2005-06 Undergraduate Catalog
Precision Agriculture
The precision agriculture minor is a multidisciplinary minor. Students use satellite imagery, aerial photography, field sensors and the Global Positioning System to acquire information about field conditions. This information is organized and analyzed using a digital mapping system called Geographical Information System. Once analyzed, this data can help make effective management decisions (refer to Agricultural and Biological Engineering).
The minor requires 15-credit hours from the following categories:
Precision Agriculture (6 credits) Take AOM 4455 first.
AOM 4455 Ag Operations and Systems | 3 |
AOM 4434 Precision Agriculture | 3 |
Remote Sensing (3 credits)
AOM 5431 GIS and Remote Sensing in Ag | 3 |
SUR 4380 Remote Sensing | 3 |
SUR 5385 Remote Sensing Applications | 3 |
SUR 3331 Photogrammetry | 3 |
Geographic Information Systems (3 credits)
SUR 3393 Geographic Information Systems | 3 |
URP 4273 Survey of Planning Info Systems | 3 |
EES 4027 Spatial Analysis Using Geographic Information Systems | 3 |
FOR 3434 Forest Resources Info Systems | 3 |
SUR 5365 Digital Mapping | 3 |
GEO 3151 Foundations of Geographic Information Systems | 3 |
LAA 4381C Environmental Methods and GIS | 3 |
Crop Management and Field Techniques (3 credits)
AGR 3005 Principles of Crop Science | 3 |
AGR 4214C Applied Field Crop Production | 3 |
FRC 3212 Introduction to Citrus Culture and Production | 3 |
PMA 3010 Fundamentals of Pest Mgmt | 3 |
PLP 3103C Control of Plant Diseases | 3 |
PLS 4601C Principles of Weed Science | 3 |
SOS 4231 Soils and Land Use | 3 |
AGR 4231C Forage Science and Range Management | 3 |
PLS 4613 Aquatic Weed Control | 3 |
FAS 4305 Introduction to Fishery Science | 3 |
FNR 4623 Integrated Natural Resource Mgmt | 3 |
FNR 3410 Natural Resource Sampling | 3 |
SOS 4715 Environmental Pedology | 3 |
SUR 3520 Measurement Science | 3 |
ENV 4042 Environmental Data Analysis | 3 |
GEO 3162 Introduction to Quantitative Analysis for Geographers | 3 |
SOS 3023 Soil Judging | 3 |
STA 4222 Sample Survey Design | 3 |
WIS 4945 Wildlife Techniques | 3 |