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2003 - 2004
Undergraduate Catalog |
Education: Educational Leadership, Policy and FoundationsINSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Doud, J.L., Chair; Behar-Horenstein, L.S.; Campbell, D.F.; Clark, P.A.; Flowers, L.; Gratto, K.K.; Honeyman, D.S.; Keener, B.; Newman, A.; Renner, R.; Sandeen, C.A.; Terzian, S.; White, A.; Wood, R.C. EDA 4905 Individual Work. Credits: 1 to 3; Prereq: Consent of instructor and approval of proposed project. EDA 4930 Special Topics. Credits: 1 to 3. Topics will vary. EDF 1005 Introduction to Education. Credits: 3. A broad overview of education, teaching and schools; a survey of historical, philosophical and social foundations; orientation to professional education; and the code of ethics. A minimum of 30 hours of field experience is required as part of the course with a minimum of 15 hours in a school setting. This is the first of 3 prerequisite core courses (9 hours) for students who plan to be teachers. For the other two courses, see below: EDG 2701, Teaching Diverse Populations and under the Department of Instruction and Curriculum, see EME 2040, Introduction to Educational Technology. EDF 3514 History of Education in the United States. Credits: 3. The development of American schools and major problems in American education, with emphasis upon the relationships among the schools, intellectual movements and social institutions. (H) EDF 3604 Social Foundations of Education. Credits: 3. A study of the educative effects of our social structures, the social values and issues involved in appraising these effects, and the resulting social demands upon the schools. (S) EDF 3609 Sociological and Historical Foundations of Education. Credits: 3; Prereq: Permission of departmental representative for freshman/sophomore level students. A sociological and historical analysis of schooling in American society. Aims of education are examined in relation to social structures, institutions, and values; subcultures; social stratification; school law; and democracy and the sociology of the teaching profession. EDF 3810 Comparative Education. Credits: 3. A survey of educational problems in contemporary foreign countries with emphasis upon their implications for the United States. (S, I) EDF 4542 Philosophy of Education. Credits: 3. A critical examination is made of various theories and philosophies of education, their relationships to the democratic principle, and their significance to the evolving system of education in the United States. (H) |
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