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2003 - 2004
Undergraduate Catalog |
Education: Counselor EducationCollege of EducationINSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Daniels, M.H., Chair; Each faculty member advises students. Amatea, E.; Archer, J.; Clark, M.A.; Echevarria-Doan, S.; Griffin, W.D.; Hernandez, C.; Joiner, J.; Loesch, L.C; Miller, R.D.; Morgan, J.; Pitts, J.H.; Resnick, J.L; Saxon, J.P.; Schauble, P.G.; Sherrard, P.; Smith, S. MHS 3930 Special Topics. Credits: 1 to 3; maximum of 6 credits. Topics will vary. MHS 4451 Peer Facility Alcohol Education. Credits: 3. Course designed for Teaching Assistants for alcohol abuse. MHS 4900 Individual Work. Credits: 2 to 4; maximum of 8 credits. Prereq: permission of department chairperson. Topics will vary. SDS 3340 Career and Life Span Planning. Credits: 3. Presentations, discussions and experiential activities for making effective life plans and adjustments are covered. SDS 3430 Families & Communities in Education. Credits: 3. Examination of existing models and practices for enhancing family-school-community interaction with emphasis on communication, conflict resolution and climate-building skill development. SDS 3480 Student Development in a University Setting. Credits: 2. Course may be repeated with a change of content to a maximum of 6 credits. Course available to selected undergraduate students only. Examines factors affecting student growth and development in the university setting, current problems facing students, and the use of group processes and leadership training in solving problems and facilitating growth. SDS 3481 Alcohol and Drug Abuse. Credits: 2. General information of effects and problems associated with alcohol and other drug abuse. SDS 3482 Stress and Anxiety Management. Credits: 3. Overview of theories and methods of stress and anxiety control and reduction. SDS 4410 Interpersonal Communication Skills. Credits: 3. The application of basic principles of interpersonal communication with emphasis on the affective dimensions. Attention will be given to using basic counseling strategies and psychological techniques as an aid to effective communication. |
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