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Office of the University Registrar

2005-06 Undergraduate Catalog


College of Engineering

Computer and Information Science and Engineering

College of Engineering

This minor, administered by the Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering, provides the academic background in the application of computers to scientific and engineering problems and to prepare students for graduate study in computer-related disciplines.

Computer engineering and digital arts and sciences majors (CEN, CEE, DAS) in the CISE and ECE departments, computer science majors (CSC) in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and computer and information sciences majors (CIS) in the College of Business Administration are not eligible for this minor.

The minor requires a 2.5 GPA to apply and completion of the following courses with grades of C or better:

MAC 2312 Analytic Geometry/Calculus 24
CIS 3020 or CIS 3023 Introduction to Computer and Information Sciences3
COT 3100 Applications of Discrete Structures3
CDA 3101 Intro to Computer Organization3
COP 3530 Data Structures and Algorithms4
COP 4600 Operating Systems3

Note: At least three of the CIS, COT, CDA and COP courses must be taken at UF.