2005-06 Undergraduate Catalog
Course Descriptions
The Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences conducts research, teaching and extension programs in four broad areas: (1) conservation and management of aquatic environments, (2) sustainable fisheries, (3) aquatic animal health, and (4) aquaculture. Department offers a minor.
FAS 2024 Global and Regional Perspectives in Fisheries
FAS 4202C Biology of Fishes
FAS 4305C Introduction to Fishery Science
FAS 4405C Principles of Aquaculture
FAS 4905 Individual Study
FAS 4909 Honors Project
FAS 4932 Topics in Fishery Aquatic Sciences
PLS 4613 Aquatic Weed Control
College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
The Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences conducts research, teaching and extension programs in four broad areas: (1) conservation and management of aquatic environments, (2) sustainable fisheries, (3) aquatic animal health, and (4) aquaculture. Department offers a minor.
FAS 2024 Global and Regional Perspectives in Fisheries
Credits: 3.
Fish biology, ecology and habitats relevant to fisheries on both a global and regional (Florida) scale. Follows the fisheries occurring from cold, mountain rivers to the depths of the oceans, with special topics (e.g., artificial reefs, fisheries bycatch, and aquaculture). Intended for non-science and science majors. (B)
FAS 4202C Biology of Fishes
Credits: 4; Prereq: BSC 2011 and BSC 2011L.
Course will focus on the general biology of fishes, with emphasis on trends in their evolution, integrative and sensory biology, physiology, feeding ecology, reproduction, growth, and population dynamics as they relate to fisheries.
FAS 4305C Introduction to Fishery Science
Credits: 3; Prereq: junior standing, or permission of instructor.
Principles of fish management in freshwater and marine systems. Includes field and laboratory techniques for aquatic habitat and fishery resource assessment, aquaculture practices and consideration of contemporary issues pertinent to sport and commercial uses of renewable fisheries resources.
FAS 4405C Principles of Aquaculture
Credits: 4; Prereq: BSC 2011 and BSC 2011L, or permission of instructor.
Culture methods of fish and shellfish, species selection, biological and environmental principles, case histories and future trends.
FAS 4905 Individual Study
Credits: 1 to 4; can be repeated with change of topic up to 8 credits; Prereq: permission of instructor.
Individual study of a selected topic in fisheries and aquatic sciences as contracted with the instructor at the start of the term.
FAS 4909 Honors Project
Credits: 1 to 6; Prereq: must be admitted to the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences' honors program; 3.5 GPA.
An individual special project course restricted to students in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Honors Program. Students will complete a project on a selected topic, issue, or problem. Projects may relate to research, teaching, or extension. The project will be reviewed by at least two faculty members chosen by the honors coordinator. May be repeated for up to six credits.
FAS 4932 Topics in Fishery Aquatic Sciences
Credits: 1 to 4; can be repeated with change of topic up to 8 credits; Prereq: permission of instructor.
Selected topics in fisheries biology, aquaculture and associated aquatic sciences not offered in other courses.
PLS 4613 Aquatic Weed Control
Credits: 3; Prereq: PCB 3033 or BOT 3503C.
Florida's aquatic weed problems and methods of chemical, biological, mechanical and physical weed control. Topics include plant biology/ecology, herbicide residue, lake reclamation, fish-plant interactions and laws regulating aquatic weed control.
General Education Categories
- Composition (C)
- Mathematical Sciences (M)
- Humanities (H)
- Social and Behavioral Sciences (S)
- Physical (P) and Biological (B) Sciences
- International and Diversity focus (I)
Symbols Used in Course Descriptions
- (WR) indicates the course satisfies the writing requirement.
The Schedule of Courses lists the amount of writing credit per course section. - (MR) indicates the course satisfies the math requirement.
- †† indicates the course may be taken on an S-U basis.