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Office of the University Registrar

2005-06 Undergraduate Catalog

Course Descriptions

School of Forest Resources and Conservation

FNR 3131C Dendrology/Forest Plants
Credits: 4.
Provides students with a basic understanding of the classification, nomenclature, morphology, ecological relationships, associations and uses of the major forest tree and shrub species of North America.

FNR 3410C Natural Resource Sampling
Credits: 4; Prereq: STA 2023.
Basic concepts of sampling. Design of cost-effective sample surveys. Sampling methodology applicable to natural resources: simple random, stratified, systematic, multi-phase and multi-stage. Cluster sampling, ratio, regression and difference estimation. Line transects. Computer simulation of sampling methods. Intro to remote sensing, geographic information and global positioning systems.

FNR 4040C Natural Resource Communication
Credits: 3.
Study of the principles of effective communications in natural resources including audience, message, media, information sources and formats; provides for practical experiences with the development and applications of communication plans, including proven natural resource programs.

FNR 4070C Environmental Education Program Development
Credits: 3; Prereq: recommended EDG 2930 and/or WIS 5423; Coreq: FNR 4343L.
A comprehensive approach to program development, from needs assessment to evaluation, will be applied to non-formal environmental opportunities. Existing and developing programs will be analyzed, with emphasis on the role of participation and indicators in meeting environmental objectives. Required field trips to be scheduled.

FNR 4343 Forest Water Resources
Credits: 2; Prereq: SOS 3022 and SOS 3022L, or equivalent; Coreq: FNR 4343L.
Watershed hydrology, balances and models. Water quality parameters, processes and loading. Ecosystem and watershed functions. Watershed resources management.

FNR 4343L Forest Water Resources Lab
Credits: 1; Prereq: SOS 3022 and SOS 3022L; Coreq: FNR 4343.
Demonstrates principles and methods of measurement and analysis of selected water resource variables. Exercises in simulation models are used.

FNR 4623C Integrated Natural Resource Management
Credits: 3; Prereq: 4FY, 4AG-WIE, 4NE.
An integrative approach to the study of forest resource management for the production of multiple products, such as timber, recreation, wildlife, rangeland, etc., utilizing the case study approach.

FNR 4660C Natural Resource Policy and Administration
Credits: 3; Prereq: junior or senior standing.
Factors in evolution of forest, range, wildlife and related natural resources administration and policies in the United States; policy components; policy formation implementation, administration and change processes; introduction to criteria for evaluating effectiveness of policies and administration.

FOR 2662 Forests for the Future
Credits: 3.
Examination of current environmental issues that impact individual, community, and institutional decisions about North American forest resources. Each issue will be reviewed with a framework that uses human behavior, policy options, and media messages to understand the issues. Students will be expected to understand the issues. Students will be expected to understand key issues discussed and analyze the major social and ecological variables affecting each issue. (S)

FOR 3004 Forests, Conservation and People
Credits: 3.
A general background course for non-FRC students interested in management, use and conservation of forest resources. Topics include resource description, historical perspectives, current issues, forest biology and management principles. (B)

FOR 3153C Forest Ecology
Credits: 3.
Ecological principles and their application to the management of forests; major sections include tree population and forest community dynamics, and ecosystem processes. (B)

FOR 3162C Silviculture
Credits: 4; Prereq: FOR 3153C.
Principles governing establishment, treatment and control of forest stands; natural and artificial regeneration systems; intermediate cuttings and cultural operations.

FOR 3342C Tree Biology
Credits: 3; Prereq: BOT 2010C or BSC 2011C.
A study of tree structure and function with relationships to forest environments and forestry practices.

FOR 3434C Forest Resources Information Systems
Credits: 2.
Introduction to the concepts, principles and applications of geographic information systems, remote sensing, and global positioning systems, emphasizing applications in forest resource management.

FOR 3450C Forest Mensuration
Credits: 3; Prereq: FNR 3410C, or equivalent.
Forest resource measurements; log and tree content estimation; forest inventory techniques; stand growth and yield.

FOR 3622C Fire in Natural Resource Management
Credits: 2; Prereq: a course in ecology (e.g. FOR 3153C, PCB 3034C, PCB 4044C, or equivalent).
A detailed study of the role, occurrence, and function of wildland fires in natural ecosystems and the use of prescribed burning to simulate those functions. Key topics include factors that influence natural fires, effects of fires on the environment, management and control of wildfires, and the use of prescribed burning. Students will plan and conduct several prescribed burns.

FNR 3855 Agroforestry in the Southeast U.S.
Credits: 3.
Introduction to agroforestry in the southeastern U.S., with emphasis on practical application to landowners.

FOR 4060 International Forestry
Credits: 2; Prereq: 4FY or higher.
An overview of important international issues and developments related to forest resource use and tree management systems in a wide variety of contexts.

FOR 4090C Urban Forestry
Credits: 2; Prereq: 4 FY or higher.
Introduction to the nature, scope, and components of the urban forest, including biology, culture, and protection and aspects of management, planning and policy.

FOR 4165 Regional Silviculture
Credits: 2; Prereq: FOR 3162C, or equivalent.
A general survey of the significant biological, physical, and economic qualities of the major regions of the U.S. Emphasis on various silvicultural systems used in managing these forest types with respect to geographic differences in land use, market opportunities, species characteristics and economic conditions.

FOR 4541 Forest Economics
Credits: 3; Prereq: ECO 2023, or equivalent.
The economics of forestry and forest resources: private and public interests in both timber and non-timber forest outputs; concepts of externalities, conservation, efficiency and equity; techniques in valuation of forest resources; application of economic principles to issues in forest resources.

FOR 4621 Quantitative Forest Management
Credits: 3; Prereq: FOR 3162C or FOR 4541, or equivalent.
Principles of forest management; decision analysis; timber, nontimber and timberland valuation; management plans; forest regulation; harvest scheduling.

FOR 4624C Forest Health Management
Credits: 4; Prereq: 4 FY or higher.
An integrated, tree- and forest-oriented study of forest health emphasizing the ecological and economic roles of the biotic agents and abiotic factors that incite dysfunction and the biological and ecological basis for the maintenance of forest health through integrated management of these agents and the forest.

FOR 4664 Sustainable Ecotourism Development
Credits: 3.
An interdisciplinary and applicable study of the tools and techniques and managers and planners use to provide sustainable ecotourism opportunities in Florida and worldwide. Topics include integrating ecotourism with other resource uses, landscape level ecotourism planning, sustainable community development, minimizing and monitoring ecotourism impacts, and creating a diversity of ecotourism opportunities.

FOR 4754C Forest Operations and Wood Utilization
Credits: 3; Prereq: 4FY or higher.
An introduction to the various operations associated with maintaining, protecting and managing forests and forest products, including interactions with silvicultural systems, costs and environmental factors.

FOR 4854 Agroforestry
Credits: 3; Prereq: 4FY or 4AG.
Concepts and principles of agroforestry, including its complexity and diversity, improved agroforestry techniques in temperate and tropical zones, recent research problems and methodologies of agroforestry research, and the potentials of agroforestry in land management and development.

FOR 4905 Individual Study in Natural Resources
Credits: 1 to 4; can be repeated with change of topic up to 8 credits. Department controlled.
Individual study of a selected topic related to forest resources and conservation as contracted with the instructor at the start of the term.

FOR 4909 Honors Project
Credits: 1 to 6; Prereq: must be admitted to the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences' honors program; 3.5 GPA or greater.
A special project course restricted to students in the college's Honors Program. Students complete a project on a selected topic, issue or problem in research, teaching or extension. The project will be reviewed by at least two faculty members chosen by the honors coordinator. May be repeated for up to six credits.

FOR 4934 Topics in Natural Resources
Credits: 1 to 4; can be repeated with change in content up to 8 credits. Department controlled.
Topics in forestry, wood science, range, recreation, wildlife and fisheries. Topics include special issues and in-depth study of topics not in other courses.

FOR 4941 Internship in Natural Resources
Credits: 1 to 4††; can be repeated with change of experience up to 8 credits. Department controlled. Prereq: permission of undergraduate coordinator. Supervision by a faculty member and a post-internship report are required.

FOR 4943C Senior Practicum in Natural Resources
Credits: 1; Prereq: 4FY and permission.
Senior level forest management project including information gathering and analyses, plan development and oral presentation.

FOR 4944C Research Practicum in Forest Science
Credits: 3; Prereq: 4FY and permission.
Plan and conduct research under faculty supervision. Tailored for students desiring careers in forest science.

FOR 4949 Cooperative Education in Natural Resources
Credits: 1 to 3; can be repeated with change of work program up to 3 credits. Department controlled.
Practical co-op work experience in forest resources and conservation under approval of industrial, business, institutional or government agency supervisor.

SUR 2101C Geomatics
Credits: 3; Prereq: MAC 1147, MAC 2311 placement or equivalent.
Introduction to angle, distance and elevation measurement, as applied to engineering, boundary location, topography, forest management and construction. Covers error theory as well as horizontal and vertical curves.

SUR 2322C Project Development and Visualization
Credits: 3.
Two dimensional graphical methods of communicating and visualizing features of constructed projects. Involves boundary and topographical features, site modeling, site development, structures, drainage and foundations using computer aided drafting and design techniques.

SUR 3331 Photogrammetry
Credits: 2; Prereq: SUR 2101C or equivalent.
Fundamentals of photogrammetry, geometry of vertical and aerial photographs, stereoscopic parallax, geometry of tilted photographs, stereoplotter mapping, close-range photographic analysis, and an introduction to digital imagery.

SUR 3331L Photogrammetry Laboratory
Credits: 1; Coreq: SUR 3331.
Photographic printing, measurements of vertical aerial photographs, stereoscopic parallax measurement, stereoplotter mapping, project planning and close-range photogrammetric analysis.

SUR 3393 Geographic Information Systems
Credits: 2.
GIS concepts, surveying and mapping inputs in GIS development, comparison of GIS systems, applications in the natural and physical sciences, engineering, and planning.

SUR 3393L Geographic Information Systems Lab
Credits: 1; Coreq: SUR 3393.
Geographic information systems, image processing, remote sensing and digitizing.

SUR 3501 Geodetic and Control Surveying
Credits: 2; Prereq: SUR 2101C or equivalent.
Geodetic instrumentation, azimuth determination by astronomy, geodetic leveling, geodetic coordinate systems, and plane projections.

SUR 3501L Geodetic and Control Surveying Laboratory
Credits: 1; Coreq: SUR 3501.
Geodetic instrumentation, electronic data collector, deodetic astronomy, and coordinate conversions.

SUR 3520 Measurement Science
Credits: 3; Prereq: MAC 2233, STA 2023, and SUR 3641 or equivalents.
Theory of measurement errors, error propagation, variance and covariance, polynomial curve fitting, regression analysis, correlation and least squares adjustment.

SUR 3641 Survey Computations
Credits: 3; Prereq: SUR 2101C or equivalent.
The principles of geometry applied to surveying computations. Computer methods in surveying.

SUR 4201 Route Geometrics
Credits: 3; Prereq: SUR 2101C or equivalent.
Includes the geometric design of transportation systems, computer applications, and a comprehensive design project. Spiral curves, superelevation theory, and earthwork analysis are covered.

SUR 4201L Route Geometrics Laboratory
Credits: 1; Prereq: SUR 4201.
Comprehensive route design project, computer design and drafting methods.

SUR 4350C Photogrammetric Geometronics
Credits: 3; Prereq: SUR 3331 and SUR 3520, or equivalents.
Precise photogrammetric measurements, camera calibration, object space coordinate systems, analytical control extension, stereoplotter mapping, digital mapping, and softcopy stereoplotters.

SUR 4380 Remote Sensing
Credits: 3; Requires 4 FY – GEM classification.
Remote sensing systems, ground truthing, image classification systems, mapping applications, applications in plant and animal science, urban planning, engineering, geology, and integration into geographic information systems.

SUR 4403 Cadastral Principles
Credits: 3; Prereq: SUR 2101C or equivalent.
Cadastral systems, land boundaries, corners, and areas; writing land descriptions and identification of land parcels; legal principles of boundary survery, office and business practices; professional standing.

SUR 4430 Surveying and Mapping Practice
Credits: 3; Prereq: SUR 3520 and SUR 4403, or equivalents.
A study of land servery practice; the lot survey; the sectional survery; the water boundary survery; office and business practices; professional standing.

SUR 4463 Subdivision Design
Credits: 3; Prereq: SUR 2322C or equivalent; Coreq: SUR 4201.
Design a medium-sized subdivision, master plan development, physical development considerations, legal requirements, comprehensive project, mock presentation, and platting.

SUR 4530 Geodesy
Credits: 3; Prereq: SUR 2101C or equivalent.
Introduction to geomatic and physical geodesy, ellipsoids, geodetic lines, computation or position, gravity, and coordinate systems.

SUR 4531 Geodetic Positioning
Credits: 2; Prereq: SUR 3520.
Satellite geodesy, orbit parameters, GPS observation, vector analysis and networking.

SUR 4531L Geodetic Positioning Lab
Credits: 1; Coreq: SUR 4531.
GPS data collection, post-processing, network adjustment, analysis and report generation.

SUR 4905 Special Problems in Geomatics
Credits: 1-3.
Special problems or projects in the student's major field of study.

SUR 4912 Senior Project
Credits: 1; requires 4FY-GEM classification.
Laboratory, equipment, or literature investigations of surveying and mapping problems and concepts of current interest resulting in a written work.

SUR 4949 Co-op Work Experience
Credits: 1; requires FY-GEM classification.
Practical field experience of sufficient academic rigor.

General Education Categories

  • Composition (C)
  • Mathematical Sciences (M)
  • Humanities (H)
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences (S)
  • Physical (P) and Biological (B) Sciences
  • International and Diversity focus (I)

Symbols Used in Course Descriptions

  • (WR) indicates the course satisfies the writing requirement.
    The Schedule of Courses lists the amount of writing credit per course section.
  • (MR) indicates the course satisfies the math requirement.
  • †† indicates the course may be taken on an S-U basis.