Education: Special Education

College of Education



V.I. Correa, Chair; Brownell, M.T.; Conroy, M.A.; Correa, V.I.; Dykes, M.K.; Forgnone, C. (Emeritus); Griffin, C.C.; Jones, H.A.; Kilgore, K.L.; Lane, H.B.; Mercer, C.D.; Reichard, C.L.; Repetto, J.B.; Ryndak, D.L.; Schwartz, S.E.; Sindelar, P.T.; Smith, S.W.; Wolking, W.D. (Emeritus).

EED 4011 Educational Aspects of Behavioral Problems in Children and Youth. F.

Credits: 3; Prereq: EMR or EDH Majors Only.

An analysis of the prevailing classification systems, etiologies, characteristics and identification procedures relating to behavioral disorders in children and youth. Consideration is given to the emerging trends in education of children and youth with behavior problems

EEX 2010 Exceptional People. F, S. SS.

Credits: 3.

Principles and practice for teaching exceptional children. Incidence, causes, diagnosis, agencies for referral and recommended teaching procedures for the exceptional children in public schools.

EEX 3312 Exceptional People in School and Society. F, S, SS.

Credits: 3.

Persons with disabilities and people from other diverse groups and the services they need from school and society for success. Consideration of the abilities, causes and educational implications. May not be taken in lieu of EDG 2701.

EEX 3011 Early Childhood Special Education. F.

Credits: 2.

Overview of issues, trends and practices in the education of infants, toddlers and preschoolers with disabilities (ages birth-three). The focus is on providing school-related professionals information on etiolog, the effects that disabilities have on learning and atypical development, and history and legislative issues in ECSE. Intervention with families and young children within a transdisciplinary model.

EEX 3062 Early Childhood Special Education Curriculum. S.

Credits: 3.

Content knowledge in developing and implementing individualized educational programs for the pre-kindergarten child with disabilities, including developmentally appropriate curriculum; methods, interventions strategies, teaming approaches, inclusion and mainstreaming issues; and approaches and techniques for serving the child and the family.

EEX 3070 Teachers and Learners in the Inclusive School. F, S, SS.

Credits: 2; Prereq: Junior or senior status.

Characteristics of, identification of, and teaching practices for exceptional children who are in the mainstream of education. Designed for general education majors, both elementary and secondary.

EEX 3220 Evaluation and Assessment of Students with Disabilities. F, S.

Credits: 2; Coreq: EEX 3220L; Prereq: EMR or EDH majors only.

Study of measures and procedures used in evaluating students in special education.

EEX 3220L Lab: Evaluation and Assessment of Students with Disabilities. F, S.

Credits: 2; Coreq: EEX 3220; Prereq: EMR or EDH majors only.

Test development, application of testing techniques, interpretation, and reporting of test results in the evaluation of special students.

EEX 3226 Assessment in Early Childhood Special Education. S.

Credits: 3.

Use of informal and formal evaluation techniques to develop individualized educational programs for young children with disabilities and individualized family support plans for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families. An emphasis is the implementation of a multidisciplinary team approach in the assessment of young children.

EEX 3601 Management Strategies for Students with Disabilities. S, SS.

Credits: 2; Coreq: EEX 3601L; Prereq: EMR or EDH majors only.

Techniques of classroom organization and management strategies with groups of exceptional students designed to enhance teacher effectiveness and pupil learning and prevent management problems.

EEX 3601L Lab: Management Strategies for Students with Disabilities. S, SS.

Credits: 2; Coreq: EEX 3601; Prereq: EMR or EDH majors only.

Practice in application of classroom management strategies in actual laboratory and classroom settings serving exceptional students.

EEX 3840 Integrated Teaching in Special Education. F.

Credits: 1 to 3; maximum of 6 credits. Prereq: EMR or EDH majors only.

Open only to majors in Special Education. Students are assigned to work with handicapped students in classrooms, agencies or institutions. Students are supervised and attend seminars relating to community and school services for handicapped persons.

EEX 4064 Educational Programming for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities. S.

Credits: 3.

This course provides an overview of issues, trends and best practices in the education of infants and toddlers who are at-risk or disabled (birth to three).

EEX 4241 Teaching Academic Skills to Students with Disabilities. F, SS.

Credits: 3; Prereq: EMR or EDH majors only.

Curriculum methods and materials for teaching basic skills to learning disabled children, youth, and adults.

EEX 4244L Direct Observation and Recording for Special Educators. F, S.

Credits: 2; Prereq: EMR or EDH majors only.

A laboratory of direct observation procedures. The production, management, and interpretation of data for instruction decisions.

EEX 4280 Secondary Education/Transition for Students with Disabilities. F.

Credits: 2; Coreq: EEX 4280L; Prereq: EMR or EDH majors only.

This non-categorical course is designed to introduce special educators to the career and vocational futures of mildly and severely handicapped youth. Career/ vocational content and basic skills of special students will be developed.

EEX 4280L Lab: Secondary Education/Transition for Students with Disabilities. F.

Credits: 1; Coreq: EEX 4280; Prereq: EMR or EDH majors only.

Observation of exceptional students in a variety of settings related to career and vocational education.

EEX 4754 Family Focused Involvement in Early Childhood Special Education. F.

Credits: 3

Professional skills in working with families of young children with disabilities, including understanding of family systems theory, assessing family strengths and needs, developing individual family support plans (IFSP) or individual educational plan (IEP), and enhancing communication and counseling skills. Understanding families from diverse cultures.

EEX 4790 Multicultural Issues in Early Childhood Special Education. S.

Credits: 3.

Cultural and linguistic diversity among young children with disabilities and their families.

EEX 4812 Practicum in Early Childhood Special Education. F.

Credits: 3.

Students will conduct informal assessments, will plan an intervention program, and will provide intervention to young children with disabilities.

EEX 4905 Individual Study. F, S, SS.

Credits: 1 to 4.

Open only to undergraduates who wish to study a problem in depth that relates to their preparation as special education teachers. The project must be approved and supervised by department faculty. GR-E†

EMR 3011 Introduction to Mental Retardation. F.

Credits: 3; Prereq: EMR or EDH majors only.

Educational, psychological, sociological and medical aspects of children and adolescents with varying degrees of retardation.

EMR 4330 Methods and Materials for Students with Moderate/Severe Retardation. S.

Credits: 3; Prereq: EMR or EDH majors only.

Course investigates the development and implementation of programs/curricula for moderately retarded students in the public schools, institutions, and privately operated schools and workshops, ages preschool through adolescence.

EPH 4033 Children and Youth with Multiple Disabilities. F.

Credits: 3; Prereq: EMR or EDH majors only.

Educational procedures, programming strategies, and curriculum development required for developmentally young children and youth with multiple impairments including physical, visual, auditory, medical and behavioral problems.