Credits: 3; 3-1 hour lectures; Prereq: ENU 4104. Analysis of the control and dynamic characteristics of nuclear reactors, including the effects of feedback. Analysis of the control and dynamic characteristics of the integrated nuclear power plant. ENU 4505L Nuclear and Radiological Engineering Laboratory 1. Credits: 2; 1-1 hour lecture; and 1-4 hour lab; Prereq: ENU 4103 and ENU 4612. A laboratory experience integrating practical applications of radiation sources and generators, radiation interactions and transport through matter, and radiation detection. Students select appropriate forms of radiation and detection methods to design solutions for specific nuclear and radiation engineering problems. ENU 4605 Radiation Interactions & Sources 1. Credits: 3; 3-1 hour lectures; Coreq: ENU 4103 and ENU 4001. Study of the interaction of radiation with matter and of radiation sources; cross sections and radiation fields. Photon and charged particle interactions. ENU 4606 Radiation Interactions & Sources 2. Credits: 3; 3-1 hour lectures; Prereq: ENU 4605; Coreq: ENU 4054. Continuation of ENU 4605. Study of neutron interactions with matter; macroscopic cross sections for interactions of photons and neutrons and their applications for shielding and dosimetry calculations; attenuation and absorption of radiation from distributed sources in simple and complicated geometries. ENU 4612 Radiation Detection and Instrumentation Systems. Credits: 3; 3-1 hour lectures; Prereq: ENU 4605, EEL 3003 and EEL 3303L. Physics and electronics of radiation detection and instrumentation systems for application to nuclear energy, radiological sciences, radiation protection, medical physics and imaging, and industrial safety and control systems. ENU 4612L Radiation Detection and Instrumentation Systems Laboratory. Credits: 1; 1-3 hour lab; Prereq: STA 3032 and EEL 3303L; Coreq: ENU 4612. Laboratory in nuclear radiation detection and instrumentation systems associated with ENU 4612. ENU 4621 Applications of Radiation to Bio-Systems. Credits: 3; 3-1 hour lectures; Prereq: ENU 4606. Applications of ionizing radiation and its effects on biological systems. Introduction to mechanisms of biological damage and evaluation of risks and benefits pertinent to a wide variety of ionizing radiation applications associated with biological systems, including medical and industrial applications. ENU 4630 Fundamental Aspects of Radiation Shielding. Credits: 2; 2-1 hour lectures; Prereq: ENU 4605 and ENU 4103. Basic principles of radiation shielding. Study of radiation sources and shielding for the reactor core and for nuclear power plant systems and components. ENU 4641C Applied Radiation Protection. Credits: 3; 3-1 hour lectures; Coreq: ENU 4606 and ENU 4054. Introduction to practical radiation protection techniques and practices including laboratory experiences. Examination of pertinent regulations, current practice, ethics, and instrumentation/measurement practices. Design of facilities and controls to optimize benefits of radiation applications and minimize exposure risks. ENU 4905 Special Problems in Nuclear and Radiological Engineering. Credits: 1 to 6; Prereq: Recommendation of department chairperson. May be repeated up to a maximum of 8 credits. Individually selected problems or projects in the students’ major field of engineering study. ENU 4906 Special Problems in Nuclear and Radiological Engineering Design. Credits: 1 to 6; Prereq: Recommendation of department chairperson. Individually selected design problems or design projects in the student’s major field of engineering study. May be repeated up to a maximum of 8 credits. ENU 4930 Special Topics in Nuclear and Radiological Engineering. Credits: 1 to 4; Prereq: Consent of instructor. May be repeated with change of content up to a maximum of 8 credits. Special courses covering selected topics in nuclear engineering. ENU 4934 Fundamentals of Nuclear and Radiological Engineering. Credits: 1; Prereq: Junior/senior standing in NES. Presentations and discussions on topics of current and continuing interest in nuclear engineering sciences. ENU 4944 Practical Work in Nuclear and Radiological Engineering. Credits: 1 of 5. Practical engineering work under industrial supervision as set forth in the College of Engineering regulations. ENU 4949 Co-op Work Experience. Credits: 1††; 3 hour lab.; Prereq: 4EG classification: one term of industrial employment, including extra work according to a preapproved outline. Practical engineering work under industrial supervision, as set forth in the College of Engineering regulations. ENV 4212 Nuclear Power Radioactive Waste Technology. Credits: 3; 3-1 hour lectures; Prereq: EML 3100. Characterization and description of low and high level radwastes, regulatory requirements and methods of treatment. Transportation, burial and surveillance of radwastes. Decommissioning of nuclear facilities. |
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