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2003 - 2004
Undergraduate Catalog |
Building ConstructionM.E. Rinker Sr. School of Building Construction INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Kibert, C.J. Interim Director; Andersen, N.; Brown, B.H., Jr.; Chini, A., Coble, R.J.; Cook, M.; Cox, R.E.; Dukes, W.; Flood, I.; Fukai, D.; Issa, R.R. Adviser; Muszynski, L.; Oppenheim, P.; Shanker A.; Sims, B.; Smith, M.T.; Stroh, R.C.; Tenah, K.A.; Wetherington, L.E., Adviser. BCN 1210 Construction Materials. Credits: 3. Sources, properties and uses of construction materials. BCN 1252C Construction Drawing. Credits: 3. Provides basic working knowledge of architectural graphics, practice in instrumental drawing, and experience in free hand sketching. BCN 1582 International Sustainable Development. Credits: 3. Provides an overview of international trends in reducing the environmental impacts of land development and construction. Surveys best practices in a dozen countries around the world. (I, S) BCN 2400C Construction Mechanics 2 – Statics. Credits: 2; Prereq: PHY 2004, PHY 2004L. An introductory course in the evaluation of structural behavior as it relates to building. Primarily for building construction majors. The combination of BCN 2400 and 2401 is equivalent to BCN 2405. BCN 2401C Construction Mechanics 2 – Strength of Materials. Credits: 2; Prereq: BCN 2400. Structural behavior of load resisting members in buildings. Properties of structural materials. Primarily for building construction majors. The combination of BCN 2400 and 2401 is equivalent to BCN 2405. BCN 2405C Construction Mechanics. Credits: 4; Prereq: PHY 2004, PHY 2004L. An introductory course in the evaluation of structural behavior as it relates to buildings, the properties of structural materials, and the structural behavior of load resisting members. Primarily for building construction majors. BCN 3012 History of Construction. Credits: 3. Traces western building technology from pre-historic man to the present. Development of the art and science of building. (H, I) BCN 3027 The Construction Profession and Ethics. Credits: 3; Prereq: Junior standing or consent of instructor. Examination of role of the professional constructor or builder contemporarily and historically. Importance of technical conduct in construction business and operations. Development of advanced writing and presentation skills for construction professionals. BCN 3223C Soils, Foundations and Equipment. Credits: 3; Prereq: BCN 1210. Study of the vertical construction process to include wooden platform frame construction, cast-in-place and pre-cast concrete construction, and steel erection. Included are interior and exterior finishes, vertical transportation systems, roofing and other building components. BCN 3224C Construction Techniques - Superstructures. Credits: 3; Prereq: BCN 3223C. Study of the construction process to include soils, demolition, foundations, concrete mix design and earth-moving equipment. Includes field visits, soils and concrete laboratories and CADD project. BCN 3255C Graphic Communication in Construction. Credits: 3; Prereq: BCN 1252C. Study of construction communication tools, including the use of computer-aided drafting, print reading, free hand sketching, model building, piece-based simulations, the Internet and the World Wide Web. BCN 3281C Construction Methods Laboratory. Credits: 2. Construction aspects of surveying with field and classroom exercises in the use of transit, level, chain and related equipment. BCN 3423 Timber, Formwork Design and Construction. Credits: 3; Prereq: BCN 3431. To familiarize the student with the material properties, design procedures and code requirements for timber and formwork. BCN 3431 Steel Design and Construction. Credits: 3; Prereq: BCN 2405C, MAC 2233, PHY 2004, PHY 2004L. To familiarize the student with the material properties, design procedures and code requirements for steel. BCN 3461 Concrete, Masonry Design and Construction. Credits: 3; Prereq: BCN 3431. To familiarize the student with the material properties, design procedures, and code requirements for concrete and masonry. BCN 3500 Mechanical Systems 1 – Plumbing and Piping. Credits: 2; Prereq: PHY 2005, PHY 2005L. Principles and practices of building piping systems, hydraulics and pumps, and consideration of code requirements and cost estimation. BCN 3521 Electrical Systems. Credits: 2; Prereq: PHY 2005, PHY 2005L. Principles and practices of electrical systems, including code provisions and cost estimations. BCN 3611C Construction Estimating 1. Credits: 3; Prereq: BCN 3255C, ACG 2021C, BCN 3223C. Classification of work, quantity survey techniques and basic estimating applied to simple construction projects. BCN 3700 Construction Contracts. Credits: 3; Prereq: BUL 4310. Function of the construction industry, construction contracting practices and construction contracts. BCN 4023 Creating Affordable Housing. Credits: 3; Prereq: senior standing or permission of the instructor. To familiarize students with the need for affordable housing. Factors in the housing delivery processing that contribute to affordability problems and potential methods to facilitate the provision of affordable housing will be emphasized. BCN 4237 Roofing Systems. Credits: 3. Study and analysis of building various roof systems, including design, materials, installation, inspection and maintenance. Includes damp-proofing and waterproofing techniques. BCN 4284C Construction Layout. Credits: 3; Prereq: BCN 3224, BCN 3255, BCN 3281C, senior standing. To familiarize students with principles of building layout. Covers methods and techniques in controlling lines and grades in multistory buildings, including computer applications. BCN 4301 3D Modeling for Construction. Credits: 3; Prereq: BCN 3255C, BCN 3223C, BCN 3224C or equivalent experience. Course explores a number of related computer graphics programs and how they can be combined to enhance construction communications. Includes 3D modeling software, HTML and VRML authoring tools, and illustration and drawing programs. BCN 4471 Construction Productivity. Credits: 3; Prereq: BCN 4612C, BCN 4720, senior standing. Productivity analysis through various time and cost control methods, including time management, preplanning and scheduling, field evaluation techniques, time-lapse video, human factors and value analysis. BCN 4510 Mechanical Systems 2 – HVAC. Credits: 3; Prereq: PHY 2005, PHY 2005L, BCN 3500, BCN 3521, senior standing. Principles and practices of comfort conditioning systems for buildings, heating and refrigeration equipment, building code considerations, plan reading and cost estimation. BCN 4583 Natural Hazards – Designing, Planning and Building. Credits: 3; Prereq: senior standing. A college-wide course focused on effects of natural disasters on design, planning and construction including impacts of floods, fires, radon, hurricanes and earthquakes, as well as environmental sustainability issues through theories, techniques and codes. BCN 4612C Construction Estimating 2. Credits: 3; Prereq: BCN 3611C, senior standing. Analysis and determination of cost of construction operations including applicable indirect and overhead costs and the preparation of bid proposals for commercial construction projects. A cost control system is introduced and implemented with sample field generated problems. BCN 4709C Construction Project Management. Credits: 3; Prereq: BCN 4612C, BCN 3700, senior standing. Understanding of management and administration of a construction project through an extensive case study of a project. BCN 4712 Managing Construction Operations. Credits: 3; Prereq: senior standing. Management principles, methods and problems relating to personnel, including labor relations. BCN 4720 Construction Planning and Control. Credits: 3; Prereq: CGS 2531, BCN 3224C, BCN 3611C, senior standing. Computer application of cost and manpower estimates as construction scheduling and management techniques. BCN 4735 Construction Safety. Credits: 3; Prereq: senior standing. Construction safety issues, concerns, requirements and procedures. The analysis includes costs, planning, administration, inspection, prevention, loss control and the drug-free work place. BCN 4751C Project Planning and Feasibility. Credits: 3; Prereq: BCN 4612C, BCN 4720, BCN 4753, senior standing. Principles and practices of residential and commercial land development. BCN 4753 Construction Financing. Credits: 3; Prereq: ACG 2021C, senior standing. Basic principles and applications of construction finance with an emphasis on the acquisition and management of funds, mortgages and construction accounting. BCN 4770 Housing Transactions for Homebuilders. Credits: 4; Prereq: senior standing or approval of instructor. An introduction to ownership rights in real property and limitations on those rights, the transfer of rights, and the process of selling property including contracts and closing, mortgages, markets, and valuation of property. Course emphasis providing the homebuilder with a working knowledge of the sale and leasing of property. BCN 4773 Construction Business Management. Credits: 3; Prereq: BCN 3700, senior standing. This course studies the management of a construction company. Topics include company organization, incorporation structures, policies and procedures, finance, accounting, information modeling, bidding strategies, operation and business ethics. BCN 4775 International Construction Contracting. Credits: 3; Prereq: BCN 3700, senior standing. Introduction to the management of international construction projects with emphasis on marketing, contracts, design and specifications, and case studies. BCN 4787C Construction Project Simulation. Credits: 3; Prereq: BCN 4612C, BCN 4720, BCN 4753, senior standing. A construction project will be simulated with each student being responsible for designing, developing, estimating, scheduling, contracting and administering the works for the completion of a small commercial or light industrial project. BCN 4905 Special Studies in Construction. Credits: 1 to 4. May be repeated for credit with change of topic. Special areas of study in construction adjusted to the needs of individual students. Enrollment upon recommendation of director only. BCN 4949 Construction Management Internship. Credits: 3. Minimum two-term employment in construction management. Requires advance approval. Internship work reports and oral presentation also required. †† BCN 4956 International Studies in Construction Credits: 1 to 4. May be repeated with a change of content up to a maximum of 6 credits. Admission to a UF approved study abroad program and permission of the school director. Formal course work taken at a foreign university as part of an approved study abroad program. The course focus is on the construction industry in the host country. Course content will vary and may address various construction issues including local construction techniques, construction materials, and the influence on construction of the local culture, traditions, architecture, history, and political climate. |
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