2005-06 Undergraduate Catalog
Course Descriptions
BSC 2425 Biotechnology and Human Affairs
ENY 3005C Principles of Entomology
GLY 3603C Paleontology
PCB 2050 Genes and Gender
PCB 3063 Genetics
PCB 4044C General Ecology
PCB 4674 Evolution
PCB 4712 Comparative Biomechanics
PCB 4723C Animal Physiology
ZOO 2203C Invertebrate Zoology
ZOO 2303C Vertebrate Zoology
ZOO 3513C Animal Behavior
ZOO 3603C Comparative Chordate Embryology
ZOO 3713C Functional Vertebrate Anatomy
ZOO 4403C Field Problems in Marine Biology
ZOO 4435 Comparative Biology of Birds and Mammals
ZOO 4472C Avian Biology
ZOO 4905 Individual Studies in Zoology
ZOO 4926 Special Topics in Zoology
ZOO 4940 Practical Experience in Teaching Zoology
ZOO 4950 Writing in the Biological Sciences
ZOO 4956 Overseas Studies in Zoology
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
BSC 2425 Biotechnology and Human Affairs
Credits: 3.
Technical applications in the life sciences and their anticipated consequences in various sectors of society. May not be counted for credit toward a major in zoology.
ENY 3005C Principles of Entomology
Credits: 3.
An introduction to entomology with lectures and laboratories on insect structure, development, classification, habits and control. (B)
GLY 3603C Paleontology
Credits: 4; Prereq: GLY 3105C.
An investigation of the history of life on earth, including aspects of invertebrate and vertebrate paleontology, micropaleontology and paleobotany.
PCB 2050 Genes and Gender
Credits: 3.
Examines genetic studies of sex and gender. Includes central principles in genetics and discussion of the scientific method. Discusses topics such as chromosomal sex determination, genetic basis for sexual orientation, and evolution of gendered behaviors. Cross listed with WST 3930. Not a substitute for PCB 3063. May not be counted for credit toward a major in zoology. Offered spring odd-numbered years. (B)
PCB 3063 Genetics
Credits: 4; Prereq: BSC 2011 and 2011L with a grade of at least C and general chemistry.
The fundamental properties of inheritance in eukaryotic organisms emphasizing examples in man. Basic concepts are developed for the nature, organization, transmission, expression, recombination and function of genetic materials and principles are derived for genetically characterizing populations. (B)
PCB 4044C General Ecology
Credits: 4; Prereq: BSC 2011 and 2011L with a grade of at least C.
Ecological processes and organization in terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Laboratory and field exercises emphasize techniques of ecological analysis. (B)
PCB 4674 Evolution
Credits: 4; Prereq: BSC 2011 and 2011L with a grade of at least C; Coreq: PCB 3063 and one semester of calculus or permission of instructor.
Processes and mechanisms of evolution, including population genetics, speciation, patterns of evolution and molecular evolution. (B)
PCB 4712 Comparative Biomechanics
Credits: 3; Prereq: BSC 2011 and 2011L with a grade of at least C; PHY 2048, PHY 2053L, PCB 4674, and ZOO 3713C.
The aim of this course is to review physical principles governing the form and function of organisms.
PCB 4723C Animal Physiology
Credits: 5; Prereq: BSC 2011 and 2011L with a grade of at least C, general chemistry, general physics PCB 3063, PCB 4674 (recommended) or permission of instructor.
Discussion of the processes and mechanisms of maintenance, activity and integration in animals, with emphasis on vertebrates. Laboratory experience in quantitative methods and techniques of physiological investigation.
ZOO 2203C Invertebrate Zoology
Credits: 4; Prereq: BSC 2011 and 2011L with a grade of at least C, and PCB 4674 or permission of instructor.
The structure, taxonomy, evolutionary relationships and life histories of the invertebrate animals. (B)
ZOO 2303C Vertebrate Zoology
Credits: 4; Prereq: BSC 2011 and 2011L with a grade of at least C.
The evolution, taxonomy, ecology and behavior of vertebrates. Emphasis is on the adaptations of wild animals to their natural habitats. Laboratory will include field trips. (B)
ZOO 3513C Animal Behavior
Credits: 4; Prereq: BSC 2011 and 2011L with a grade of at least C and PCB 4674.
The causes, origins and evolution of animal behavior emphasizing field observations and experiments on the behavior of a variety of animal groups. (B)
ZOO 3603C Comparative Chordate Embryology
Credits: 4; Prereq: BSC 2011 and 2011L with a grade of at least C.
The analysis of development of chordate organ systems accompanied by laboratory work dealing with the frog, chick and pig. (B)
ZOO 3713C Functional Vertebrate Anatomy
Credits: 4; Prereq: BSC 2011 and 2011L with a grade of at least C.
The form and function of chordates accompanied by laboratory work dealing with a selected series of chordates. (B)
ZOO 4403C Field Problems in Marine Biology
Credits: 4 to 6; Prereq: BSC 2011 and 2011L with a grade of at least C.
Survey of major marine taxa, systematics of local marine fauna and flora, with familiarization of the marine environment. Laboratory emphasizes field work and independent projects.
ZOO 4435 Comparative Biology of Birds and Mammals
Credits: 3; Prereq: BSC 2011 and 2011L with a grade of at least C.
A comparison of the ecology, behavior, distribution and evolution of birds and mammals.
ZOO 4472C Avian Biology
Credits: 4; BSC 2011 and 2011L with a grade of at least C, and PCB 4674 (recommended).
The basic biological characteristics of birds, which, as exceptionally unique flying vertebrates, are confronted with a spectrum of problems in terms of anatomy, physiology, behavior, migration and population ecology. (B)
ZOO 4905 Individual Studies in Zoology
Credits: 1 to 4; can be repeated for full credit. Prereq: BSC 2011 and 2011L with a grade of at least C, one zoology laboratory-based course, and permission of instructor.
Qualified students and the instructor concerned may choose a particular topic or problem for study.
ZOO 4926 Special Topics in Zoology
Credits: 1 to 4; can be repeated with change in content up to 8 credits. Prereq: BSC 2011 and 2011L with a grade of at least C and permission of instructor.
Lectures, conferences or laboratory sessions covering selected topics of current interest in zoology.
ZOO 4940 Practical Experience in Teaching Zoology
Credits: 2††; Prereq: BSC 2011 and 2011L with a grade of at least C, one Zoology laboratory-based course, senior status, and permission of instructor.
Participation in teaching approved Zoology courses with practical experience in instructional procedures, testing and grading, course and laboratory preparation and laboratory assistance. Cannot be used to satisfy minimum hour requirement for zoology major.
ZOO 4950 Writing in the Biological Sciences
Credits: 3; Prereq: BSC 2010 and 2011, or equivalent and composition course.
Principles of grammar, style and reader expectations applied to biological writing. These principles are elucidated as students analyze and edit excerpts from the biological literature. (C) (WR)
ZOO 4956 Overseas Studies in Zoology
Credits: 1 to 18; can be repeated up to 12 credits. Prereq: BSC 2011 and 2011L with a grade of C and consent of undergraduate coordinator. Student must also follow Office of International Studies and program's regulations.
This course number is used for courses in zoology, taken at foreign institutions that have no comparable course in this department.
General Education Categories
- Composition (C)
- Mathematical Sciences (M)
- Humanities (H)
- Social and Behavioral Sciences (S)
- Physical (P) and Biological (B) Sciences
- International and Diversity focus (I)
Symbols Used in Course Descriptions
- (WR) indicates the course satisfies the writing requirement.
The Schedule of Courses lists the amount of writing credit per course section. - (MR) indicates the course satisfies the math requirement.
- †† indicates the course may be taken on an S-U basis.