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Office of the University Registrar

2005-06 Undergraduate Catalog


College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

Plant Science

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

Undergraduates whose major is not plant science can minor in plant science under the direction of the Department of Agronomy department. Interested students should consult plant science-agronomy advisers early in their academic careers.

The minor requires 15 credits.


AGR 3005 Principles of Crop Science3

Select two:

AGR 4210 Field Crop Science3
AGR 4231C Forage Science and Range Management4
AGR 4614C Seed Technology3
AGR 4214C Applied Field Crop Production3
AGR 5277C Tropical Crops3
SOS 3022, 3022L Intro to Soils in the Environment (3) and Lab (1)4

Select one:

AGR 3303 Genetics3
AGR 4321 Plant Breeding3
AGG 5932 Principles of Genetics1-4

Select one:

AGR 5266C Field Plot Techniques3
PLS 4601C Principles of Weed Science3
PLS 5652 Advanced Weed Science3