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Office of the University Registrar

2005-06 Undergraduate Catalog

Course Descriptions

Military Science: Navy

NSC 1101L Naval Science Laboratory
Credits: 0; two hours per week.
Drill, basic commands, courtesies and honors; orientation and information period.

NSC 1110 Introduction to Naval Science
Credits: 2.
A general introduction to the naval profession and to concepts of seapower. Instruction emphasizes the mission, organization, and warfare components of the Navy and Marine Corps. Included is an overview of officer and enlisted ranks and rates, training and education, and career patterns. The course also covers naval courtesy and customs, military justice, leadership and nomenclature. This course exposes the student to the professional competencies required to become a naval officer.

NSC 1120 Seapower and Maritime Affairs
Credits: 3.
A survey of U.S. naval history from the Phoenicians to the present, with emphasis on major developments. Included is an in-depth discussion of the geopolitical theory of Mahan. The course also treats present day concerns in seapower and maritime affairs, including the economic and political issues of merchant marine commerce, the Navy's involvement in liberation and terrorist movements overseas, and the massive changes in the U.S. Navy due to the break up of the Soviet Union.

NSC 2101L Naval Science Laboratory
Credits: 0; two hours per week.
Drill, basic commands, courtesies and honors; orientation and information period.

NSC 2110 Naval Ships Systems 1 (Engineering)
Credits: 3.
The objectives of the course are to learn basic power systems used in naval propulsion systems, a basic understanding of the thermodynamic process, a working knowledge of major auxiliary ship systems, basic consideration for ship design and stability. Basic electrical theory and damage control are included.

NSC 2120 Naval Ships Systems 2 (Weapons)
Credits: 3.
This course provides an introduction to the theory, characteristics, and principles of operation of naval weapons systems. It includes coverage of types of weapons and fire control systems, capabilities and limitations, theory of target acquisition, identification and tracking, trajectory principles, and basics of naval ordnance.

NSC 3101L Naval Science Laboratory
Credits: 0; two hours per week.
Practical exercises dealing with the specifics of naval organizations and leadership.

NSC 3110 Navigation and Naval Operations 1
Credits: 3; three lecture hours, 1 lab hour.
A comprehensive study of the theory, principles, and procedures of ship navigation and movements. Topics include piloting and dead reckoning as well as principles of celestial and electronic navigation, an in-depth exposure to the navigational "rules-of-the-road," and the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea and their application to effective safe navigation. Practical lab work in charting, publication usage.

NSC 3120 Navigation & Naval Operations 2
Credits: 3; three lecture hours, 1 lab hour; Prereq: NSC 3110.
A continuation of NSC 3214C. Topics include relative motion theory and the use of a maneuvering board, an understanding of the force, techniques and concepts associated with ship handling is developed as well as exposure to shipboard watch organization, communication systems and environmental considerations. The role of leadership ethics will be discussed while developing an understanding of the process of command and control, dealing specifically with information exchange, conflict resolution, and crisis decision making.

NSC 3210 Evolution of Warfare
Credits: 3; four lecture hours.
The purpose of this course is to explore the form of warfare employed by great people in history in order to formulate the sense of historical flow or continuity in the evolution of warfare, to develop a basic sense of strategy, to demonstrate alternative military actions and to explore the impact of historical precedent on military thought and actions as practiced by the great leaders and military organizations.

NSC 4101L Naval Science Laboratory
Credits: 0; two hours per week.
Practical exercises dealing with the specifics of naval organizations and leadership.

NSC 4110 Leadership and Management
Credits: 2.
An introduction to the principles of naval administration, stressing the experimental approach to learning the principles of leadership and management. The student develops skills in the areas of communication, counseling, control, direction, leadership and management functions and responsibilities through active guided participation in naval-based case studies, experimental exercises and situational problems. Total quality leadership and professional responsibilities are included.

NSC 4120 Leadership and Ethics
Credits: 3.
A course designed to equip the NROTC student with the skills and abilities required for competence as a commissioned officer. This final capstone course in the NROTC curriculum builds upon and focuses the managerial, professional and ethical competencies developed during prior summer cruise training and naval science courses. Ethical philosophies and real-world situations are studied through classroom lectures, exercises and case studies. Naval personnel management, the administration of discipline and human resource management are additional areas of focus for this course.

NSC 4210 Amphibious Warfare
Credits: 3; four lecture hours.
A historical survey of the projection of seapower ashore. The course seeks to define the concept, explore its doctrinal origins, and trace its evolution as an element of naval policy during the twentieth century. The case study method is used alongside the theme of general historical continuity to develop an understanding of the relatively new and still maturing concept of amphibious warfare.

NSC 4905C Independent Study
Credits: 1 to 3; maximum 6 credits. Prereq: requires department approval.
Readings, assignments, student presentations and discussions on various topics of naval science.

General Education Categories

  • Composition (C)
  • Mathematical Sciences (M)
  • Humanities (H)
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences (S)
  • Physical (P) and Biological (B) Sciences
  • International and Diversity focus (I)

Symbols Used in Course Descriptions

  • (WR) indicates the course satisfies the writing requirement.
    The Schedule of Courses lists the amount of writing credit per course section.
  • (MR) indicates the course satisfies the math requirement.
  • †† indicates the course may be taken on an S-U basis.