2005-06 Undergraduate Catalog
Course Descriptions
ANT 4464 Culture and Aging
DEP 3053 Developmental Psychology
DEP 4404 Psychology of Aging
DEP 4930 Revolving Topics in Developmental Psychology
GEO 4431 Shelter and Care Options for U.S. Elderly
GEY 2010 Introduction to Gerontology
GEY 4001 Issues and Concepts in Gerontology
GEY 4905 Independent Study in Gerontology
GEY 4930 Special Topics in Gerontology
GEY 4949 Community Work in Aging
HSC 3574 Nutrition Education for Special Populations
LEI 3705 Leisure Services for People with Disabilities
LEI 3760 Leisure, Recreation and the Older Adult
LEI 4905 Variable Topics (Multidisciplinary Perspectives of Gerontology)
LEI 4905 Variable Topics (Health & Physical Aspects of Aging)
OTH 3201 Applied Human Development 2
OTH 4601C Theory and Application: Elders
PHT 3141 Lifespan Development
PSY 3912 Introduction to Research in Psychology
SYD 4021 Special Study: U.S. Population Issues and Families in Later Life
SYO 4400 Medical Sociology
SYP 4730 Sociology of Aging and Life Course
SYP 4731 Aging, Self and Society
SYP 4740 Sociology of Death and Survivorship
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
ANT 4464 Culture and Aging
Credits: 3. (S) (WR)
DEP 3053 Developmental Psychology
Credits: 3.
DEP 4404 Psychology of Aging
Credits: 3. (S)
DEP 4930 Revolving Topics in Developmental Psychology
Credits: 3.
GEO 4431 Shelter and Care Options for U.S. Elderly
Credits: 3.
GEY 2010 Introduction to Gerontology
Credits: 3.
Designed to provide a broad, general introduction to the aging process. Biological, psychosocial, health and applied issues are covered. Required for the minor. (I, S)
GEY 4001 Issues and Concepts in Gerontology
Credits: 3.
This multidisciplinary overview of the field of aging covers biomedical and health issues, psychosocial factors, applied aspects, and policy issues.
GEY 4905 Independent Study in Gerontology
Credits: 1 to 3††; Prereq: permission of instructor.
Qualified students and the instructor or supervisor concerned may choose a specific area of study related to aging. The student must submit a written report of the work.
GEY 4930 Special Topics in Gerontology
Credits: 3; can be repeated with change of content up to 12 credits.
Selected topics in Gerontology; precise course content will be announced in advance. Course provides an opportunity for in-depth study of topics not offered in other courses.
GEY 4949 Community Work in Aging
Credits: 1 to 3††; Prereq: permission of director.
Credit is earned through volunteer work with approved community agencies. These agencies serve older adult clientele or patients and provide a range of services. Students work 45 hours per semester credit earned. The following courses are approved for the minor in gerontology, many in association with other departments (courses vary). Special topics, practicum courses and independent studies related to aging can also apply to the minor, with permission.
HSC 3574 Nutrition Education for Special Populations
Credits: 3.
LEI 3705 Leisure Services for People with Disabilities
Credits: 3.
LEI 3760 Leisure, Recreation and the Older Adult
Credits: 3.
LEI 4905 Variable Topics (Multidisciplinary Perspectives of Gerontology)
Credits: 3.
LEI 4905 Variable Topics (Health & Physical Aspects of Aging)
Credits: 3.
OTH 3201 Applied Human Development 2
Credits: 2.
OTH 4601C Theory and Application: Elders
Credits: 2.
PHT 3141 Lifespan Development
Credits: 3.
PSY 3912 Introduction to Research in Psychology
Credits: 3††.
SYD 4021 Special Study: U.S. Population Issues and Families in Later Life
Credits: 3.
SYO 4400 Medical Sociology
Credits: 3.
SYP 4730 Sociology of Aging and Life Course
Credits: 3. (S, I)
SYP 4731 Aging, Self and Society
Credits: 3. (S, I)
SYP 4740 Sociology of Death and Survivorship
Credits: 3.
General Education Categories
- Composition (C)
- Mathematical Sciences (M)
- Humanities (H)
- Social and Behavioral Sciences (S)
- Physical (P) and Biological (B) Sciences
- International and Diversity focus (I)
Symbols Used in Course Descriptions
- (WR) indicates the course satisfies the writing requirement.
The Schedule of Courses lists the amount of writing credit per course section. - (MR) indicates the course satisfies the math requirement.
- †† indicates the course may be taken on an S-U basis.