2005-06 Undergraduate Catalog
Course Descriptions
RCS 3030 Introduction to Rehabilitation and Human Services
RCS 4061 Psychosocial Aspects of Rehabilitation
RCS 4240C Vocational Services in Health, Rehabilitation and Human Services
RCS 4415L Therapeutic Communication Skills Lab
RCS 4451 Rehabilitation Aspects of Substance Abuse
RCS 4800 Rehabilitation and Human Services Practicum 1
RCS 4804 Advanced Rehabilitative Services Practicum
RCS 4900 Individual Work
RCS 4930 Special Topics in Rehabilitative Services
College of Public Health and Health Professions
RCS 3030 Introduction to Rehabilitation and Human Services
Credits: 3.
An examination of legislative history and social policies as they relate to rehabilitation and human services and their impact on persons with disabilities and exploration of various careers in rehabilitation and human services.
RCS 4061 Psychosocial Aspects of Rehabilitation
Credits: 3.
Introduction to the psychological, social, vocational adjustment barriers and techniques used by individuals and society to overcome these hindrances to rehabilitation.
RCS 4240C Vocational Services in Health, Rehabilitation and Human Services
Credits: 3.
Assessment for client vocational potential and analysis of occupational settings directed toward training and work entry in health, rehabilitation and human services.
RCS 4415L Therapeutic Communication Skills Lab
Credits: 1; Prereq: HSC 3502, HSA 3111, majors only. Coreq: HSC 3661.
Hands-on practice of therapeutic communication skills using simulated patient scenarios. Lab for HSC 3661.
RCS 4451 Rehabilitation Aspects of Substance Abuse
Credits: 3; Prereq: HSC 3661, RCS 4415L; senior standing majors/minors only.
Rehabilitation Counseling implications of alcohol and drug use in society and the work place. Emphasis on detection, treatment and follow-up services for individuals in the rehabilitation process.
RCS 4800 Rehabilitation and Human Services Practicum 1
Credits: 3; Prereq: majors only.
Development of the role of a rehabilitation and human services provider in an agency setting.
RCS 4804 Advanced Rehabilitative Services Practicum
Credits: 3; Prereq: RCS 4800.
Provide advanced rehabilitation services in a rehabilitation services agency under supervision of agency staff.
RCS 4900 Individual Work
Credits: 1 to 3.
RCS 4930 Special Topics in Rehabilitative Services
Credit: 1 to 3; can be repeated with change in content up to 12 credits. Prereq: majors only.
Study of special and current topics in Rehabilitative Services.
General Education Categories
- Composition (C)
- Mathematical Sciences (M)
- Humanities (H)
- Social and Behavioral Sciences (S)
- Physical (P) and Biological (B) Sciences
- International and Diversity focus (I)
Symbols Used in Course Descriptions
- (WR) indicates the course satisfies the writing requirement.
The Schedule of Courses lists the amount of writing credit per course section. - (MR) indicates the course satisfies the math requirement.
- †† indicates the course may be taken on an S-U basis.