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2003 - 2004
Undergraduate Catalog |
Education: Educational PsychologyINSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Algina, J.J., Ashton, P.T.; Asmus, J.M.; Bengston, J.T.; Davis, H.A.; Franks, B.A.; Koran, M.L.; Koro-Ljungberg, M.; Miller, M.D., Chair; Oakland, T.D.; Seraphine, A.E.; Smith, T.M.; Waldron, N. EDF 3110 Human Growth and Development. Credits: 3. A life span survey of human growth and development beginning at conception and ending with death. Students will have the opportunity to apply general principles in appropriate educational settings. (S) EDF 3115 Child Development for Inclusive Education. Credits: 3; Prereq: Permission of departmental representative for freshman/sophomore level students. Examines psychological theories and research on typical and atypical development and their application in general education classrooms that include children with sensory, mental, emotional, and learning disabilities and gifted and talented children. EDF 3122 The Young Child. Credits: 3. Study of growth and development during infancy and early childhood. Laboratory includes observation and participation in nursery school and kindergarten. EDF 3132 The Young Adolescent. Credits: 3. Development of the young adolescent between the ages of ten and fifteen. EDF 3135 The Adolescent. Credits: 3; Prereq: Permission of departmental representative for freshman/sophomore level students. The special role that the adolescent plays in total development. Emphasis is on the psychological development of the adolescent in the school. EDF 3210 Educational Psychology. Credits: 3. An introduction to the application of psychology to the problems of education in a variety of educational settings. It examines the theoretical and applied aspects of learning, motivation, human development, personality, and measurement and evaluation. (S) GR-E† EDF 3214 Learning and Cognition in Education. Credits: 2; Prereq: Permission of departmental representative for freshman/sophomore level students. Recent theoretical advances in the psychology of learning and cognition are examined for their relevance to goal setting, instruction, and evaluation in educational settings. Knowledge of learning and cognition at a level presented in a general psychology course is desirable as background for this course. EDF 3433 Introduction to Educational Measurement and Evaluation. Credits: 2; Prereq: Knowledge of descriptive statistics, including correlation and regression, and inferential statistics, including tests on means, an introductory statistics course STA 3122, permission of departmental representative for freshman/sophomore level students. A survey of principles and methods of educational measurement with an emphasis on evaluation and diagnosis of students in school settings. EDF 3935 Special Topics. Credits: 1 to 3; Prereq: Consent of department chairperson. May be repeated with change of content up to a maximum of 6 credits. EDF 3940 Practicum in Educational Psychology. Credits: 2 to 3; Prereq: Course in educational psychology, consent of department chairperson. May be repeated twice for up to maximum of 6 credits. Supervised experience in a practical work situation dealing with problems and issues appropriate to psychological foundations. EDF 4430 Measurement and Evaluation in Education. Credits: 3; Prereq: Permission of departmental representative for freshman/sophomore level students. The basic principles and methods of measurement, evaluation and test construction. EDF 4905 Individual Work. Credits: 1 to 3; May be repeated with change of content up to a maximum of 12 credits. For undergraduate students of junior/senior status who wish to explore areas of inquiry in psychological, social, or philosophical foundations of education, or research or measurement, under faculty guidance. EDG 2701 Teaching Diverse Populations. Credits: 3. A survey of educational demographics, foundations of prejudice, elements of culture, political and philosophical roots of diversity and commonality, exceptionalities, and barriers to cultural understanding and diversity in the classroom. A minimum of 30 hours of field experience is required with 15 hours in a diverse setting. (See also EDF 1005 and EME 2040.) (S, I) |
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