African American Studies
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Director: D. Scott
AFA 2000 Introduction to African American Studies.
Credits: 3.
An integration interdisciplinary exploration of selected themes and representative materials in the African-American experience in North America, emphasizing continuity and change. (H) GR-E†
AFA 4905 Individual Study.
Credits: 1 to 5; Prereq: Approval of director of the African-American Studies program.
Directed individual reading or research on topics in African-American Studies.
AFA 4936 African-American Studies Senior Integrative Seminar I.
Credits: 3; Prereq: Senior standing or permission of the director of the African-American Studies program.
An examination of bibliographic resources and an analysis of theory, method and special problems in the field of African-American Studies.
AFA 4937 African-American Studies Senior Integrative Seminar II.
Credits: 3; Prereq: AFA 4936 or permission of the director of the African-American Studies program.
A research seminar providing directed investigation on topics of interdisciplinary interest to scholars in diverse fields.
(See descriptions under department listings.)
AFH 3100 Africa to 1800.
Credits: 3. (H, I)
AMH 3574 Problems in African-American History.
Credits: 3. GR-E†
AMH 4571 Slavery and Civil War.
Credits: 3. (H) GR-E†
AML 3270 African-American Literature I.
Credits: 3.
AML 3271 African-American Literature II.
Credits: 3.
AML 4685 Race and Ethnicity in American Literature and Culture.
Credits: 3.
MUH 4016 History of Jazz.
Credits: 3. (H, I)
PUP 4313 Minorities and Change in American Politics.
Credits: 3. GR-E†
SYD 3700 Minorities in American Society.
Credits: 3. (S, I) GR-E†
SYG 2010 Social Problems.
Credits: 3. (S) GR-E†