2005-06 Undergraduate Catalog

Fredric G. Levin College of Law
A renowned faculty, comprehensive Juris Doctor curriculum, certificate programs, innovative centers and institutes, expanding global curriculum and competitive tuition make the University of Florida’s Fredric G. Levin College of Law the first choice for many students who desire a law degree.
The college’s curricular strengths include tax law, business law, estates and trusts, environmental law, dispute resolution, international law, intellectual property law, criminal law, and family and children law emphasize developing the highest standards of professional conduct.
The college has one of the largest academic law libraries in the southeastern United States, housing more than 609,000 volumes and extensive computer and audio-visual resources in a new, state-of-the-art facility.
The three-year curriculum develops students’ analytical ability, knowledge of the theory and practice of law, communications skills, and understanding of the codes of professional responsibility and ethics central to the practice of law. Students experience a variety of teaching methods, including the traditional case and Socratic methods, as well as the problem method, simulations, role-playing, videotaping, computer-assisted instruction and interaction with actual clients. After completing first-year requirements, students can tailor their course load to fit their interests and career plans.
Through programs offered on campus and abroad, students gain international experience for the competitive job market.
Enrollment is approximately 1,200, including about 80 students in the Graduate Tax and Comparative Law programs. Dozens of co-curricular and extracurricular organizations support a rich and diverse student life.
Florida is home to many prominent and skilled attorneys and judges, a number of whom are actively involved in teaching and practical skills training of UF law students. Because writing skills are critical to success in the legal profession, these skills are developed through required courses and a nationally acclaimed legal drafting program.
The college is named for alumnus Fredric G. Levin of Pensacola, a prominent trial lawyer who made possible a $20 million endowment to support excellence in legal education. The college is housed in Holland and Bruton-Geer halls. Construction on an expanded law library, the Lawton Chiles Legal Information Center, and two new classroom towers were completed in 2005.
Since its establishment in 1909, the College of Law has been educating leaders in law, business, education and government. The college is accredited by the American Bar Association and is a member of the Association of American Law Schools.
Admission to the College of Law is determined by the applicant’s potential for success in law school, the legal profession and other law-related careers. An applicant’s credentials are measured against others applying to the same class.
Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree from a qualified institution and have an acceptable grade point average and a satisfactory score on the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). The median LSAT score and undergraduate grade point average are approximately 160 and 3.69 (4.00 scale), respectively.
Detailed admission information is available from the law school.
Financial Aid
Financial aid for law study is available through the College of Law and federal sources. The law school offers a number of merit-based scholarships and merit/need- based scholarships and grants. For more information, refer to the college's financial aid office: 164 Holland Hall, Box 117621, Gainesville, FL 32611-7621; 352-392-0421.
The best pre-law program is a diversified course of study. Beginning law students are expected to possess effective written and oral communication skills as well as critical thinking abilities.
For specific information about pre-law study, law school and the legal profession, refer to the Official Guide to U.S. Law Schools. It may be ordered from Law Services during registration for the LSAT, purchased at most bookstores or accessed from the Law School Aadmission Council.
Joint Degrees
The Fredric G. Levin College of Law offers a joint-degree program that sets the standard among top-tier public law schools for its flexibility, coverage of study areas, high academic reputation and overall value. Qualified students combine legal studies with graduate course work in another college to earn two degrees at the same time. Among the most popular are J.D./Accounting, J.D./Medical Sciences and J.D. /Business Administration.
Candidates must take the LSAT and the GRE, MCAT or GMAT, and gain admission separately to the College of Law and the Graduate School. Application deadlines vary. Refer to the law school or the Office of Admissions' professional programs.
Certificate Programs
Specialization is a growing trend in today’s complex legal environment, and graduates with knowledge in specific practice areas are in high demand. UF Law offers interested students the opportunity to develop expertise and marketability by earning a certificate in Environmental and Land Use Law, Estates and Trusts Practice, Family Law, Intellectual Property Law or International and Comparative Law. Details are available through the law school's Student Affairs office.
Skills Training
Clinical programs, including Virgil Hawkins Civil Clinics and Criminal Clinics, allow students to represent clients within an academic framework with substantial classroom component. Students also can take advantage of such practical experience programs as pro bono work for organizations and government agencies, summer internships and externships.
Multiple centers and institutes offer students unique, real-world perspectives and work experiences at the same time they are partnering with legal firms and other institutions throughout the country and world to help shape the legal profession. Included are the Center for Governmental Responsibility, Center for Study of Race and Race Relations, Center on Children and Families, Center for Estate and Elder Law Planning and the Institute for Dispute Resolution.